What I did was, followed this guide here:
Reference links:
I login to my domain with START > RUN > CMD >
plink mydomain.net
-will give your user and ask for passphrase.. enter passphrase.. hit enter
-it will give you server prompt thingy.. I type and hit enter: ls
-will show you what’s on your domain’s root, then type and hit enter: cd public_html (which changes you to the public_html directory)
-then I type and hit enter: ls
(will show me everything in the public_html directory..)
-then type and hit enter: cd forums (changes you to the forums directory folder)
-then I type and hit enter: ls (shows me everything in forums/ folder)
-then I run this line command:
svn co http://svn.automattic.com/bbpress/trunk/ .
Only thing is though, if you already have folders/files in there, you’ll have to delete everything EXCEPT the my-templates/, my-plugins/ .htaccess, any special plugin files outside the my-plugins folder, and config.php files. Before running the SVN CO line command..
I also tried doing this:
svn co http://svn.automattic.com/bbpress/trunk/ . –force
Which should FORCE file overwrites within that directory, however, it won’t work on a svn checkout… Not sure why though, but.. if you follow basically what I said above, you should be ok… 
You should be good to go then… I hope this helps.. Good luck!