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  • christopherh

    Hi all,

    I want to create one bbPress forum using 2 different languages. Without using any plugin I think I can achieve this by these steps:

    (1) Prepare the directories <WebRoot>/bbpress/US and <WebRoot>/bbpress/FR

    (2) put the files in the US directory first.

    (3) Start the installation using http://localhost/bbpress/US

    (4) All tables are installed as usual. Forum can operate in full

    (5) copy all the files under /US directory to /FR directory

    (6) change the /FR/bb-config.php

    define(‘BB_LANG’, ”); to become define(‘BB_LANG’, ‘fr’);

    (7) clone the database table bb_topicmeta to bb_topicmeta2

    (8) change the uri value in bb_topicmeta2 to http://localhost/bbpress/FR

    (9) change the table name reference for table bb_topicmeta to bb_topicmeta2 under /FR

    Under this installation any user can go to http://localhost/bbpress/US for forum in English; or http://localhost/bbpress/FR in French. However, all the post content, tag, user profile are the same.

    Okay…I’m looking up and down and still unable to do step (9). I cna only figure out the table names are defined in file /bb-includes/db.php. I made the change

    var $tables = array( ….’topicmeta’…) to var $tables = array( ….’topicmeta2’…)

    but it did not really change the table name reference.

    So all bbPress guru…is my approach incorrect or I actually go the wrong way ? Any help is welcome. Thanks !!!


    I integrated it in my site by editing the bbpress template.

    Looks like this now

    Requires some basic css/html knowledge or puzzling skills though…

    No idea if I could actually integrate the sidebars as well, but thats not really important to me.


    I fixed it, turns out i had not updated my config file from my wordpress upgrade so i was using an old config file, when changing i just edited the file and added the secret key setting and it seems to be working great with 0.9


    After doing some reading I am going to assume someone is going to tell me to use the alpha 6 version of bbpress? Would it be wise for me to do the whole setup from scratch, re-uploading wordpress and then testing bbpress again?


    Hello I have installed bbpress and gone for full integration however had some issues, first the wp-config files had some lines changed and all of a sudden some code appeared on the home page. I have fixed that however my home page is no longer being used and it just directs to the blog straight away. another more important problem i am having is that i have completely lost access to the wp-admin area. i can view the login page and after that all disappears!


    successfully installed bbpress on my wordpress 2.7

    Is their anyway to have the forum actually be within the site so everything is together instead of having its own theme?

    Burt Adsit

    This is to clear up this issue. Frankly I had forgotten about this post after solving the problem. Whoops. Sorry.

    I was trying to fire up xmlrpc access from wpmu to bbpress. Your bbpress_live plugin wasn’t working. buddypress’s group forums weren’t working. Surprise, it uses the bbpress_live classes.

    Turns out the wp http api lib uses the curl lib as the default transport mechanism. It goes out and gets the requested url using curl by default if it’s installed. It’s installed everywhere and on everything except my kitchen toaster. So, curl resolves ip addresses by first looking at your /etc/hosts file. Then it goes to dns for resolution.

    The /etc/hosts file and linux are happy with hosts defaulting to for I live in apache all day long and don’t care what’s in my hosts file. I should have. :)

    Changed /etc/hosts to have the actual ip address to my domain and xmlrpc, bbpress_live, buddypress and the rest of the universe are happy.

    Thanks for the quick response Sam!


    synchronization between wordpress and bbpress is OK! However bbpress not recognize me more as a super administrator! I do not know how can I become super administrator ……

    thank you


    In reply to: bbSync


    I spoke too soon. My private message plugin turns up a 404 page now.


    I think this is because the server is using PHP4. I believe you need PHP5 for that to work in that release. It’s been fixed in the latest trunk.


    Offer hosting for the images for your members so you stop them from hotlinking.



    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but if you check out, the links for the feeds from WordPress seem to point exactly where they should.

    The only problem that I had personally was using wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); in my wordpress functions.php file. I replaced it with

    if (!defined('BB_PATH')) {

    And all is well again.


    When I try to install bbPress I see infinite times this message

    Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /web/htdocs/ on line 113

    Anyway, I completed my installation. But what I try to get my forum, I see again the first page to install it…

    Any ideas?


    That only works for FireFox, fernandot :)

    Basically the urls are (assuming your bbpress is in a folder called ‘forums’ and you’re using pretty permalinks) – All posts – All topics


    I risked the upgrade because I got sick of having to manually set the roles everytime someone registered. It works perfectly now. Seems like the plugins dont cause any problem either, and I use quite some of them.

    Little problems I encountered during installation:

    • The trunk files from the backpress linked in this topic were incomplete ( Had to download the official download link on this website.
    • I used the upgrade guide on this website. But I also deleted my htaccess files following those steps. As a result I couldn’t go to any link without getting a 404 and I had no idea what caused this. Luckily I read something about permanent urls in the backend and having to edit the htaccess, so I managed to fix it pretty fast (considering I know very little about programming and stuff).
    • I had the same cookie problem as SteveDrum. It sufficied to open both the wp-config and bb-config and just copy the auth keys from wp-config to bb-config. In the backend it seems like they were filled in, but they weren’t. The installation / upgrade didnt ask for them either.

    Besides that everything looks great! :] thank you.

    Sam Bauers

    When you load WordPress inside bbPress, it is detected and all WordPress filters are cleared, including default filters. This means that most of what wp_head() usually does won’t happen. It’s the wrong thing to do in any case as the wrong RSS and XML-RPC links will get inserted for a start.

    Having said that, using a plugin in bbPress you can easily add filters back in to wp_head().

    Fernando Tellado

    That RSS you demand is integrated in bbPress. In your browser navigation bar, if you click to the RSS icon it shows you the list with the two RSS feeds availables. One is for latest topics and other one is for latest messages in all topics. If you see my forum ( ) I’ve added two links to both in the sidebar (redirected to feedburner as you can see). ;)


    Hi there,

    Does anybody know of any script that will import data from snitz forums to bbpress? My forums are currently on snitz but I would like to migrate to bbpress on the next phase of my new website.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you very much!


    This is not specific to BBpress but you may be able to help out (i do use bbpress!)

    Users of my site are hotlinking images in threads, perfectly acceptable behaviour.

    However, occasionally the site where the image is coming from is using replacement images – usually porn. The user doesn’t know what has happened because the correct image is stored in their cache.

    Is there a way to stop this from happening and check if the image shown corresponds to the image being linked to and if not supply our own replacement?



    bbPress 中文讨论区




    Well, I think that with 1.0a6 it works, because I’m using it with deep integration and it seems to be working just fine. The order that they’re loaded in could be an issue however, as I’ve experienced some issues that I haven’t been able to troubleshoot effectively yet.


    cleared my cookies… checked i had that plugin working on wordpress…. but it still messes up.

    it’s only on that one example though. it works alright with all the other variations

    i looked at the cookies as i went through it.

    i start with no cookies.

    when i log in to wordpress i get quite a few cookies… two of which start with the phrase “wordpress_logged_in”

    when i log out of bbpress, only one of these cookies disappears. which is presumably why i stay logged in to wordpress.

    can i ask, should there really be two cookies called that? or should there just be one. it seems that wordpress is creating two cookies for everything, one for itself and one for bbpress

    Burt Adsit

    Howdy, it’s my understanding that when integrating like that the wp actions and filters are no longer valid. wp_head() just calls do_action(‘wp_head’). If there’s nothing hooked up to ‘wp_head’ any more, nothing happens.

    Could be.


    Hello !

    I see that anyone can access the favourites by reading the RSS feed of a member, okay the link isn’t displayed, but anyone can access to */rss/profile/{USERNAME} .

    I think it will be better if BBPress requires a unique key to be sent as an argument to identify the user and prevent others from reading his feed, so it will be like */rss/profile/{USERNAME}?key={THEKEY} or something similar .

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