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  • #68907

    In reply to: WPMU integration


    What is a “blog and post counter”?

    If it’s a plugin, it might be easier to just adapt it to bbPress rather than load WPMU into the bbPress config, if that’s the only function you need.


    Hm, turns out I still have trouble accessing admin panel in bbpress. Straange, I tested it with login via both bbpress and wp the last time, however now, it doesn’t seem to work. :/

    Regarding the setup, i followed Deadpan’s setup down to the very last line, except that i kept the hash in

    $bb->logged_in_cookie = ‘wordpress_logged_in_ikeptthishashin’;


    @Jon: Curious. There is a difference between my setup and yours.

    I have bbPress in a separate db but share the wp user tables…you?


    In reply to: reCAPTCHA for bbPress


    dchest don’t worry about the double submission, mdawaffe will figure it out when he gets a chance to check the requests (he does it about once a week)

    You don’t have to post the whole readme in there. In fact anything you put there is only seen by mdawaffe and then it gets replaced automatically when you upload a readme.txt file.

    update: well that was fast, he just added you to the svn


    btw, I’m using


    In reply to: reCAPTCHA for bbPress


    This is something I’ve wanted for the forum I admin. I’ll be trying this out. Thanks.


    Hello everybody – I’m having a formatting issue with bbpress and IE7. You can see an example of what my problem is here –

    In FF, naturally, everything works fine, but IE7 puts the username and status underneath/inside/within the topic post. I’m using a stripped down (even further) version of the 1col_fixed


    I’ve searched the forum here and can’t find anyone else with this problem. My fear is that it’s a IE7 CSS problem….



    Topic: reCAPTCHA for bbPress

    in forum Plugins

    I wrote a plugin to add reCAPTCHA to user registration page. (It’s inspired by _ck_’s Human Test.)

    I’ve submitted request to add it to the plugin repository, however 1) the submission form didn’t have any feedback, so I ended up with two identical requests, 2) I didn’t realize you have to put the whole readme.txt to description field of this form. Could someone fix this, and write at least a few sentences describing the submission process?

    Anyway, you can download it from

    IMPORTANT: You must get an API key from the reCAPTCHA project to use it. See readme.txt.

    Tested under 1.0-alpha1, may not work with previous versions on some PHP deployments.

    See how it works here:

    Comments and code review are welcome!


    @jonkristian and klarko:

    Are you using bbPress 1.0.2a?

    Jon, are you using WP2.6x? I see that klarko is using wpmu.


    Topic: WPMU integration

    in forum Showcase

    Almost finished!

    I think everything works right with the integration. Was too scared to load the whole wpmu into bbpress so I modified a theme to look like my MU home theme.

    One thing I have to figure out is how to get that blog and post counter I use on MU to show in bbpress. Is there any other way other than loading mu into the config file?


    can anyone help?

    after the script runs, isn’t there an sql file that’s supposed to be generated from the old board & saved into a /tmp/ folder?


    I like this idea. Would it be possible to force bbPress login/logout through WordPress too? That way all “membership” functions would be treated consistently.


    -1 The script starts with <?php and finishes with ?>

    0 Change lines 1 and 2 with you user, host, password and database name

    1 Save to file filename.php

    2 Upload to your forum directory

    3 Start it. For example – open


    You could easily turn this into a more standardized script by starting the code with require('./bb-load.php'); to load the bbPress code and check user authorization, and then if (!bb_current_user_can(administrate)) {exit;}

    The mysql_query( would become $bbdb->query( and you’d have to do a global $bbdb; once at the top too. Just for completeness you might want to look at some of the functions in bb-do-counts.php in bb-admin.

    Actually it would be fairly easy to turn it into a full blown plugin for the admin menu.


    Thank you very much, Deadpan.

    I’m integrated with cookies now ..but

    When I click the Admin link in bbpress it just reloads the page. It doesn’t take me to the admin area.

    Edit: Seems to be happening both ways. If i log into WPMU first and go the bbpress, the admin link just reloads the page. If login to bbpress first, the admin link works but I’m forced to login again if I try to access wp-admin


    It might be possible to create the MediaWiki cookie from the bbPress side and visa versa.

    From the mediawiki side, you could do something as simple as

    wp_set_auth_cookie( (int) $user_id,0 );

    Which will create the bbPress cookie. Where $user_id is the user’s bbPress id. Since you are using the same user table, it should be available?



    I’ll try this way for next time, in the meantime I ended using PhpMyAdmin to delete post and tipic with status=1

    I hope this fucntionality will make its way in the core because it can become a real problem.

    I had a problematic user, I first deleted all his messages (deleted, but not really deleted as BBPress don’t really delete) then I deleted his account.

    A few hours later he recreated his accoun and suddently all supposedly deleted messages appeared with “anonymous” has author…. very strange.

    Using phpMyAdmin the problem is gone :)

    How to use your script ?

    Thanks again


    The bbPress I’m using is on 0.83… upgrading to on a test server, and then testing the integration with WordPress and Mediawiki.

    Once everything is looking good, we’ll migrate the live site to use bbPress Then I’ll install this plugin – excited!

    Yah Mediawiki is tricky stuff. The worst part is that the cookies don’t truly integrate! I used a plugin to get both software reading off of the same bbPress users table… so that works. But you have to re-sign in manually as you click from the blog/boards to the wiki… alas.

    Will keep you posted on the plugin!!


    ok update as ive been messing with thing maybe too much.

    if i include the wp-blog-header.php to use WP functions i am never recognized as logged in on BB side even though using the bb form gets me logged in on wp side. everything redirects me to the forum homepage when trying to go to admin or profile. weird.

    with the include not there I can login and be shown logged in on bbpress side, but i cannot logout! omg it doesnt end. maybe its because i have had 5 hours of sleep the past two nights but any help on this would rock!


    Im integrating my second wp and bb site and this time around it seems there are some easier steps only I cant get this setup to work. I can login to the WP side fine. But when i login from bb side it just redirects to the forum homepage. It will login the person on the wp side but not let them do a thing on the bb side.

    I dont have admin access until wipe out the theme and clear the cookies. its very strange.

    I followed all steps correctly in the writeup. any help would be much appreciated.

    here is what my bb-config file looks like


    // ** MySQL settings ** //

    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘db’); // The name of the database

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘user’); // Your MySQL username

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘pswd’); // …and password

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change these last few

    define(‘BBDB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’); // If you are *upgrading*, and your old bb-config.php does

    define(‘BBDB_COLLATE’, ”); // not have these two contstants in them, DO NOT define them

    // If you are installing for the first time, leave them here

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    // Change BB_SECRET_KEY to a unique phrase. You won’t have to remember it later,

    // so make it long and complicated. You can visit

    // to get a phrase generated for you, or just make something up.

    // If you are integrating logins with WordPress, you will need to match the value

    // of the “SECRET_KEY” in the WordPress file wp-config.php

    define(‘BB_SECRET_KEY’, ‘secretkeydotcom’); // Change this to a unique phrase.

    // If you are running multiple bbPress installations in a single database,

    // you will probably want to change this.

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    // Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the

    // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.

    // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BB_LANG to ‘de’

    // to enable German language support.

    define(‘BB_LANG’, ”);

    /* Stop editing */

    if ( !defined(‘BB_PATH’) )

    define(‘BB_PATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );

    require_once( BB_PATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;;

    // that’s your WordPress URL, not bbPress

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;;

    // almost always the same as siteurl unless you tinker

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    // should almost always be wp_ unless you tinkered

    $bb->user_bbdb_name = ‘db’;

    // this is the MYSQL database name for *WordPress*

    // you can copy it right out of WordPress !

    $bb->user_bbdb_user = ‘user’;

    // this is the MYSQL user name for *WordPress*

    // you can copy it right out of WordPress !

    $bb->user_bbdb_password = ‘pswd’;

    // this is the MYSQL password for *WordPress*

    // you can copy it right out of WordPress !

    $bb->user_bbdb_host = ‘localhost’;

    // 99.9% of the time it’s going to be localhost, unless you are on DreamHost or some other weird ISP

    $bb->custom_user_table = ‘wp_users’;

    // 99.9% of the time it’s going to be wp_users

    $bb->custom_user_meta_table = ‘wp_usermeta’;

    // 99.9% of the time it’s going to be wp_usermeta

    $bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_randomnumbers’;

    // in theory you should be able to leave this out

    // but this is going to be copied from WordPress cookie

    // this *must* match the WordPress setting

    // do NOT use the 1234567 part, use your own cookiehash from WordPress – see the note at the very bottom

    $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    // note the leading DOT – this is important

    // this *must* match the WordPress setting

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    // I *highly* recommend you set the cookie path to /

    // this *must* match the WordPress setting

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ‘/’;

    // I *highly* recommend you set the cookie path to /

    // this *must* match the WordPress setting

    //tried this – doesnt work with or without…ugh

    $bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser_randomnumbers’;

    $bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass_randomnumbers’;


    You want Forum Categories.

    It’s built in on 1.0

    If you are using 0.9 you need this plugin:


    I have installed BBpress on my website and everything is working good.

    But I want to have several divisions in the forum. On this forum ( there is one division called “Main Theme”. I want to have more than one “Main Theme”, and I also want to change the name on these divions.

    Is this possible? And how do I fix this?

    /Martin, Sweden


    Replying to myself: I installed on our live site and didn’t have the same problems, by copying the files onto a root with a non-bbpress name, and several levels down; maybe just a local server problem. I think the lesson is: install really basic, and play. Make up your mind what everything is going to be called and where it will go, and then start all over fresh.

    At least now we don’t see bb-press named folders except in admin. But I agree, it would be neater to have all the bb-press functional stuff in a common place, called by as many installations as required, but I guess there is a single database / table registration in there.

    Pretty neat though; I like it. Only problem is IE 6 messes it up in places (positioning, not showing all user tags etc.)


    Unfortunately there’s little bbPress documentation right for developers. It’s very much like WordPress however, just different hooks (do_action, do_filter).

    There’s no official list of functions but some people have generated xrefs for it, example:


    I keep a database reference here:

    but it’s a little out of date for 1.0 alpha

    To upload your plugin into the extend area, first you have to request a “slot” under Extend->add your plugin

    Then you’ll get an email when it’s approved in a few days (mdawaffe is distracted these days, it can take 1-5 days on average) Then you need to learn how to use SVN to upload your files into the system.

    The steps are the same as for WordPress and here’s a good guide:

    only the svn url is different

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