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  • #73656

    This keeps getting deleted because the previous posts did not mention bbPress at all. Can you explain how this relates to bbPress? Thanks.


    How about trying to raise him at his website?

    I thought that he was one of the original programmers for bbPress, although I see more from sambauers these days.


    sweet, thanks!


    Add this to your bb-config.php

    define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);


    ok. Strange, integration doesn’t work for me any longer.

    I have:

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    in both bb-config.php and wp-config.php since that was how i had it before.

    I also have re-checked that the keys are matching in bb-config.php and wp-config.php and that the keys matches in the backend configuration. I have nothing special in either of the .htaccess files, other than permalink setup.


    Does this release still require bbPress Integration plugin for WordPress?



    Does this release still require bbPress Integration plugin for WordPress?


    I dunno if my post gets deleted, but I posted this twice already and can’t find it, so here another try.

    I tried installing the latest version of the social network from buddypress two days ago, but I fear it isn’t working properly. Whenever I click on a link, be it a member, blog, post, groups, create groups, etc I get redirected back to my homepage where my blog is. Is there a plugin that I am missing or do I have to set up sth?



    I want to add my voice to this request…….

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if there is anyone capable of taking over support/fixing of this plugin PLEASE help – it is definitely NOT getting any support from the original plugin author – I’ve even tried email him directly multiple times with NO response, and it definitely does NOT work for me at all in any browser (I’m using bbPress version Hovering over stars changes their color but clicking does nothing at all – no changes are recorded, colors never “stick”, averages never change – it displays but does not appear to work.

    I don’t have much to donate but I would definitely contribute, and I bet others would as well to get this fixed because it could be a great plugin if it worked reliably.

    P.S. I KNOW there is a very long list of posts on this plugin’s page here at bbPress – but the plugin author stopped responding over a year ago, and no one else has tried to help those of us who still have problems, so it seems like posting there is not productive…..


    A note on the installer. I did an integrated install where wp and bb were in separate subdomains using separate db’s. I got it to work but in the advanced section of the cookie integration in the separate user database sections the field for user db password does not display. I made the following change in the install.php file and it worked:







    instead of the original:



    $bb_install->input_text(‘user_bbdb_password’, ‘password’);




    after that I was able to complete the install and the integration no proble. Hope this is helpful!



    More info – if it might help resolve my problem:

    bbpress: Version 1.0-alpha-6

    wordpress: 2.7.1



    Log out of everything, kill the cookies, log in via the bbPress side. I had that once or twice, and it was all down to cookie corruption :/


    I’ve installed a WPMU with buddypress. I’ve also installed a bbpress alpha release. My buddypress users are able to login in bbpress but they require to re-login.

    I’ve also installed bbPress Integration plugin (1.0-alpha-6) and all settings are fine.

    I want to share a common login for both, meaning if user is logged in buddypres then he shouldn’t required to re-login in my bbpress installation. Is there a solution around it?


    I have followed video integrating the database with ease. I now have your plug in for WP. I have copied the lines of code and have pasted them into my WPconfig file. What I have noticed with this code, I cant log out off bbpress, and every time I go back to wordpress it logs me out !

    Any step by step directions on the integration would much appreciated !


    I’ve tried installing bbPress twice now, and with the same results both times. It installs, runs, lets me into the ACP to change things, etc. I add nothing more than a topic and a post, and get this for every link I select;

    Not Found

    The requested URL /topic/welcome-to-the-forum was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    It’s all in the DB, so what’s happening? Any help appreciated before I go mad (have tried 5 BB packages in 3 weeks trying to meet my users requirements).


    Aha! Found a post elsewhere about changing Pretty Permalinks, and that was what wrecked it. Should perhaps have some sort of internal test when you click the dropdown list..?


    In reply to: Installation Error


    Forgot to add… I installed bbPress through HostMonster, and the version used is v0.9.0.4, and the PHP version used by HostMonster is 5.2.9.

    Now, I just tried something suggested in another thread with the exact same problem, and I have fixed this issue.

    So, here goes gm10gm10:

    1. locate a file named .htaccess inside your ROOT DIRECTORY.

    2. open this file to edit using the means offered to you by your hosting provider or FTP

    3. locate a command line which may look like what follows (mine differed from commands in this thread:

    –> the command *may* look like this: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php4 .php

    4. Be mindful that variation on the code may be needed, make a copy of what was written than change it to look like this:

    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php

    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php4

    5. It appears that it needs to be able to read php5 — Mind you, my host provider states PHP v. 5.2.9 so there should be not problem.

    In any case, I hope this helps.

    Regards, pat


    In reply to: Plugin localization?


    Yes, I can’t help but wonder why some of the most used plugins for bbPress (yeah, _ck_’s) are not localized? I looked into the code and saw that they use __() and _e() calls but lack the text domain so they can’t be translated in the usual way…

    _ck_, did you hear that?? ^^

    bbPress plugins altogether have poor localization – maybe the framework isn’t clear?


    Thanks to sambauers I got the login working across both systems now. The important trick is to add the following line to bb-config.php, unless you are using WordPress 2.8:

    define(‘WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION’, 1);

    Now I have only one problem left: I cannot access the bbpress admin area anymore. I instantly get redirected to the forum. Any ideas what might cause this?


    Oh, I checked my webserver’s log and found that my rather obsolete German translation is still downloaded frequently. So I decided to rework it for the latest stable bbPress

    You can download my language file on my German blog.

    And now for the folks that understand German better than English:

    Oha, ich habe einen Blick in die Logdateien meines Webservers geworfen und musste dabei feststellen, dass meine ziemlich veraltete deutsche Übersetzung immer noch häufig heruntergeladen wird. Deshalb habe ich meine Übersetzung für die aktuelle stabile Version von bbPress überarbeitet.

    Wer mag, kann meine Sprachdatei in meinem kleinen Blog herunterladen


    Here are the working plugins that I’m using with RC1:

    • Allow Images 0.7.1
    • bb-chunk 0.1
    • BBcode Buttons Toolbar 0.0.9
    • BBcode Lite 1.0.3
    • bbPress signatures 0.2.0
    • bbPress Smilies 0.0.8
    • bb Topic Views 1.6.4
    • BBVideo 0.24
    • Censor 0.1
    • Change Number of Front Page Topics 0.1
    • Check For Updates 0.0.2
    • Hidden Forums 0.0.8
    • Human Test for bbPress 0.9.1
    • Move It 0.14
    • Post Count Plus – Dynamic.Titles & More! 1.1.11
    • Quote 0.2 with add-ons by fel64
    • Simple Onlinelist 1.5
    • Strike 0.1
    • Unread Topics 0.4
    • Wiki Post 0.1.5

    Plugins that AREN’T working:

    • Admin add user 1.3
    • Approve User Registration 0.3


    Working Plugins:

    • Human Test for bbPress 0.9.1
    • Report Post 0.1.4
    • Super Search 0.0.3
    • C*nsor 0.1
    • bbPress Smilies 0.0.7
    • BBcode Lite 1.0.3
    • BBcode Buttons Toolbar 0.0.9
    • Allow Images 0.7.1


    Topic: SMF 2.0 to BBPRESS??

    in forum Plugins

    Hi Guys,

    I so want to move my forum from smf to bbpress but not sure how do I go about d0ing this. Is there any converter yet in place to handle this or any other solutions around?

    please advice



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