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  • #73723

    I’ve got the exact same problem, and it’s driving me mad.

    I’ve tried to get this working on several fresh installs and it just ain’t happening!

    Update: Oh! Fixed! I went to wp-admin/options.php and changed the salts to something else (button mashed), and updated those in bbpress too, and now it works. Don’t quite understand why nobody mentions this in any of the tutorials… Never mind :)



    Yes, you should create a page with the same name as the directory where you installed bbPress. So, if you installed bbPress in a directory called /forums/ create a page called “Forums” with a slug of “forums” and WordPress will use that directory before it ever shows your blank page.

    If that does NOT work, there are simple plugins to redirect any WordPress Page to a URL, so you could use one of those if you wanted to do that instead.


    With bbPress you don’t access bb-admin directly. You log in with your keymaster account, and next to your name, if you are truly a keymaster (or someone with admin capabilities) you have a link to Admin. Click that and you are in the bbPress admin. If you don’t have that link, then the account you logged in with is no the keymaster account.

    What version of bbPress are you talking about, and are the logins integrated with WordPress?


    empty lines can`t make a difference


    After I set up the db settings in bb-config.php the forum works like a breeze.

    The only trouble is I cannot access the admin module of bbPress.

    Any attempt to access /bb-admin/ files redirects me to /bb-press/ directory via my browser.

    MANY thanks for any help, I ve been really stuck here..


    Many thanks John, this is awesome advice.


    i`ve updated the integration plugin

    but it`s still not working


    Congratulations on bringing bbPress to 1.0 RC1! I am a big fan of bbPress, appreciate this positive and helpful community, the great codebase, the ease of installation and customizatoin, and the overall more “bloggy” feel of the forums, rather than most forum software which feels a lot more like a 1990’s bulletin board.

    I’ve looked over past postings about the 1.0 series and about releases in general. I’ve read that 1.0 is based off of BackPress, that it integrates with newer versions of WordPress, that it supports a new plugin for WordPress called “bbPress Live.” What else is of note? (and out of curiosity, what did not make the cut?

    With 1.0 on the horizon, can you please summarize some of the key features/changes in 1.0?

    Derek Herman

    I wasn’t aware of the event till just now, thanks for the heads up. I think I just talked my GF in to letting me go alone too.

    Sam Bauers

    I’ll be at WordCamp San Francisco all day Saturday, 30 May 2009 and also at the developer day on the 31st at the Automattic Lounge.

    If you have problems with bbPress, be it installation, integration, theming or anything then you’ll find me most of the Saturday sitting on the “Genius” Bar.

    On the Sunday I intend to do an intro to bbPress for developers as well as a brainstorming session for bbPress to help set some directions for the future. I’m hoping that on the day I can find a few people who are keen to get involved in the project.

    If you’d like to come along to either event then you need to hurry as registration is being closed very soon.


    In reply to: functions.php


    I don’t think there is:

    I think most people create a single plugin and drop all their miscellaneous functions in there:


    In reply to: link back to post-form


    I agree with you – the bb_die error page should be pluggable (or at least themable). This has been complained about in the past:

    but the developers de-prioritized it:

    It’s really embarrassing to me to host forums that show this un-themed page whenever bb_die is called. In the meantime, I may hack the core in the manner ck suggested.


    There’s a good overview of bbPress’ translation framework (with links to existing translations and to useful posts) on

    According to that, bbPress uses the same translation approach as WordPress:

    The approach seems to be:

    1) You download the POT file, which has all the English strings in it.

    2) You translate the strings into your language (Greek) and save the file as a .po file

    3) You optimize the .po file into a machine readable .mo file

    Looks like you can get the bbPress POT file for whichever version you’re using here:

    Good luck!


    .. the latest bbpress with the latest wordpress. Could I use the bbPress forum list loop on the frontpage of my wordpress theme? so i can show all the latest discussions.. this wont be on a sidebar, so i dont want a plugin to do this, I just want to use the same code bbPress uses but on WordPress to show the forum topics?

    is this possible.? thanks in advanced.


    Not sure if this belongs into this thread as it looks like its not a bug, but “feature”. At least in bbpress

    I dont think this is the way it should work.

    You are adding new topic – and forget to enter something – eg topic title. Then press submit. Error message gets displayed with link to go back to forums. but there are two problems in this:

    1. your custom template is suddenly not used (very confusing for users).

    2. there is a link “Back to <your forum frontpage>” – this should point back to previous page not homepage! And fields you entered before should be “pre-filled” by your previous input. not cleared.

    this default behaviour is pretty annoying for regular users, in my opinion.


    I need to translate bbPress user interface to Greek.

    I try to find another language file so I can translate it.

    I try to find English language file in the language files repository which is in but I find not such file.. Any ideas?


    Here’s my working Plugins, transfered from Alpha6 to RC1 without any adjustment:

    • Accurate Post Time
    • Admin Can Post Anything (_ck_)
    • Allow Images
    • Avatar Upload
    • BBcode Buttons Toolbar (_ck_)
    • BBcode Lite (_ck_)
    • bbPress Polls (_ck_)(there’s a little oddity when trying to delete polls but it worked on second try, might have to watch this one more closely)
    • bbPress signatures (_ck_)
    • bbPress Smilies (_ck_)
    • bbSocialize
    • BBVideo
    • Censor
    • Check For Updates (_ck_)
    • Edit History (_ck_)
    • Hidden Forums (_ck_)
    • Hidden Forums Tag Filter (_ck_)
    • Human Test for bbPress (_ck_)
    • Mini Stats (_ck_)
    • Mini Track (_ck_)
    • Page links
    • Post Count Plus – Dynamic.Titles & More! (_ck_)
    • Post Edit Look Behind (_ck_)
    • Quote
    • Related Topics (_ck_)
    • Super Search (_ck_)
    • Support forum
    • Topics Per Page (_ck_)
    • Unread Posts (_ck_)

    In fact, I didn’t have a single plugin that was not working but for the WP shared logins of course. I didn’t have the chance to test every little setting of these but the basic functionality works.


    Turns out there where two blank lines inserted in the wp-config after the last ?>

    I delted them

    and It works now…


    Hi, I have installed wpmu2.7.1, BuddyPress 1.0 and bbpress “Brubeck” version

    I installed wpmu first all good

    I installed buddy press all good

    I installed bbpress all good

    I added a few bbpress plugins for groups , comminuty blogs and another for fbconnect all good

    Then i read about intergrating the logins and was linked to the screen cast step by step…even tho is said basic wp install i noticed the tag was MU so i continued.

    I got to the bit where you generate the secret keys I did this grabbed the 4 keys pasted into wp-config, i left the salt and other keys in tact. Saved and uploaded the file.

    Then the video said check you can login…i checked but i canont login to WPMU I get no error only a white screen, this is for admin and member logins.

    Any idea what to do if the login test in the video fails?

    There are no errors in the error log, there is no error on screen, only a white blank page.

    I now cannot install the plugin mentioned above as i have no access to the dashboard.

    How can i get the original auth/secret keys back?

    Or how can i fix it, i don’t reallly want to start again as i have spent days on other tweaks and skinning and such that would be painful to lose.

    I can still login to bbpress fine.

    Thanks in advance for any pointers…


    Topic: functions.php

    in forum Themes
    Derek Herman

    Is there a file you can add to BBpress themes that is the equivalent to WP’s functions.php?


    Does the last post from sambauers here help?


    Yahoo. That did it. Thanks for the help.

    Sam Bauers

    bbPress de-registers all API hooks at initialisation. That means that WP plugin code is available, but none of it’s API calls are set to go off anymore.

    The best solution is to port the original plugin to bbPress and deliberately hook into it’s distinct API hooks. Very few WP plugins will “just work” with bbPress.


    Hi John – thanks for the code. I copied it exactly & pasted it into my topic.php (except for the styles) but it still didn’t work for me, so I removed the requirement to log in to vote, with still no luck. Hovering changes the stars color, but clicking does nothing at all.

    Do you think it’s likely that there’s a conflict with another plugin that might be causing it to not work? I’m using the following plugins (in addition to bbRatings):


    Bozo Users

    BBCode lite

    BBCode buttons toolbar

    BBPress signatures

    BBPress smilies

    Topics Per Page

    bbPress tweaks

    Human test for bbPress

    Moderator new post notification

    The only one I think I could do without is the smilies, but I really want to keep the others more than the ratings if I can’t figure out how to get it working……P.S. Two days since I posted on mdawaffe’s blog and still no response…..I just get the impression that he doesn’t want to support this any more……


    Thanks jonkristian. I was able to fix it by upgrading to the RC-1 bbPress integration plugin, thanks sambauers!!! U rock!

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