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  • #54543

    I just got about a dozen links to comments made on bbPress New Version Release posts on the front page of my wordpress dashboard. They are also appearing on – I assume it’s a bug?


    Have you entered all the right details in your config.php? Since you’re sharing databases it should have the same database info (name, user, password) as wordpress’s wp-config.php.

    Yeah I call this a debugged version – Chrishajer sums it up nicely.


    To fix this, i have uploaded all my files and directories without installing them on localhost… First, i uploaded wordpress to my web server and installed it then uploaded bbpress and installed it on web server…

    … before of that “above” , i had installed both of them on my localhost then i had uploaded them to my web-server, but that moment i had problems with slashes. Because there is an confusing section about slashes between the normal windows and web server…

    And i recommend that do not change the folder name of your “bbpress” after u upload it to your web server . I tried it two or three times after i installed both of my wordpress and bbpress on my web server, it caused slashes to head backwards…

    Now i have solved all my problems :)

    forward to hearing from you with the same :)

    (sorry for my english if i made any mistake, it is not my first language)


    Flatworm, yes, they should use the same database if you want integration.

    And I thought we covered the graphics not working, which is likely due to a path issue on localhost, in your other thread.

    Regarding “debugged”: it is debugged, but as I stated before, all software has bugs, and you also need to accept the fact that you are using beta software.

    Also, I have offered to help you off list but I have not heard from you…


    In reply to: post or reply by email


    This works better for a blog you own, to create new posts/articles, rather than a forum where anyone can post at any time. AFAIK, it does not exist for comments in WordPress, just posting. Maybe there’s a plugin for doing it with comments in WP, but I think that would be silly.


    Cannot select DB.

    Why graphics do not work?

    Very strange. And you call this a debuged version?


    Do I need to make bbPress use same DB as WordPress?


    Nice. Thanks.

    No Bugs?


    What do you mean by manual?

    You have to change some settings in config.php, but that’s it. Nothing a monkey with a keyboard and a human to do the work for him couldn’t do … really, it’s simple. :) No editing code or the like. Even if it’s in a different subdomain you barely have to do anything.

    Certainly doesn’t sound as much work as installing Vanilla – bbPress is set up to use mostly the same tables as WP already …


    It requires alot of pain in the *** to install Vanilla on WordPress.

    I do not want to do it manualy.

    <b>Does this thing require a manual hookup?<b/>

    Does it still have the bug that had to be solved by editing the code?


    I can answer the second question – Yes there is a plugin that will achieve that for you – its called bbPress Post and you can get it from – it goes in as a plugin on the WordPress side

    Can’t help you with the others though I’m afraid


    I am having this same problem at install, “Cannot select DB.”

    I have only bbPress and not wordPress, so mine is a simple setup.

    Any ideas on what the problem could be?


    Hi, fel64, you can use wp_get_posts() instead of wp_show_posts() and then use a foreach loop, much like the examples in the WP Codex for the get_posts function

    You don’t mind that pretty permalinks are not being used? I think it’s a killer, let’s hope some expert can help us.



    I am writing a plugin for BBPress that shows the latest posts from WP (if WP and BBPress are sharing the same database). It’s still in development, but it already works, you just have to write

    <?php wp_show_posts(\"\" ); ?>

    in any BBpress template.

    As you will see, it works, but it has a problem: it does not show WP’s pretty URLs. I would like to call WP’s get_permalink() function, but it uses many WP functions that are not available when you’re in BBPress.

    Any advice on how to do this? Or maybe it would be easier to read WP’s RSS?


    Here goes the code of the plugin so far (if you don’t care about pretty permalinks, you can use it, it works):

    Plugin Name: WP Posts
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Get a list of WordPress posts from your bbPress (needs to be integrated with WP, sharing database)
    Author: Nick Brady
    Version: 0.1
    Author URI:

    Install Instructions:
    - If you don't have a /my-plugins/ directory in your bbpress installaltion, create it on the same level as config.php.

    - Check out:


    function wp_get_posts($args) {
    global $bbdb, $bb;

    parse_str($args, $r);
    if ( !isset($r['numberposts']) )
    $r['numberposts'] = 5;
    if ( !isset($r['offset']) )
    $r['offset'] = 0;
    if ( !isset($r['category']) )
    $r['category'] = '';
    if ( !isset($r['orderby']) )
    $r['orderby'] = 'post_date';
    if ( !isset($r['order']) )
    $r['order'] = 'DESC';

    $now = bb_current_time('mysql');

    $posts = $bbdb->get_results(
    \"SELECT DISTINCT * FROM \".$bb->wp_table_prefix.\"posts \" .
    ( empty( $r['category'] ) ? \"\" : \", \".$bb->wp_table_prefix.\"post2cat \" ) .
    \" WHERE post_date <= '$now' AND (post_status = 'publish') \".
    ( empty( $r['category'] ) ? \"\" : \"AND \".$bb->wp_table_prefix.\"posts.ID = \".$bb->wp_table_prefix.\"post2cat.post_id AND \".$bb->wp_table_prefix.\"post2cat.category_id = \" . $r['category']. \" \" ) .
    \" GROUP BY \".$bb->wp_table_prefix.\"posts.ID ORDER BY \" . $r['orderby'] . \" \" . $r['order'] . \" LIMIT \" . $r['offset'] . ',' . $r['numberposts'] );

    return $posts;

    function wp_show_posts( $args ) {
    global $bb;
    $posts = wp_get_posts( $args );
    foreach( $posts as $post ) {
    echo \"<li>n\";
    echo \"<a href='\".$bb->wp_home.\"?p=\".$post->ID.\"'>\";
    echo $post->post_title;
    echo \"</a><br/>n\";
    echo \"</li>n\";


    In reply to: Template Tags


    Page numbers – say a thread has more than 30 replies and falls onto the second page, it’s very irritating having to click the thread’s name and then click again to get to the second page. Next to the page’s name you should simply have the page numbers displayed and clickable, hopefully in a smart way (say showing the first few and the last few). You can see it on this forum, too: say I want to read the second page of posts in the Plugin: Forum Restriction thread, I have to click on the name and then on the second page. Is there maybe even a plugin to list the page numbers next to the page name in the thread listing?

    In WordPress you have hooks that let you take actions through your plugin when they’re called, right? I guess bbPress does the same. I specifically want to create an Identicon avatar on registration – it’s not essential, just something I’d like to do. How do I register my plugin to work on that hook, and what hook do I use? Just a list of hooks would be helpful. :)


    Well, here I go again…

    Anyone know the way I might call in the wordpress Profile fields from a users Profile page and display/edit those in the bbpress profile.php and edit-profile.php pages?



    I assume the same way as you would in WordPress – using filters for when the text is called from the db, then going through the text looking for links and adding them?

    I don’t know what filter there are, though, so I can’t tell you which one to call.


    Does anybody know how/where the cookie domain for bbpress is stored? I am not talking about the siteurl or home…I’m looking for the value “Website” in the cookie table in Safari’s preferences – > Cookies window, or the value “domain” in Firefox’s Preferences -> Domain field. I’m having conflicts with WordPress’ integration when I have a user create new password etc. in bbpress. I need to assign the cookie website or “domain” to be instead of


    It doesn’t require wordpress, no.


    Yes. If i would not save my config.php, this thing would not install.

    Does this thing have to be connected to wordpress?

    Does it have it’s own pictures for graphics or it relies on wordpress?


    Demo plz?

    Also found this one where you can dowload the theme you are watching ( but it isn’t for download. (Author doesn’t want that)


    I installed the thing, but it does not show graphics and interface.

    Does it have to the in the same folder as WordPress?

    Help me.


    It can’t find the function get() because no such function exists – unless you’re sure it exists in your wordpress plugins or something? Are you sure that’s the function you want to be calling in that template file on line 127?


    I use aggrss to do syndication of my own website’s RSS feeds to the front page (OncTalk) and I want to be able to do the same thing on my bbPress theme (which is nearly identically to my WordPress theme). I’ve setup integration between the two theme systems, and I know it works becuase all of my WordPress Conditional tags and things I’m using in my bbPress theme are working, but when I put in aggrss, I get this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get() in /usr/home/josh/domains/ on line 127

    When looking up the code on that, I didn’t seen anything blatantly obvious that would cuase a screw up, but im still a beginner at this.

    This is the code around line 127 from aggrss.php:

    (From line 123-131)

    function aggrss($rssurl,$striptags=false,$num=0) {

    global $lastRSS;

    $lastRSS->CDATA= ($striptags) ? “strip” : “content” ;


    if ($aggr = $lastRSS->Get($rssurl))

    return $aggr;


    return 0;


    Full view of the code can be found here.

    Any help in getting this fixed/solved would be much appreciated.


    Topic: Template Tags

    in forum Themes

    I would like/want to know about all the various template tags there are. For example, I wanted to change the way authors are presented next to their post, but found it impossible without changing core files (and those fairly confusing anyway). It would be nice if there were more template tags like there are in wordpress, so that I could call the_author(), the_author_title(), the_author_website(), the_author_profile() (or some variation with parameter-passed requested details). I’d like something, in other words, that was simple and straightforward to use, where looking over code you could immediately see the function. Maybe it’s implemented but I couldn’t see it?

    If they exist, then at least a list of them would be nice.

    More template tags would be great.

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