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  • #67813

    @zappoman Any chance you can share the wealth and make the plugin available? :) Cheers


    No the prefixes should NOT be the same for integration. Use a different table prefix for bbPress tables, and when it comes to integration, the installer asks for your WordPress table prefix so it can use those tables for user data only.

    Start a new topic for your new problem please.


    As per my post here on my blog :

    To achieve integration between 0.9.05 & WordPress 2.7.1, I overwrite the bb_capabilities in wp_usermeta for my user by sql query as I don’t have phpmyadmin and I am using custom table prefixes.

    I just followed the instructions again on a setup and got something into different.

    My current password didn’t work. I manually updated it with a sql query from a known setup (I haven’t installed mail sending capabilities yet) and then I got access but now when I try to change the bb_capabilities of my admin user, it gets change, is reflected too but when I refresh the forum page, I still can’t see the link to dashboard. And now if I check the db again, the bbPress seems to have overwritten my entry to “a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;}” from “a:1:{s:9:.keymaster.;b:1;}”.

    I am clueless at the point. I can try dropping tables and starting again would get my work done but I am curious that why it is happening.


    That exact error message has only popped up once that I can see:

    In that case, it turned out to be a buggy template… not sure if this could be similar? In any case, thought I’d pass that link along to check out – good luck!



    We should probably have a general writeup of how Cookies work in both WordPress and bbPress, across versions… how the WordPress cookie was changed in versions 2.5 and 2.6, and how the bbPress cookie was changed from 0.9 to 1.0 (and any other changes that you can think of!)

    Of particular note would be which versions integrate well with each other (e.g. how bbPress 0.9 doesn’t have native support to integrate with the latest WordPress versions… so for a number of months, the only way to upgrade WordPress was to upgrade to the alpha 1.0).

    Also, ck’s bbPress cookie upgrade plugin… and Superann’s WordPress cookie downgrade plugin (to allow 0.9 to talk to the latest WordPress cookies).

    Anyone enough of a Cookie guru to draft a general writeup of how cookies work, and the general cookie compatibility issues we’ve seen? I think we can do better than the WordPress Codex, which seems really vague:


    Might be worth sharing links to people who have integrated bbPress with non *Press user logins:

    Maybe also a writeup on “deep” *Press integration versus other more “shallow” forms of integration (shared login)… some useful links on that:

    Any other links on deep versus shallow integration?


    $sql="SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE post_topic='' ORDER BY post_id DESC LIMIT 8";

    It seem like you telling the script to look for post with empty topic. Try change it to this:

    $sql="SELECT * FROM bb_posts ORDER BY post_id DESC LIMIT 8";


    Shouldn’t the prefixes too be the same for integration? But guess what, I just uploaded bbPress 1.0 RC2 and somehow the problem is fixed!! But now when I login to bbPress admin page, I cannot see the link for the Plugins page. Also, if I type /bb-admin/plugins.php, I get redirected to the forum’s homepage! Please help :-)


    The original fix was to add the bogus data after the apparently ‘failed’ installation, then your forums would be usable. Is that not the case?

    Also, you used the SAME table prefix for both WPMU and bbPress? I don’t think that’s normally a good thing. I think bbPress would overwrite some WP tables in that case.


    Hi John,

    Thanks for the input. I am already aware about this.

    I was looking for another solution. I tried my hands on this code but it doesnt work.

    Can some1 help me on this?

    help much appreciated.


    mysql_connect(“localhost”, “username_db_forum”, “password”);


    $sql=”SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE post_topic=” ORDER BY post_id DESC LIMIT 8″;


    while($riga=mysql_fetch_array($risultati)) {



    echo”<img src=”images/bullet.gif” align=”absmiddle”>$target





    When I try to have access to WordPress functions (including that line said on documentation) I get this error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _mb_substr() (previously declared in /home/aedi/public_html/wp-includes/compat.php:86) in /home/aedi/public_html/bbpress/bb-includes/backpress/functions.compat.php on line 108

    When I get to line 108, that’s what I see:

    if ( !function_exists( ‘_mb_strcut’ ) ) {

    function _mb_substr

    _mb_strcut??? Shouldn’t be _mb_substr?


    I am attempting to integrate bbpress rc-1 into a wp blog (2.7.1) so it utilizes the same header and footer, but I don’t need db or login integration.

    I only need to load wordpress so I can call get_header() and get_footer(). When I add this to the top of bb-config.php require_once('/path/to/wp-blog-header.php'); it seems to destroy the ability to login. I am simply routed to another page (Add New Topic), without actually having been logged in. If I try to access bb-admin.php, it spits me back onto the index page.

    Any guides suggestions?

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    See the blog post.

    Lots of testing would be greatly appreciated.

    A note for anyone integrating cookies with WordPress less than version 2.8, you need to add this to your bb-config.php file…

    define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);

    When you upgrade WordPress to 2.8 that line will have to be removed.


    I don’t believe bbPress uses sessions at all.


    You’re using this on a local machine, but you have members using it who would require a password email?

    You might want to use this plugin to be able to send email using an external SMTP server:


    Your bbpress should have an rss feed. You can turn any rss feed into a widget that you can put on any site… here’s one example:



    Any new updates on bbPres 1.0 Release Candidates?

    It’s been 4 weeks and I’ve noticed a ton of code check-ins during that time (

    Curious to know when RC2 can be expected.

    Thanks man, keep up the awesome work!


    Just successfully integrated WP2.7 and bbpress RC1 but have a quick question regarding the cookie integration process. The cookie integration only works when I first login to my bbpress instance, ans as expected when I visit the wp directory I’m logged in. However logging in to my WP first and refreshing my bbpress DOES NOT log me in :(

    Not a big issue to be honest, I’ll just replace the wp login form with the bbpress one and bingo :)

    Any one experience this before?




    I have searched on the internet and here. I have been unable to find a script/code which can display latest discussions on my homepage which is not wordpress a wordpress site.

    help much appreciated.



    Hi All,

    I’m wondering if someone can point me in the right direction, note I’m not very good with php/code.

    I’m trying to implement a live chat shoutbox with bbpress using Ajax Chat. My goal is to get users logged in to bbpress, automatically log in with their BBpress credentials into the Chat.

    In the Ajax chat wiki, it seems simple enough as they state:

    If you want to reuse an existing session cookie set from another application just adjust the following setting in lib/config.php:

    // Session handling:

    $config = ‘PHPSESSID’;

    Change PHPSESSID to the name of the session cookie you want to use.

    I guess my question is, what is BBpress’s PHPSESSID and how can I make this work?

    Thanks in advance!


    Wiki over at :


    Please can someone provide a “clean” guide using bbPress .9.x and WordPress 2.7.1?

    Step #1

    Step #2




    …and so on.

    I’ve been trying (very hard) to follow this guide, but there are so many contradictions and then links to external resources that say to do something else.

    Needless to say, I’m ready right now to simply give up on bbPress and move on.

    There needs to be so many edits, changes, fixes (and it still does not work). I truly hope the developers STOP… sit back and re-evaluate this project. In my opinion, it should integrate with WordPress easily as the option should be there during the install. I thought WordPress and bbPress were the same “organization” – As such, integration (I feel) should have been a natural fit! Currently it’s so difficult, that for some it’s become a deterrent to use bbPress. I think that is not good. (I personally know of two people who tried to integrate and after a frustrating period, opted for other solutions. One of them makes a point of telling others to stay away from bbPress, because he was more frustrated than I was – Which I think is not right! It bothers me because if he’s doing that, how many others are?)

    Two things that have added to the confusion are:

    1) Comments from other users, suggesting something else, or contradicting the information.

    2) The guide needs to be updated to use current WordPress code and also to include more instruction. I’m very technically oriented, parts of this guide leave even me hanging in the breeze. Parts of the guide are too generalized.

    I hope some of the developers hear me (and feel the frustration) , but more importantly, stand back and look (really look) at this issue.

    Thanks for letting me have a say, I hope this helps bbPress in some way.


    I think I almost solved it now. For some reason I had $bb->authcookie and $bb->logged_in_cookie set to ‘wordpress_logged_in_’. Probably due to some debugging oddysee. I removed the autcookie-setting and now cookie sharing and admin access are working. Yay! :)

    The only downside is that I can not access the admin area when I used WPMU to log in. But when I login over bbPress it works, so I guess that is an acceptable loss, since it affects only the admin and not all users…


    yes! Sam thank you so much! with this in wp-config now works without problem!


    Hi, I have just integrated BBPress with WordPress, but cannot delete posts or topics, and I also cannot access the bb-admin page.

    I have two ways of logging in, one is through the main wordpress site, and the other is through the forum’s login section. It seems there is no problem when I log in through the forum directly, but the problem comes when I log in through the site and then access the forum (which is how the forum will be accessed).

    Any help will be appreciated.



    Well im ready to help you guys out. Im intensly theme developing.

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