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Allowing New Users to pick their own passwords

  • I have been getting reports that registrants on my bbpress forum aren’t receiving their auto-generated password emails from my server.

    I’ve read a few threads on this forum that suggest workarounds. But I’m more interested in allowing my users to set their own passwords.

    There’s a neat WordPress plugin that does exactly what I want:

    I don’t even need the email confirmation/validation code part. I just want users to be able to specify their own passwords. If bot registrations become a problem, I’d just install a captcha plugin.

    Can someone adapt that code into a bbpress plugin that allows for user-defined passwords? I’d be glad to pay $100 to anyone who can deliver a working plugin! Plus I’d be eternally grateful and would have no objections to open sourcing any code that came out of this.

    Please let me know!

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  • @johnhiler

    Sir, that is a brilliant idea and one that is of great interest to me as well.

    Half of my forum members have ‘Never’ logged on so I surveyed them as I have their email address. In a sample of 100 surveys sent, 28 replied –

    * 17 couldn’t recall receiving an email

    * 7 couldn’t remember why they didn’t complete registering

    * 4 said the password provided in the email wasn’t inviting

    I think the current registration functionality is fine for a hobby forum but once you start paying for traffic, you will never receive an optimum return on investment.

    Any takers on developing this project as a freelance project? From what I’ve read, it has to be done as a core hack – that’s fine with me.

    I’m open to higher bids to develop this project – $500 sound reasonable? I don’t know what the going rate is, and am willing to negotiate.

    Just let me know.



    I have found a developer that can do this for us at a reasonable price.

    It will be done as a plugin with no changes to core files. Will include double password entry for vertification, captcha resolution and outbound welcome email containing username and user selected password.

    Please contact me admin (at) and we can get it figured out. It could potentially be tested and road ready in a couple of days.



    I suggested they change this in the core long ago and let the user choose passwords while sending only an activation link via email.

    If you don’t need them to verify via a link in the email this could be written in an hour as a plugin. The code for password entry with re-entry verification can be lifted from the 1.0 alpha source.

    I do recommend you use my Human Test plugin however.



    I now have this working as a plugin and will make it available later today. I expect donations from both of you considering the small fortunes you were willing to pay an outsider ;-)

    _ck_ – I have always been a fan of your fantastic plugins. Just let me know the best way to pay you (Paypal?), and I’ll send $500 asap.

    Thanks so much,




    Don’t send $500, that’s crazy. Well unless that’s a single day of your adsense or something, lol. Donate here.

    Make sure you install the Human Test plugin with it.

    Ran into a little trouble installing it… I’ll upgrade my bbpress version this weekend!

    It’s a little tricky since we’ve integrated our bbPress with a WordPress and a MediaWiki installation… plus dozens of bbPRess plugins. But we’ll get it working soon, and I’ll send that donation off!



    It should work with both 0.9 and 1.0, what kind of trouble were you having?

    MediaWiki is tricky indeed. I looked at installing it for a minute and gave up another minute later.

    The bbPress I’m using is on 0.83… upgrading to on a test server, and then testing the integration with WordPress and Mediawiki.

    Once everything is looking good, we’ll migrate the live site to use bbPress Then I’ll install this plugin – excited!

    Yah Mediawiki is tricky stuff. The worst part is that the cookies don’t truly integrate! I used a plugin to get both software reading off of the same bbPress users table… so that works. But you have to re-sign in manually as you click from the blog/boards to the wiki… alas.

    Will keep you posted on the plugin!!



    It might be possible to create the MediaWiki cookie from the bbPress side and visa versa.

    From the mediawiki side, you could do something as simple as

    wp_set_auth_cookie( (int) $user_id,0 );

    Which will create the bbPress cookie. Where $user_id is the user’s bbPress id. Since you are using the same user table, it should be available?

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