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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #66665

    Perhaps this plugin can help you out:

    Not quite what you need, but comes close. Or a hide topic option so people can hide their topic untill they want to publish it. Don’t know if there is such a publish plugin around though


    Has anyone considered working on a “save draft” feature for bbPress?

    I haven’t seen this with any other forum software, but it would be quite handy with a forum like mine, where many posts take people hours to write. You also often end up writing those posts over a number of days, meaning that you have to save the draft somewhere else.

    Saving the draft could happen either manually by pressing a “Save draft” button, and/or automatically like Gmail for instance does it. There should also be a way to delete old drafts. (In a perfect world, the system would automatically delete drafts older than X number of days.)

    The draft feature could perhaps also be used to preview one’s message.

    How difficult do you think it would be to implement a feature like this? I am not very familiar with writing plugins, so I’m not entirely sure if I can imagine the scope of a feature like this.

    I originally thought that one could make use of the post_status field in the bb_posts table, but it seems that the field in question is of the tinyint(1) type, therefore only allowing for two settings: 0 (published) or 1 (deleted).


    oops! Just spent ages upgrading my blog today to 2.6 which broke an afternoon’s work I spent a while back integrating with BB press 0.9. Thankfully the 1.0 Alpha release isn’t too far away :-)


    The problem is WordPress 2.6 re-used the existing cookie name but with a different format and calculation (and purpose). It was not the brightest design move on their part. Had they chosen a new cookie name, your idea would be valid.

    At the rate Sam and MDA are working, I suspect there will be a stable enough bbPress 1.0 alpha by the end of this month (which will work with – actually require – WordPress 2.6).

    A few other people have reported the profile bug. I will ask them to investigate.


    Sorry to be mildly off topic, but with regard to the cookie issue, is it not possible to create an interface cookie? Like a simple plugin that creates a cookie in WP 2.6 to interface with the BB cookie? Just as a quickfix?

    (as an aside, I signed up with a account and I can login here at bbpress, but when i try to view my profile, I get an error at a bbpress page. This error also occurs when I view my profile from I’m wondering if this is an integration bug as well)


    Using the same database is fine and actually the easiest way. You must be using the same user table.

    Follow the Integration 101 steps to make your cookies match.

    Make sure you are not using wordpress 2.6 which is incompatible with the cookies from bbPress 0.9


    Ok, i just fine this to show the WP Recent Post on BBpress

    I’ll try it now. Hope it works for somebody else.

    Still looking for how to get the Latest Discussions on all pages.


    In reply to: Language Instalation


    I’ve never done it myself but I believe you first have to put the translation file into bb-includes/languages directory.

    Then you go into bb-config.php` and change the BBLANG setting:

    define('BBLANG', 'es_ES');

    Here is more info:

    and the file:


    In reply to: Search???


    Unfortunately by some oversight, there is no directly link to the search feature on the default bbPress 0.9 templates (this is fixed in the next version – perhaps too prominently given how weak the built-in search is in bbPress).

    You can make a link to search.php yourself in the header.php or footer.php to have it on all pages.

    <a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>search.php">Search</a>

    Or you can make a mini-form that passes the field “search”

    <form action="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>search.php" method="get">
    <input name="search" id="search"></form>


    In reply to: Change Username Name?


    Version 1.0 of bbPress will have built in support for display names like WordPress. By some weird design bbPress has no mechanism to delete users so you just set it inactive and make a new user for now.


    why, when i click in a profile link, ocurrs this error message:

    User not found.

    Back to bbPress support forums.


    Can somebody help me with this??? I would like to show the latest discussions in a sidebar while I’m in a topic. Also I want to import my Recents Posts from WP to BBpress.

    GOD bless, Thanks…


    That’s what I call reverse integration and it definitely can be done but you are going to have to decide which user table you want to use – you cannot merge them. You’ll either have to use WordPress’s or bbPress. Then you can either rename the usertable or make very specific settings inside bb-config.php and wp-config.php to point to the new table.


    Daft question time… I’ve recently built a site based on WordPress 2.6 and want to launch soon, so BBPress integration is out of the question for now. However, I don’t want to use another forum system in it’s place.

    So… my question is, If I have a standalone BBPress installation now, is it easy to integrate it with my WordPress installation later on when BBPress gets upgraded or is it going to be a major hassle?

    Thanks all!


    I experimented a bit with setting up the wp/bbpress integration over the weekend. I can’t get back to it for the next few days but something’s gone awry I need to fix asap. I’m thinking I must have altered something in the wp configuration because since then when we try to access the wp main blog page, the home page we’ve set up comes up instead. I checked the wp-config.php against a previous version and there’s no difference there. Can anybody suggest any other files/settings I may have changed while going through the integration setup that could have an effect on wordpress like this?


    dpeeples – I don’t think it matters. I put it right after the secret key line and it worked fine.


    I just now got this working! The solution is posted at

    Quite simply, turn 1and1 hosting has MultiViews on by default and it must be turned off in .htaccess with:

    Options -MultiViews

    Then add the /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php mod_rewrite AFTER the Options -MultiViews.

    That was too simple to take this long to resolve.


    In fact, I get an error of “username does not exist” and am troubled.

    The upshot was the same even if I returned it to WordPress 2.5.1_ja.

    When can keep inputting an arbitrary account name by installation of ‘bbpress’; database error “ bbPress database error:

    I become・・・・

    [Table ‘databasename.bb_posts’ doesn’t exist “, and installation cannot be completed.]

    An installation procedure is bad or is that it is a bug of BBpress0.9.0.2 the problem of the server side?

    I want to take a possible cause investigation and measures.

    Thanking you in advance

    Erica S

    If there’s nothing on your forum yet, then just do a clean install. You have to rename the folder before you install it.


    Currently, I’m using myBB on my website ( Is it possible to switch over the current database to BBpress?


    I did exactly the same thing and pffft. So I had to rename it back from forum to bbpress on (for now!) until I can get it to work at (hopefully soon)


    Ok. I got an error when looking for the config file because I did not have an .htacess file in the root. So I manually uploaded the config.php file and now it seems to be working without the .htacess file.


    Same problem. No luck here.

    MySQL 4.0.23

    PHP 4.4



    OK, I’m not sure this is the right place for this but here goes.

    I’ve already set up my site. My home page is a wordpress blog that is integrated with bbpress. The bulk of the site is plain html pages. I find that when I pull a post out of wp and put it in a streamlined html page google does a better job of picking adds that match the content and I get more clicks on advertising. Now the question/problem. I want to keep the comments at the bottom of each post after I’ve moved it over to html. They are still there in bbpress and I can place a link to the forum, but I would much prefer to have the comments visible at the bottom of each post. If this is going to be too much work for someone literate in html, semi-literate in php and illiterate in css, then is there someone that can and will write a hack for it?


    i followed your instructions as well as i could but got a messed up page after inserting the

    $bb->uri = ‘;

    portion in the config code.

    Where exactly should it go?

    thanks much for the help.

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