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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #69956

    1&1 shared hosting:

    PHP4: average 0.241

    PHP5: average 0.215

    1&1 root server:

    PHP5: average 0.129

    Another 1&1 root server:

    PHP5: average 0.118

    My 2 year old desktop (local SATA drive, 1GB RAM):

    PHP5: average 0.265


    I actually realized that I have a problem when using wordpress searcher after deep integration because it doesn’t work if you are browsing bbpress.

    I have wp searcher in the wp header and I load this header into bbpress. Whenever you try to search while being in bbpress yo get a 404 error because the link of the search is this one;



    Is there any plugin or anyway that allows wordpress searcher search bbpress topics?

    I saw CK super-search plugin but it seems it is only for bbpress :(


    I believe that it was something funky with the database…

    I decided to start fresh and reinstall BBpress, and it seems to be working.


    I just checked and I can reproduce that error logged in as Key Master when I go to edit their profile.

    If someone registers via WordPress, all the roles show up as:

    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/ on line 2021

    Below that, under ‘Allow this user to …’ I get this

    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/jorjafox/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 2036

    It’s not pulling the data correctly, since if I manually set them to Member, it works fine. Previously on 1.0alpha1 and alpha2, when I had users on bb with ‘no’ role, I could re-apply the WordPress Role link up (just click save) and magically everyone was fixed.


    Huh. Awesome script, _ck_, you’re a goddess.

    Server 1 (my personal site) – average of 0.81909894943 seconds

    Server 2 (my busy site) – average of 1.08337402344 seconds

    These are on identical Apache servers (actually, server 2 has more memory, but the specs are the same for the servers). Same version of Apache, PHP, SQL etc. Server 2, however, is always slow and pegging the CPU. Even when I turn off WordPress (which my isp blamed at one point) I’m hammering the hell out of the poor box.


    The only plugins that are running are:

    Akismet 1.0

    BBXF Export 0.1 alpha

    and I’ve tried deactivating them both…

    in the WordPress install the only plugins that I have related to the BBpress install are:

    BBPress Integration 1.0-alpha-4.1

    BBpress Latest Discussions 0.9

    I don’t think the WordPress ones would have any effect on it?

    Sam Bauers


    Are you editing that users profile as them or as a keymaster?

    What is supposed to happen (once the role map is set) is that the user will receive a bbPress role if they either login, or visit the site with a valid cookie.

    Sam Bauers

    I’d like to see some feedback on my experimental NFS detector below.

    Be sure to chmod 777 it after you upload or it won’t work.

    Delete after you are finished with it for security.

    Dreamhost takes over 7 seconds, sometimes more.

    My apache servers with local storage take less than one second.

    My Windows XP with XAMPP takes 12 seconds (old slow IDE drives)

    Experimental NFS detector - upload this file to server and chmod 777
    Script should take less than one second to run.
    If it takes more than one second, then it's likely NFS (or Windows or a bad configuration)
    Any error means the time is unreliable as the script has failed.
    error_reporting(E_ALL); $file=__FILE__; $time=strtok(microtime(),' ')+strtok('');
    for ($i=0; $i<=9999; $i++) {if (touch($file)) {clearstatcache(); filemtime($file);} else {break;}}
    echo ((strtok(microtime(),' ')+strtok(''))-$time)." seconds";


    yes, that is normal. but i just wonder why the same card couldn’t be used to renew but to buy new hosting? and she did tell them to hold her acc by email.


    Vannak if acc. is expired is only a trouble of your friend. I’ve also a Godaddy hosting, and about 4 months before expiring, GD sens periodically via mail a reminder… So charging for recovery data (in consequence of your forgots) in my opinion is normal.


    I can’t seem to find the link to the WordPress integration plug in anymore. Sam, where did it go lol!


    Well, the best little part about installing bbPress in a sub directory, is that in WordPress if you’re using the pretty permalinks and make a “Forums” page, the slug will be “forums” and when clicked it will just route the users right to the forums instead of to the WP page. :)


    >> bbPress installed in a sub-directory of WordPress

    That’s almost cheating, it’s too easy ;-)

    You should do it off a different directory from the webroot.

    But good idea in general, someone did this awhile back with 0.8 (and then stuffed a bunch of ads in it).

    Justin Tadlock

    The biggest issue I’m having with this version and the latest version of the WP/BB Integration plugin is that the user roles aren’t being carried over to bbPress when a user registers in WordPress.

    They always end up with no role set.

    This is the error when editing the user’s profile when no role is set:

    <select name="role">
    <option value="keymaster"<br />
    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />

    >Key Master</option>
    <option value="administrator"<br />
    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />
    <option value="moderator"<br />

    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />
    <option value="member"<br />
    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />

    <option value="inactive"<br />
    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />
    <option value="blocked"<br />

    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />

    Aside from this, everything else has been working great for me.


    hi _ck_ i’m using bbpress 0.9.2. yes i’ll do that homework as soon as i have new hosting. one more thing, there was no resolution at all from godaddy.

    Talking about this, it reminds me about what godaddy did to my friend 6 months ago. her hosting acc was completely expired and everything lost. when she asked for the backup godaddy charged from her 170$US.

    The problem that her acc expired is that godaddy failed to automatically renew the acc. and even she did it manually but still could not. she and i thought that it was a problem with Visa card. i suggested her send an email to godaddy not to delete her acc as she had problem with her card. she also was subscribing new card.

    After getting new card, she did the renew again but still failed. finally, the hosting expired.

    Then she tried to buy new hosting by using the same card. yes, she succeeded. Strange? anyway, it was her fault that she didn’t do the back up.


    Yes. What was I thinking?!? Unlike php.ini, the value can be specified in an optional bbPress configuration field (visible if SMTP is in use?) and set from a script, handling shared hosting environments as well.

    Elegant solution. No plugin required.


    In reply to: Get Current Forum ID?


    What version bbPress are you using?


    How did you try to integrate them? I ask because if you have wp_head calls in your bbpress files, it may be causing this sort of wackiness.



    – Thanks! I had tried bblive, it never pulled correctly when integration wasn’t working… i’ll give both your ideas a shot with my test integration of 2.7 and alpha 4.

    i am also using bbsync with my 2.5.1 to send posts to bbpress as topics… I want to do this and disable comments for easier moderation. I know it doesn’t work with 2.6 or 2.7. Anyone know of other ideas to send posts to bbpress as topics? Thanks!!


    If you want to integrate the forum with wordpress latest version, you have two options; bbpress and simple-forum plugin.

    If you need a stand-alone forum I’d go for phpbb3. It has everything that a forum should have.


    i hope a working “preview post” feature is an integral part of 1.0 :/


    hi there,

    i’ve got a Wp2.7 blog (that i’ve unsuccessfully attempted to integrate with BBpress – not a problem right now, i can wait for this to come) working with a BBpress Alpha 4 forum install.

    As I thought, everything was working fine, however, i’ve noticed now that the content isn’t being displayed! The titles are coming up, the topic pages are coming up, but they have no contents.

    Any help with this would be very helpful.


    Try using the magnificent _ck_’s unread post plugin. Works for me. I made my unread posts darker and bold in the topic list, and when you click on them, they rocket you to the most recent unread post.

    Note: Unread is NOT the same as undead…

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