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  • #71046

    Hey guys, I really recomend you to stop trying to make 2.7 work with BB alpha.

    Use the undergrade cookie plugin to wordpress and everything is resolved. It’s so simple that you don’t need to do nothing.

    Besides that, you will be able to use CK plugins without any problems and be able to make a much safer upgrade when 1.0 is released.

    Sorry for english :)


    Topic: Tecca High

    in forum Showcase

    A music & gaming blog using wordpress + bbpress. The forum layout isn’t quite done yet, I’m trying to make it look more appealing, especially for those used to other forum software.


    In reply to: 简体中文测试





    RichBrown, please start a new thread explaining your problem thoroughly. Please list the versions of bbPress and WordPress that you integrated.

    Thank you.


    Hello, thx for your answer.

    I use the default template (theme) named kakumei.

    I tried the blue version : same result.

    I tried to use alpha 6, but from scratch, i had many issues. Unable to share user session with WP.

    Not the same version from bbpress integration module, on the WP side. (only alpha 4.1, not alpha 6).

    I tried to upload directly, but I had problems.

    It’s really difficilut, an finally, i spent a day of work, and my forum doesn’t work.

    I hope i’ll run ^^


    I am also having the same problem and the meta value is a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}.

    What can i do to get this to work?


    cookie integrations are available on wpmu 2.7 (or above) :)


    Are you using the default theme? If not, try the default theme and see if you have the same error. Someone else posted this recently and I can’t recall what it turned out to be. Here are a couple relevant posts:

    Also, why are you using alpha 4? I thought the basic integration screencast used alpha 6 and WordPress 2.7. There may be some bugs that were fixed between alpha 4 and alpha 6.


    Cookie issues? Have you tried clearing all the cookies?

    Also, there are probably places in the database that have references to file system paths and things like that (I know WordPress does this, for uploads for example.) Maybe there is something in the bbPress tables like that that is preventing it from working correctly?

    What I usually do is search the tables for a string that was unique to my old host (a customer number or something else in the path that is unique) then once I find those records, I do a global search and replace on the whole string.

    Maybe it’s something like that. I don’t think the database dump will just work straight-away on a new host without modification.


    Both bbPress & WordPress can work alone


    I need to integrate or it can work alone ?



    I installed bbPress 1.0-alpha-4.1 with WP 2.7.1, following the “Basic integration screencast” topic.

    The install roxxs, and i can share ma account between WP and bbP.

    BUT … i can’t create new topic.

    When i try, the result is always the same : “This topic has been closed”.

    The number of topic is increised, but unable to show this fu… topic.

    I checked on the database : no topic found.

    Someone has an idea ?

    Thx for all


    I struggled through the integration process. I believe it is working more or less.

    The site is:

    The forum is at

    However, I have a problem. When I add in this line as suggested in

    if ( !defined(‘BBDB_NAME’) )


    I get these this error message in both WordPress and bbPress.

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home1/endingho/public_html/blog/bbpress/bb-load.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home1/endingho/public_html/blog/wp-config.php on line 34

    When I deleted the lines I added to the config file I can access both but am unable to log into bbPress.

    How do I solve the log-in question?

    My goal was to have a quality forum that would look and feel like my main wordpress site.

    Is that possible or should I dump bbpress and seek another option?


    I have created several static pages on my site ( which is using bbpress.

    I would like the static page called “Home” to be the default page seen when my site is visited.

    Currently the default is the “Forum” page. How do I change this?

    Thanks in advance.


    Thanks ck, much appreciated. I’m glad you like it. Thanks for all the great work on bbpress.

    It very nearly works :-) The polls show up correctly, but also this error:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for bb_polls_pre_poll(), called in /home/content/b/l/o/blogdave/html/forums/bb-templates/blank2rbbpress/topic.php on line 11 and defined in /home/content/b/l/o/blogdave/html/forums/bb-plugins/bbpress-polls/bb-polls.php on line 47


    Here’s the link to the theme we’re using.

    I just tweaked the style sheet and the width of columns.


    We were using simple:press but it was so slow and bloated. Our load time on pages throughout the site was 3+ seconds with simple:press installed. With bbpress, it’s 0.5 seconds or less. Thank you bbpress!

    Here’s the link:


    Hey eagano… is your plugin available in a regular WordPress 2.7.1 version?


    Hi refueled,

    This is an old post, but here goes. I just launched a website that uses the bbPress Misty Morning theme and have found that gravatars aren’t working. However, they are working on the WordPress side of the site. Trent wondered if it might be theme specific, so I figured I’d ask to see if you’ve seen gravatars working in the theme. Note, I’m not wanting to change the theme at this point since the site is live (and married with the MistyMountain WP theme). The site is and my original thread is here:

    Thanks for your time.


    I just finished installing Alpha-6 and integrating it with WP 2.7.1

    It all worked great and users are shared.

    There’s just one problem. All new users in bbpress are being

    automatically set to “inactive” instead of “member”. Even the

    keymaster in the forum has the word “inactive” displaying

    (even when I manually changed it too on his profile).

    Any ideas?


    Hello !

    No more soluce ?

    I try with only WordPress mu 7.1 and BBPress 1.0 alpha 6, i have the same users table, that it’s ok but cookies don’t work.

    I can loggin in wordpress but i’m not connect in bbpres

    I can login in bbpress but i’m not connect in wordpress

    Idem for logout option

    All key of my wordpress cookies is integer in the config of bbpress, i have try any option that i find but the problem stay !

    I have try to purge all cookes and sessions.

    Where is the valide solucion for a perfect integration of bbpress and wordpress ?

    sorry for my english ….


    You rock netcompetency!!!!

    Thank you, i was struggling for days with this.


    I have now fixed the Approve Registration plugin for bbPress 1.0a

    as well as another bug it had with resetting passwords upon approval.

    (it might also now work again with bbPress, untested)


    There isn’t any site “larger than recommended” for bbPress ;-)

    There is a bbPress site with nearly 2 million posts and another with 8 million users, so there aren’t any limits.

    I’ll look at the approve plugin and see how hard it is to make work with 1.6

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