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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • _ck_

    Several month ago, Google started showing special meta data in search results for popular forums like vBulletin and phpBB, like how many posts in a topic, the last date of the last post, etc.

    Unfortunately since every forum type is different, younger forum types were left out, including bbPress. I tried to find the right person to contact at Google to help them add bbPress, but to no avail.

    However I was very pleased to notice tonight that Google is suddenly showing meta info for sites using bbPress forums!

    Here is a search example:

    Here is a highlighted snapshot in case you have no idea what I am taking about:

    It’s only working on a handful of sites using bbPress at the moment but hopefully that will grow and this is a very good sign.


    There was a post along these lines recently but I can’t seem to find it. It was by sambauers, and this is close but I don’t think this was it. Maybe read this whole thread?


    There was a similar bug report posted – the earlier response might be helpful… or maybe the original poster might let you know if they ever found a solution?

    This might also do the trick (although it’s a bit kludgy):

    There’s a plugin that allows anonymous posting, but all users are marked as with “anonymous”:

    _ck_ wrote a cool plugin that lets you “add additional fields to posts like Name/Email/Website for anonymous users via Post Meta plugin”:

    I don’t know how thoroughly it’s been tested, but if you are willing to run alpha software – it might be worth a shot!


    I will try this soon and let you know. Thanks!


    I hate to bring this up again, but do to the lack of documentation for bbPress, I have to. I know the approach I’m taking will use more server resources and that most bbPress people tell you not to do it, but whatever.

    I’m shooting for 100% seamless integration, with the same exact sidebar as the rest of my WP pages that updates with the rest of the site.

    WordPress 2.7 is installed in / on my server, while bbpress 1.0-alpha is installed in /bbpress.

    I added the following to/bbpress/bb-config.php:


    Then I replaced bb_get_header() with get_header() in the theme files, so my WordPress header loads just as expected, BUT wp_head does not execute, so most of the styling for my template is not loaded.

    At what point does wp_head fail or get canceled? I tried this exact same thing with the stable version of bbPress, and wp_head executed fine, but I couldn’t log in (it logged into WordPress instead, weird?).


    In reply to: hidden forum


    You can download and install the plugin here!

    Installation instructions are here:


    Yes, that is what my plugin attempts to do.

    You would set your regular bbPress url as HTTP but the plugin will detect when you are trying to use HTTPS and modify the internal url on the fly to HTTPS without permanently changing it.

    Then you just have to modify your login links to link via HTTPS to start the process.

    I guess I could further modify my plugin to force a HTTPS redirect when it sees the bb-login.php page.


    i mean…bbpress. alpha6 (not 4)


    i mean…bbpress. alpha6 (not 4)


    Thanks again!

    While I was reading your post, I remembered that my bbPress URL under settings was not pointed to https. Problem solved when I changed http to https in bbPress URL setting.

    Is there a way to have login pages password sensitive pages to use https but leave other pages to http?


    my problem is also “salt” related….


    I upgraded to wpmu 2.7, and bbpress1.0 alpha 4…. the data base was sharing…everything was almost perfect….but then….

    I was in the Admin Panel for bbpress, and was changing User roles (admin of wp to be admin of bbpress, etc)….

    Then, I saw that the ‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’ form was blank…. (in the admin panel of bbpress for wordpress integration)… I thought …”mmm., thats strange, I already entered that when doing the setup.!”…. so…..i entered the key again …..

    oops, really bad idea

    Now, i get an error message:

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2) in /nfs/c02/h03/mnt/27695/domains/ on line 123

    Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /nfs/c02/h03/mnt/27695/domains/ on line 377


    how do i undo what i did?

    where do I look? in what file?

    my sites are here:

    1. bbpress:

    2. wpmu:



    mine was almost working… I upgraded to wpmu 2.7, and bbpress1.0 alpha 4…. the data base was sharing…everything was almost perfect….but then….

    I was in the Admin Panel for bbpress, and was changing User roles (admin of wp to be admin of bbpress, etc)….

    Then, I saw that the ‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’ form was blank…. (in the admin panel of bbpress for wordpress integration)… I thought …”mmm., thats strange, I already entered that when doing the setup.!”…. so…..i entered the key again …..

    oops, really bad idea

    Now, i get an error message:

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2) in /nfs/c02/h03/mnt/27695/domains/ on line 123

    Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /nfs/c02/h03/mnt/27695/domains/ on line 377


    how do i undo what i did?

    where do I look? in what file?

    my sites are here:

    1. bbpress:

    2. wpmu:


    Topic: Just a Community

    in forum Showcase

    Might as well, add my forums that I and a friend is working on.

    I am using bbPress and WordPress for user intergation from my blog.

    Just a Community

    (Still being designed ;))


    Many sites are using bbPress for production sites with hundreds of thousands of topics and posts. You can go ahead and use the latest version in the 0.9 branch, I wouldn’t get too hung up on “waiting for 1.0 getting out of beta”.

    I tried to write a response to your snarky comment, but I couldn’t think of a non-snarky response. Anyway, if you aren’t so snarky when you post, people will try to be more helpful to you.


    Totally über super-fantastic video, sambauers. I couldn’t have integrated bbPress and WP without it! Thanks a ton! I’m now running WordPress 2.7 and bbPress-1.0-alpha-6.

    There are 2 specific things that got me past the “Forum could not be created” screen when I tried to install bbPress the first time:


    As the post above explains, I added the following line to the .htaccess files for my WordPress and bbPress installations:

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    Thanks a bunch, chrishajer. It’s ALWAYS a .htaccess addition that makes my installation life easier – LOL.


    Thank you asymmetrik. This helped me discover that my WP 2.7 installation didn’t actually have a NONCE_KEY in the wp_config.php file at all. So, I ran the security key generator and got it.

    BTW, sambauers , I’m totally diggin’ on your blog’s design/layout:


    I plugged the text into Google Translate, and got this rough translation: State Academy of Sciences

    Chinese bbPress forum

    The question now is, it can paste the Chinese but not Chinese user name registration interface, sinicized also garbled, character set problem?

    Welcome to visit and discuss

    I may be misunderstanding this, but the question sounds like it may be: “I can’t register chinese language usernames using bbPress… why is this?”

    If so, that’s because bbPress 1.0 doesn’t allow unicode usernames… only unicode display names.

    If the post said something else entirely, let’s pretend this comment never happened! :-)


    Chinese? Foreigners can not read


    I have no way to test this code right now

    but try putting into a file called https-mode.php

    and put it into your my-plugins directory

    (you might have to create the directory)

    and then activate it in your control panel.

    In theory it should make bbpress internal urls HTTPS when it detects you are trying to use HTTPS:// (SSL) mode, even though your main bbpress url is HTTP://

    Plugin Name: HTTPS mode
    Description: forces internal bbPress URLs from HTTP to HTTPS only when using SSL

    add_filter( 'bb_get_uri', 'https_mode',1,3);
    add_filter( 'bb_get_option_uri','https_mode',1);

    function https_mode($uri,$resource='',$context='') {
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strpos($uri,'http://')===0) {$uri=str_replace('http://','https://',$uri);}
    return $uri;



    Did you look inside the login-form.php template?

    You might be referring to the 2nd one inside the failed login form which is probably in the core.

    A plugin might be able to fix this problem by detecting if the user is in HTTP vs HTTPS mode and filtering bb_get_option_uri – this intrigues me so I might write it and post it here shortly.


    bbPress’s filters prevent users from making multiple newlines so they can’t make 1000 of them in a row.

    However you can do tricks like putting <em> </em> in between two lines for 3 lines.



    If you want multiple lines on a regular basis as admin, my “admin can post anything” plugin might allow you to do that, though I can’t remember for certain.


    Thanks for the headsup ck! Pretty glad with what I can do in alpha 1.06 so I personally don’t need any immediate change. :)

    Take all the time you need for my part.


    1. I wonder if there is a way to opt-out for displaying IP address of a poster.

    2. Can I have people post without logging in?

    Seems I am flooding the forum with questions. I am new to bbPress and want to do so much! Thank you everyone!



    I am trying to set up bbPress login with https and all other login related pages to go through https. My ssl pages are working fine when loading, but I get a warning message at the login saying “Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party.” Surely enough, ‘login’ button is associated with http://mydomainname/forum/bb-login.php instead of https. Where and how would I fix this problem? Any help would be really appreciated!

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