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Musician Forums

  • We were using simple:press but it was so slow and bloated. Our load time on pages throughout the site was 3+ seconds with simple:press installed. With bbpress, it’s 0.5 seconds or less. Thank you bbpress!

    Here’s the link:

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  • @shagalaga


    Wow, nice design!



    looks good, which version are you running ?

    That’s the latest stable version –

    Thanks for the feedback! I downloaded the “blank themes” from and tweaked them here and there. I wanted a clean look.

    I’m thinking about taking out the “last poster” column until we get more people posting – what do you think? I think it looks kind of stupid with my name showing up for nearly every post.

    Here’s the link to the theme we’re using.

    I just tweaked the style sheet and the width of columns.



    are polls working fine?

    The CSS style and placement of the polls bothers me. I’d really like to see the poll at the top of the actual post, not in the sidebar.

    But as far as function goes, they seem to be working alright. I inputted my vote and it worked fine.



    Very nice clean layout, I like it alot.

    The poll puts itself by default wherever the topicmeta is, however you can change that. Just a guess, untested, try putting this near the top of your topic.php template:

    <?php  remove_action('topicmeta','bb_polls_pre_poll',200); bb_polls_pre_poll(); ?>

    Thanks ck, much appreciated. I’m glad you like it. Thanks for all the great work on bbpress.

    It very nearly works :-) The polls show up correctly, but also this error:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for bb_polls_pre_poll(), called in /home/content/b/l/o/blogdave/html/forums/bb-templates/blank2rbbpress/topic.php on line 11 and defined in /home/content/b/l/o/blogdave/html/forums/bb-plugins/bbpress-polls/bb-polls.php on line 47



    ah it needs the topic id, sorry, try this

    <?php  remove_action('topicmeta','bb_polls_pre_poll',200); bb_polls_pre_poll($topic_id); ?>



    Last year I put the gravatar of the latest poster there instead of the poster name, it looked good, but i dont know if it would with your theme, unless you make them really small like a avatar. just my thoughts. might look good, good luck

    Thanks ck – that did it. Now how do I get the polls out of the sidebar? I only want them to show up in the topic, not the topic and the sidebar. Does that make sense?

    Thanks swaymedia, I’ll going to look into that. Thanks for the interest!

    Thanks everyone for checking it out!



    I figured out how to get rid of the polls in the sidebar. CK might have a more elegant way to do this, but I just deleted this line:


    From the bb-polls.php file, then added this line (as CK suggested) to my topic.php template file:

    <?php remove_action(‘topicmeta’,’bb_polls_pre_poll’,200); bb_polls_pre_poll($topic_id); ?>

    Here’s what it looks like:

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