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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #4469

    You might want to create a static page outside of your bbPress installation that still uses the matching header and footer you have in bbPress. Well it’s very easy.

    Make yourself a directory above bbPress with any name you’d like, let’s say “/about/”

    In “/about/” make an index.php with this content:

    require('../forums/bb-load.php'); // change /forums/ to your actual forum path

    function about_css() { // put any custom CSS you want in here
    echo '<style>
    img {border:0;}

    <h3 class="bbcrumb"><a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>"><?php bb_option('name'); ?></a> &raquo; About</h3>


    Your "about" text goes here!

    <?php include(bb_get_active_theme_uri()."/footer.php"); ?>


    Using deep integration, if you load the WordPress search box into the header of bbPress, you can still search WordPress alone if you use something like

    <form id="searchform" method="get" action="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>">

    This way the search form is using the WordPress root directory as it’s destination rather than trying to redirect to a bbPress file.

    As far as a unified search solution, the problem there really then becomes which engine do you use to display the results, WP or BBP? Either way it requires a plug-in on that relative side of the equation. It’s certainly possible, but you’re only making 50% of your audience happy at that point, because the other 50% will want it the other way.


    There is another search plugin for bbPress that appends a WordPress search to the bbPress search.

    I will eventually add wordpress searching to super-search, I just ran out of time/interest.


    vannak, 10 seconds is very bad (the time is independent of where you access it from)

    chrishajer, something’s not right there, Windows must think you don’t have access rights to write to the directory. Whatever Windows’s equal to chmod has to be done.

    According to the chmod in php actually does do something on some windows setups.

    So try replacing this line, like so:

    $file=dirname(__FILE__)."/test.txt"; $h=fopen($file, "wb"); fclose($h); chmod($file, 0777 );

    Sam Bauers

    Just found out that entities behave really strangely in bbPress. For some reason the standard behaviour is to take unencoded entities and encode them when editing a post.


    Sounds like it’s on NFS.


    Hi _ck_ i did what you told already. and the fastest one is 9.9959759712219 seconds (in Cambodia). what do u think about it?



    I needed to change the /test.txt to \test.txt, but even once that was done, I get this error (prior to this, the filename and path were not right):

    Warning: file_put_contents(D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytesttest.txt) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytestdefault.php on line 9

    Warning: touch() [function.touch]: Unable to create file D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytesttest.txt because Permission denied in D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytestdefault.php on line 11

    0.00028681755065918 seconds



    The issue with roles has actually been since I remember integration starting with 2.7/1.0 series. It’s basically because there is no role set and no role map set for the bbPress side of it.

    This issue should only occur if the user registers via WordPress. If they register via bbPress, it shouldn’t happen…

    …I think…


    Vbulletin makes me want to cry, regularly. I used to use Invision (someone else paid for it) but their templating system made every upgrade a two day project. SMF similarly, though the code is much easier. That ain’t saying much :/

    Not that I think bbPress is perfect. If I had to pick anything but bbPress, I’d do SMF.


    Make a directory called test, go in there and put this version of the script in there:

    Experimental NFS detector - upload this file to server and chmod 777
    Script should take less than one second to run.
    If it takes more than one second, then it's likely NFS (or Windows or a bad configuration)
    Any error means the time is unreliable as the script has failed.
    $file=dirname(__FILE__)."/test.txt"; file_put_contents($file,'');
    $time=strtok(microtime(),' ')+strtok('');
    for ($i=0; $i<=9999; $i++) {if (touch($file)) {clearstatcache(); filemtime($file);} else {break;}}
    echo ((strtok(microtime(),' ')+strtok(''))-$time)." seconds";


    Great, integration is working!

    Turns out i had a configuration problem, entirely my own fault.


    On a Windows server (GoDaddy) there isn’t such a thing as 777 permissions is there? It looks like 777 in my FTP client anyway, even though they’re not shown as such.

    I get this error there:

    Warning: touch() [function.touch]: Utime failed: Permission denied in D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddynfs.php on line 9
    0.00044894218444824 seconds

    This is a GoDaddy Windows hosting account.



    i’d like to add an extra register button to the frontpage of bbpress, i tried the following code, but i had no luck (not to mention that my php knowledge is more than just basic)

    <?php if ($user->user_exists != 0) : ?>
    <li id="register_now"><a href="register.php" class="pagelink">Join Now</a></li>
    <?php endif; ?>

    thanks a bunch


    Well we don’t need to pinpoint exactly the server configuration as the timing will never be exactly the same twice on the same machine. But it will be within a very close range. What we are looking for are times that are way beyond one second.

    I’ll do some more digging over the weekend against some of the more popular hosts.

    I want to see it run on godaddy though. That will be interesting. I’m sure I can find a good discount coupon code to get the first month very cheap so I’ll give that a go if so.


    The two things I had a problem with were the auth cookies (I had to repaste it all it) and the cookie_domain

    I set, on both BB and WP, my cookie_domain to and it started working.

    Huda Toriq

    Hi. I still don’t quite familiar with bbPress custom query system. Is there a simple way to pull the latest topics from only specific forums? In WP we can pull posts from several categories using comma separated category IDs in the query. Can bbPress do that?

    And if there is, is it possible to pull it from WordPress using bbPress_Live php class in bbpress-live plugin?

    Thank you in advance.


    Hello all,

    I’m integrating WPMu 2.7 trunk, bbPress 1.0 alpha 4 and the latest BuddyPress Combo. I got everything up and running fine, and bbPress is reading the wp_users table and updating the users once they login to the WPMu account as members (I used the roles plugin recommended here, thank you).

    The only issue I have remaining is that WPMu and bbPress are not sharing cookies, so when you log into the WPMu homepage, you are not automatically logged into bbPress, but you can login and out of each independently without an issue.

    I installed Sam Bauer’s plugin for integration, and included the necessary details in the wp-config file, I’m also mirroring the unique values I have in my wp-config file in my bbPress config file. My bbPress config file looks like so:

    define( ‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_AUTH_SALT’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );

    define( ‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘my_unique_key_is here’ );


    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    All these values exactly match what I have in my wp-config file, but still no shared cookie love. Anyone have any idea what might be wrong here?—or am I just pushing too soon with the WPMu trunk and bbPress 1.0 alpha?


    Turns out mine aren’t the same (exactly).

    Server 1

    Operating system 	Linux
    Kernel Version 2.6.9-55.0.9.ELsmp
    Apache version 1.3.41 (Unix)
    PERL version 5.8.8
    PHP version 5.2.4
    MySQL version 5.0.67-community

    Server 2

    Operating system 	Linux
    Kernel Version 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp
    Apache version 1.3.37 (Unix)
    PERL version 5.8.8
    PHP version 5.2.1
    MySQL version 5.0.51a-community


    They could find someone else to run it.

    Or some hosts have a free trial period (though that is less and less thanks to spammers).

    Your linux desktop is why it is so fast.

    So my theory is right, under 1 second is excellent, around 1 second is good.

    Anything much higher is suspect.

    But I need more NFS candidates, will have to see if I have access on some of these old servers.

    Let’s see if I can run it on NearlyFreeSpeech.

    Aha! They are NFS. 13.26 seconds

    For those that get an error even when the file is chmod 777, you’ll have to create a testing directory and move the file into there. Then chmod 777 the directory and change the first line to

    error_reporting(E_ALL); $file=dirname(__FILE__)."/test.txt"; file_put_contents($file,''); $time=strtok(microtime(),' ')+strtok('');


    Great integration, I like the clean look!


    _ck_ the desktop is Linux. I think it’s Kubuntu.

    On the root server at 1&1, let’s see:

    The 0.129 result is this: 1&1 Root Server II (not available any more, it’s an old account)

    The 0.118 result is this: 1&1 Business I Server

    Their VPS offerings are something else. Not really sure what these are.

    I just checked another 1&1 account I manage, another Business I Server, I got 0.199 for the first result and a consistent 0.165 for the next 10 in a row.

    Hope that helps.

    I think it would be cool if you extended into a host evaluation tool. But how would someone run it on the host before they have an account there?


    Thanks for the feedback Ipstenu and Chris!

    When you say “1&1 root server” is that a dedicated or vps or something like that?

    Interesting your desktop is very fast compared to mine, is it Windows or Linux? If it’s Windows, is it NTFS or FAT32? I wonder what my windows bottleneck is, or maybe basically it just doesn’t cache the filetables on FAT32.

    I should enhance that code to show if the server is in safemode or not and what functions are disabled in PHP. Could be a handy tool for evaluating potential hosts.


    Just installed bbpress. Seems to be working fine on basic level. But I can’t find any administrative controls over registrations, stickies, other goodies. Am I supposed to install some plugins, or am I missing some files?


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