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BBPress Posts on another page.

  • Hi,

    I have searched on the internet and here. I have been unable to find a script/code which can display latest discussions on my homepage which is not wordpress a wordpress site.

    help much appreciated.


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  • Your bbpress should have an rss feed. You can turn any rss feed into a widget that you can put on any site… here’s one example:

    Hi John,

    Thanks for the input. I am already aware about this.

    I was looking for another solution. I tried my hands on this code but it doesnt work.

    Can some1 help me on this?

    help much appreciated.


    mysql_connect(“localhost”, “username_db_forum”, “password”);


    $sql=”SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE post_topic=” ORDER BY post_id DESC LIMIT 8″;


    while($riga=mysql_fetch_array($risultati)) {



    echo”<img src=”images/bullet.gif” align=”absmiddle”>$target




    $sql="SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE post_topic='' ORDER BY post_id DESC LIMIT 8";

    It seem like you telling the script to look for post with empty topic. Try change it to this:

    $sql="SELECT * FROM bb_posts ORDER BY post_id DESC LIMIT 8";

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