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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #66157

    any real help on this forum?


    [Thanks for the help! ]

    Your welcome!


    To preface, I know nothing about bbpress other than it’s installed with my new buddypress setup.

    I have run vbulletin on numerous websites for years now so that is what i am familiar with.

    As my ultimate plans include using wordpressmu/buddypress/forums, can someone let me know why I should consider using bbpress?

    Are there features that it has that other software does not provide?

    Please, I am not being antagonistic here, it’s a real question.

    so far my vbulletin setup has the following:

    1. completely bridged to wordpressmu so that all registration/logins/sessions etc are controlled by vbulletin for the entire system. Meaning you login to vb, you are logged into wp automatically etc..

    2. vbulletin uses wordpress theme header/footer etc. It’s not static, meaning that if the header in wp changes it auto changes in vb, and NO, I am not using iframes, that’d be just plain stupid.

    thanks for any info provided.


    I met the same issue, I installed a clean WordPress 2.7.1 and bbPress is 1.0Aphla 6, the integration during the installation is smooth, and I can single sign on between WordPress and bbPress.

    However, I can’t post any topics with the msg: “This topic has been closed”.

    Is there anyone from Dev team could help?

    Ben L.

    Okay, I’ve done the first pass at compatibility. If you feel ambitious, you can download the Development Version. If not, you can wait until the next alpha.


    Topic: HELP?

    in forum Installation

    Hi Alberto here,

    I need some help installing my Avatars and Upload Photos in my BBPress Forum. Can someone guide me on what to do?? Do I need to go into a template to add code to make the avatars display?


    Topic: RSS FEEDS

    in forum Installation

    Is there way that I can add a RSS Feed for my blog post and outside RSS Feeds and make it show up in my BBPress Forum under selective topics??


    The plugin must autoload. If you are activating it manually something is very wrong.

    Leading underscore must be in the plugin directory’s root.

    bbPress has that limitation, underscores cannot be in sub-directories.


    Hi All,

    I am getting a decent about of comments to my WordPress news blog. Problem is that these posts are scattered over many posts, so does not seem to be much activity.

    Could bbpress be the solution? I want it to be possible for users to overview the discussion at the various news articles.

    If you have seen a solution on an other website, please send me a link.

    I have also looked at a integration of WordPress and vbulletin, but seems like a solution this is not without problems.

    Hope to hear from you



    Yes. But also make the “sub subforuns” appear inside the div “subforum”. Well that original URL did not use div:



    When I tried adding a new user, jamesonriley, it added it to my WordPress user list, but not my bbpress user list.


    Ah that’s too bad – I’m using way too many of _ck_’s plugins to try 1.0 yet. I’ll wait til it comes out of alpha maybe.

    Would you consider converting it to 0.9 in exchange for a contribution? It’d be great for the community, since so many people are still on 0.9:

    Ben L.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of functions in the code that are 1.0-specific.

    Fortunately, WordPress 2.8 is being released in May, and I can’t see bbPress 1.0 being far behind.


    Amazing. Fixed :) Thanks!

    Ben L.

    From my point of view, bbPress is easier to use than other (more popular) forum software.

    For example, in phpBB, plugin installation is measured in minutes. In bbPress, plugins get dropped into a folder and that’s it.


    In reply to: Profile Picture

    Ben L.

    Would any of help you?

    You could also look at


    Ok, I did some tests, it seems to happen when I enable this plugin:

    bbPress Attachments

    — big bummer.


    Topic: Profile Picture

    in forum Installation

    Hi, I tried to search this.. but couldnt find anything.

    I just uploaded bbpress forum on my site, but i cant seem to upload a profile pic.. or let other users do so.

    I have looked in the settings.. too.

    Please suggest.

    Thanks, DS.


    Hi All,

    I just installed WordPress MU 2.7.1 and attempting to install bbPress (brubeck) and during the installer, it’s asking for 2 keys that I don’t see anywhere in the WP config file. The cookie and db key. In my WP config file I only see 3 keys and it’s corresponding salt entries. They’re Auth, Secure, Logged in, and Nonce.

    Thanks for the help!


    Finding well managed shared hosting that’s affordable is difficult.

    Any host can slip up and end up with bad neighbors on a shared box.

    Loads as high as you are reporting though should be automatically firing off alerts to the host though, so they either

    1. aren’t getting alerts

    2. getting them but ignoring them because they know it’s the overloading backup routine each morning

    bbPress doesn’t have a page cache yet like WordPress’s wp-cache but in theory doesn’t actually need one unless you have a very active forum (or a bad host).

    As far as finding a “better” host, it’s not easy but here’s some ideas:

    Ben L.

    First of all, if you already had members on the forum that aren’t on the blog, integration will lose them.

    I suggest going into your database and running DELETE FROM bb_topicmeta WHERE meta_key=wp_table_prefix LIMIT 1 to remove the integration.


    In reply to: Frightmare Haunt Forum


    Interesting niche, good luck. Although, out of the box bbPress isn’t very scary looking. ;)


    Agreed with statements here, bbPress wasn’t created(being developed) to compete with the likes of vBulletin, SMF, etc. This is forum software that is light weight, no lacey undergarments, ready to roll and fast. If you want silly add-ons, a ton of user generated themes, and/or costly support looking elsewhere may be your best bet.


    I just use CarpRSS to convert RSS to html in my bbPress installation.

Viewing 25 results - 51,776 through 51,800 (of 64,087 total)
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