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  • #71671

    Hmm. Okay, we need some people with translations on bbPress (alone, no WP/WPMU integration) to give us their results. This could just be the bbPress translation, or it may be due to the integration, but until we test it both ways, it’s hard to say. I don’t use a translation so I can’t really poke around that for you :(


    honnestly, i think at this time, there are not many people using wpmu+buddy+bb !

    And most of them (as i read on several forums) encounters basic difficulties to simply translate the pot file of one or the other…

    I translated each of them as a first step

    Integrated them as second step

    In third step, WPMU translation is ok and works 100%

    buddypress is ok – 100%, too

    but bbpress, hum, 30%


    I am having (probably) the same problem as techlover. I can integrate the user database and user accounts work in both WordPress and bbPress. I can even allow people to register in either since they both use the same user database.

    However, I have to login / out of each one seperately. That’s almost what I want. I integrated with the same versions mentioned above and it went farily smooth. Now, I would just like the login cookies to log me in and out of both sites.

    Yikes, really sorry if I offended anyone above. I haven’t looked into the project so much that I’m aware of the employment/progress etc. and was honestly just delighted to find ck’s post as it thoroughly explained everything I was looking for.


    I expected such an answer, Ipstenu !

    I already use the french translation, and as i said, it is not working correctly, not working at all. :-)

    And i use it because i’m the author of the file you mentionned me.

    The admin panel of bb is in french, the public side absolutely not. On the buddy forum, this appears to be a bbpress question, and here it is a buddy question.


    As end user, I only know that something is not working well between forum and buddy.

    Show here by yourselve:


    Hi !

    I’m the admin of the french buddypress demo site. I encounter some difficulties with translating bbpress into french.

    It seems as bbpress runs with WPMU+buddyPress, the translation is not working correctly. Probably due to cookie session mistake or something like this…

    While .mo file is installed in /forum/my-languages directory, many lines are translated by the WPMU .mo file instead of bp’s one.

    So, in my case, I need bp completely translated in french, not half showing in english.

    Any idea of what is happening ? Thank

    ganzua – While documenting the unstable may appear useful, it’s a stone cold mother to realize, six months later, that all your work was for nothing, because things were re-written. In order to discourage burnout, never have the tech writers start until you have it baked.


    In reply to: Let ask again …

    I have BBpress running on one site too, but I really want it to become as good as WordPress, because BBpress already rocks (even though it’s in Alpha)! I just want to say, keep up the good work!


    I wonder if anyone can help, I have set up a bbPress forum within my WP installation. I have user accounts synced as described and have had good success pulling in topics into my WP homepage, and customising the theme.

    I wondered if someone could point me in the right direction for my main problem though. I would like each new post that is made in WordPress to be copied and started also as a new topic in the bbPress forum. Going further than this, having WP comments act as replies to the bbPress topic would be great, but in the first instance I really just need a post to be duplicated as a new topic in bbPress.

    Many thanks in advance.


    You can’t document something until it’s in a stable state.

    we could call it “document of the unstable” XD I have a suggestion for chapter two; a juicy thread on producing custom loops.

    I am on the verge of writing something about my experience of creating a bbPress plugin as a set of guideposts for others to make use of

    I’m pretty sure your guide will be very welcome ;-)


    In reply to: Let ask again …


    oh came on, everybody knows there is only one developer working on this project, you can’t demand so much. I’m very glad with what has been done so far. I have a wp-bbpress integration running again and it is thanks to Sam, so the only word I can say is thanks.

    I guess this thread should be addressed right to Automattic; “hey Matt, we love bbpress, send more resources here”.


    In reply to: Let ask again …


    I encourage both of you to adopt one of the many other forum programs.

    There is no timetable for bbPress, Sam works on it at his own schedule.

    If you are in a rush, there are plenty of other options.

    It’s done when it’s done. You shouldn’t be using the alpha on a live site.

    The next alpha will break many plugins because of the change to an internal rewrite engine so don’t count on using it unless you don’t use any of my plugins.


    Super noobie to bbpress, and currently setting up an install for a client at:

    Got most things working to a point where I am semi happy with to start with, but having a couple of problems that need help with.

    1. When logging out of a topic or forum page, I get taken to a default page. Would like to get back to the forum landing page – any ideas how to do that?
    2. Same as point 1 when using Terms of Service plugin and tick box not ticked. Looks like all error pages use the same template – can this be changed?
    3. Client wants a private, locked down forum, and needs to ask more questions at registration time. Is it just a process of adding fields to the form and database? Which file should I be editing?

    These would set me well on the way to appeasing the client.

    Thanks in advance for any help!




    What part isn’t working?

    If you login to bbPress, what happens on WordPress? What happens when you log out?

    Please be descriptive. “It doesn’t work” is near impossible to debug :) (I spent my day arguing that there is a difference between ‘The page gave me a 404 error’ and ‘your webserver is broken!’ and the latter was nearly useless to me)


    You can either use this wp plugin;

    or you can follow the guidelines provided here;

    Here’s how to show bbPress info inside WordPress without full integration

    sorry for the triple post! I have no idea what happened

    triple-response available upon request if needed ;-)


    Having profile pages indexed, doesn’t that devaluate once’s website/forum rankings?

    Oops, this is quite interesting, does anybody have a “SEO friendly” robots.txt for bbpress? Any suggestion on what should be disallowed?


    Hey everyone. Right now I’ve got a WP installation and a bbPress installation, each in their own directories. I also have a second WP installation in my root directory, with a custom template. I’d like to get the 5 or whatever most recent forum posts to display on the index page.

    Anyone know how to accomplish this as painlessly as possible?


    Hey everyone. Right now I’ve got a WP installation and a bbPress installation, each in their own directories. I also have a second WP installation in my root directory, with a custom template. I’d like to get the 5 or whatever most recent forum posts to display on the index page.

    Anyone know how to accomplish this as painlessly as possible?

    Jamie Welch

    I am using WPMU 2.7 and bbpress 1.0- alpha. I cannot get cookie integration to work. any suggestions?


    In reply to: Let ask again …


    johnjamesjacoby – This is my second attempt. First time His Majesty didn’t answer me. Next time I will ask Matt.

    Or may be Wikipedia :D


    You wrote

    WordPress didn’t have decent documentation until many years after it was around, don’t expect bbPress to be any different

    I am on the verge of writing something about my experience of creating a bbPress plugin as a set of guideposts for others to make use of. Not sure how much it would count as “documentation” so much as a quick-start to get someone rolling.


    You can’t document something until it’s in a stable state.

    bbPress 1.0 is twice the size of bbPress 0.9 and constantly changing, even in the alpha.

    Database functions have been mostly the same except the entire meta changed.

    But the fundamentals are identical to how WordPress works so you can use the WP codex for that.

    Oh and WordPress didn’t have decent documentation until many years after it was around, don’t expect bbPress to be any different. Unless someone volunteers for free, Matt is unlikely to waste paid employee time on documentation.


    In reply to: Adding Theme Pages


    So am I to assume there is no way to add pages to bbPress? Oly the default pages can be used? Darn, might have to look for something else. :(


    I am working on a project where I will use bbPress in a large corporate environment and styling it very differently then a standard forum. Sorry, I can’t show it to you because it is part of our Intranet. I have the front end layed out almost exactly as I want it and presented the prototype to our CIO. He likes the front end, but did not like the back end (admin) area.

    The problem is that he manage forums page is not very intuitive to the non-technical person. Because we will have non-technical people managing the forums, I need to change how the manage forums page looks, without editing core code if possible. I will also be adding links in the front end to those people who have access to manage a given forum to edit the forum details.

    This leads to the second part. Each forum is supposed to have a short intro, long intro and an associated photo. Are there any plugins that add fields and/or photos to a forum, or will I need to write that? I have searched here but haven’t found any yet. The less code I have to right the better, just need to know where to start this process.



    Are you working for Automattic, Sam? Is it your job bbpress developing? I’m asking because of

    2. There are 18 open bugs –!1.5&type=defect&order=priority
    3. 5 days there are NOT any code uploads –

Viewing 25 results - 53,026 through 53,050 (of 64,087 total)
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