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  • #70232
    Brad Williams

    Was a ticket ever created for this? The problem still exists in alpha 6 on Windows servers. I couldn’t find a ticket so I’ll probably just create a new one


    Topic: Adding Theme Pages

    in forum Themes

    I have bbPress up and running and have heavily modified a theme to change the front page, and forum pages. Here is my hierarchy:

    Front Page – displays only the top level forums (Parent), but also display sub forums descriptions (Group), then the sub forums of each group (Child) are listed and linked. Looks really cool and is exactly what we need for a project I am working on. I have modified the forum.php to check what type of forum it is (Parent, Group, Child) and load the correct file.

    Now, I would like to have a “Hot Topics” page where any item set as “sticky to the top” will list just like they would normally list on the standard home page. Is there a way to set bbpress to load a non-standard file, so like /bbpress/hot-topics.php, which is actually the original forum.php

    Hope that hasn’t confused anyone. I have looked around at all the bbPress code to find a hook, action or filter for this, but can’t seem to find it. Thanks.



    I use bbPress-alpha-6 and WP2.7 with the “bbPress Integration” plugin. I’ve configured both plugin and bbPress in order to get a full integration, but I can’t be connected in both sites at the same time. I tried modifying bb-config.php file and copying the wp-config.php LOGGED_IN_KEY and AUTH_KEY strings to bb-config.php, and then I could be connected in both sites, but I couldn’t go to the bbPress’ admin.

    Any idea? Maybe I’ll get a full integration if I use Backpress, as suggested ganzua?


    Of course things will break when you use the alpha (which you failed to mention).

    I’ve updated it to 0.0.2 to deal with the mess in bbPress 1.0


    Topic: No table prefix?

    in forum Installation

    Im installing bbpress, the newest alpha, and integrating it with wordpress 2.7

    After installation (goes smoothly) i go to the main page, and it says

    You must specify a table prefix in your bb-config.php file.

    When i go into my config file, i see the prefix defined as bb_….

    What am i doing wrong?



    I’m of the ‘better safe than sorry’ variety of nerd.

    By ‘changing your password’ I mean all of ’em.

    your ftp password

    your cpanel password (if they’re not the same)

    your email password (ditto)

    your SQL db password to that DB

    your WordPress/bbPress password

    anything else you use on this site

    Yeah, pain in the ass. But again, safer vs sorrier. This all could be one colossal typo of yours that you forgot, or what have you. But if you’re worried it was a hack, then you do what needs doing to stop it cold turkey.


    I ran into the same problem.

    When you enable integration, there are a couple of rows that are created in the bbp_topicsmeta table, including wp_siteurl, wp_home, and wp_table_prefix.

    After deleting these rows, I was able to log back into my bbPress forum.


    You will have to excuse my ignorance but I have no idea what that means.

    I just use normal ftp to edit the site, I am guessing sftp is secure ftp but would that really matter as I am only uploading files with it…once they are live is when they get hacked is that not right?

    Clear text passwords?

    You mean on the database? I just use whatever default settings bbpress operates with.

    Sorry for all of the questions, I am investigating this on my own as well so I dont nag you guys too much.

    Also not sure what ssh is.


    In reply to: Import/Export Work


    Also, in general, bbPress, WordPress, most modern forums and modern blogging platforms use a database to store the data for the site. There are files on the filesystem as well, but in addition to those, there is almost always data stored in a database. In anything other than a simple static site (and with systems that use flat files rather than a database for data storage) you’ll find that there is almost always a database involved.

    You’ll see on this page that there are some flat file systems, no database required, but most forums and content management systems and blogging platforms use a database back-end for storage:


    In reply to: Import/Export Work


    If you’re doing this for a client, I think you should get some assistance to make sure it goes well.

    The database lives on a host that the client is (probably) paying for right now, maybe his web host. They probably have a control panel and in there some sort of tool for managing a database. Depending on the tool, there should be a way to export or dump the database. Once you have that file saved locally on your computer, you can go about using a similar tool on your host, in reverse though, for import instead of export. That takes care of the database.

    Then you need to grab all the bbPress files off their web host, and transfer those to your web host.

    If you’re not changing domain names, just hosting, then you need only worry about DNS, not modifying any of the settings for the site (other than database connection details: those will certainly be different on your server.)

    Also, in general, don’t forget about any email addresses they might have created at the old web host. You’ll need to recreate those on your server. That’s got nothing to do with bbPress, but I almost always forget to do that, and then remember it later.

    Good luck.


    To me, this would be the single most important bbPress feature imaginable. Facebook, not OpenID.


    In reply to: Import/Export Work


    not sure if this is the right place for this question.

    My client needs to have his bbpress forums moved from one server to mine. I am unfamiliar with bbpress (for now). Can I simply download all the files from the current host and upload to the new? Providing that the new has adequate server requirements?


    In reply to: Import/Export Work


    Bump this topic. Are there any tools for migrating from, say, MSN Groups into BBpress, and preserving the old content?


    That’s the thing, I have no idea which one was changed, all I got was the error and then I noticed that the table and the table that bbpress was looking for were named differently.

    I guess it is almost impossible to figure out what happened when I don’t know which was changed.

    I am guessing that if someone was tampering with it that it would be easier to tamper with the config file than the actual database?


    It says, in plain English, “If the file wp-blog-header.php exists in a directory one level up, include it, otherwise, look one MORE level up, and include that.” If it’s in neither place, it won’t be included. The reason for including it is so you have access to WordPress functions in bbPress (functions like get_header(), get_footer(), get_sidebar()).


    I have no clue whether this will help you, and I guess not. But who knows.

    I was also stuck with a stubborn refusal of the installer to progress beyond the very first page (zero). No error message, no nothing. Just would not advance.

    After removing all stuff and retrying, and failing again, and making all kinds of increasingly desperate Unix file permission changes, I suddenly remembered that I had just installed MySQL for the first time (I am a PostgreSQL guy). Although the server and client work perfectly, I didn’t install the PHP5 libraries for it! Duh..

    $ sudo apt-get install php5-mysql

    $ sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 reload

    et voila…

    Hint to bbPress developers: add that silly check for the MySQL PHP lib… easily done, and another problem solved.



    thanks gerikg. what does the

    $bb->WP_BB = true;

    if (file_exists(‘../wp-blog-header.php’))



    if (file_exists(‘../../wp-blog-header.php’))


    after <?php tag.



    It’s a bit late for it, but you could have checked the ‘last edited’ timestamp on that file.

    As is, check your bbPress (and WP if integrated) for any users with weird access levels. See if anything else is weird. Change your passwords, too.


    I never found the source of the problem, but was able to find a solution.

    I used the Manage -> Recount function in the BBPress interface and recalculated all parameters. After doing this, things appeared to work.

    Perhaps this function should be called whenever there is a database upgrade.


    I don’t know php, or plan to learn it in the foreseeable future.

    I’m trying to learn XHTML, CSS, Dreamweaver, and WordPress and finally bbpress.

    Is there ANY way to make this whole thing easier? Even just an easy way to change the header image and a few colours?

    I seriously thought I could just use SMF for my forum. It has all the features already built in, it looks easy enough to manage. I’m at the end of my rope here… I just need a quick solution and to get on with using it. If I find the right “overall” theme, is it easy enough to just change the header say?


    That’s an interesting proposal. I’ll be honest and say I have no experience using any database in a multilanguage situation, but with that being said, how does a database store information in multiple languages, and can bbPress even do something like this? Would certain forums display RTL if necessary? It’s kind of a neat idea really.


    It’s really not worth the effort and you shouldn’t hack the core.

    Just disable them entirely for the fastest possible page loads.

    There are plenty of other areas of bbPress you will need to spend that kind of valuable time on.


    Right now there is only one person working on the bbPress core and I wouldn’t go distracting him with stuff like this when there is plenty of far more serious work to be done.

    I get lost. What does Sam have to do with all of this? The one who is going to produce the plugin for himself is the one that is interested in the plugin.

    Tom Lynch

    I have recently migrated my entire phpBB over to bbPress and now want to move the bbPress users into wordpress mu so I can use wordpress integration the problem was that there is no easy way to migrate and check the users aren’t doubling up…

    I wrote a simple php script to do just that and it allowed me to list out the users where manual attention is required, it can be run just from the command line like this…. ‘php -f file.php’ and will move the users over perfectly (at least for me)…

    Note there has been no testing of this code it worked for me and may cause you issues, back up your database first!

    Comments on the code appreciated for future improvement.


    echo “n”;

    echo “+


    echo “| bbPress to WordPress User Migration |n”;

    echo “+


    echo “| Created by: |n”;

    echo “| Tom Lynch |n”;

    echo “+


    echo “n”;

    echo “Messages:n”;

    echo “n”;

    echo “Username Messagen”;

    echo ”


    function printSpaces($username) {

    $spaces = 25 – strlen($username);

    echo $username;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $spaces+1; $i++) {

    echo ” “;



    // Enter your database host, username and password here…

    mysql_connect(‘localhost’, ‘username’, ‘password’);

    // Enter your database name here (both tables must be in same database – sorry)


    $migrated = 0;

    $errors = 0;

    $query = mysql_query(“SELECT user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_registered, user_status, display_name FROM bb_users WHERE user_pass LIKE ‘$P$B%’;”);

    while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {

    $query2 = mysql_query(“SELECT user_login, user_email FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘”.$data.”‘ || user_email = ‘”.$data.”‘;”);

    if (mysql_num_rows($query2) > 0) {

    $data2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2);

    if ($data == $data2 && $data == $data2) {

    // Suppressing already migrated users error

    //echo printSpaces($data) . ” has already been migrated by the looks of it!n”;

    } else if ($data == $data2) {

    echo printSpaces($data) . ” could not be migrated, that user name is already taken! (“.$data.”)n”;


    } else if ($data == $data2) {

    echo printSpaces($data) . ” could not be migrated, that email address is already taken! (“.$data.”)n”;



    } else {

    mysql_query(“INSERT INTO wp_users (user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_registered, user_status, display_name) VALUES (‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘);”);

    // Suppressing user migrated message

    //echo $data . ” was migratedn”;




    $alreadyDone = ((mysql_num_rows($query) – $errors) – $migrated);

    echo “n”;

    echo “Stats:n”;

    echo “n”;

    echo “Users Migrated: ” . $migrated . “n”;

    echo “Already Migrated: ” . $alreadyDone . “n”;

    echo “Not Migrated: ” . $errors . “n”;

    echo “=======================================n”;

    echo “Total: ” . mysql_num_rows($query) . “n”;

    echo “n”;



    In reply to: How long?


    thanks for the reply guys…

    I really like this Version 1 and I done some theme work on this as well… thats Why I was & I am waiting for the Version 1 to be released…

    Most of the plug-ins DO work with V1 alpha so far (at-least the once i want).. anyway… Let me wait for may be another month (till Mid Feb) or i will go with 0.9.x

    PS: I;m Looking to start a New forum and I’m already using the Latest WordPress. I want this forum to be Integrated so that From specified Forum i can list the topics in WordPress site as well.. sort of merging wordpress into bbPress (My Idea is to keep one Forum hidden only can accessed by Mods & Admins who can post Topics and it will be Listed in the wordpress front end… sort of!)..

    Thanks again for the replies…

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