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Latest WordPress & bbPress in another language!

  • Currently i’m trying to develop something using wordpress & bbpress.

    Everything flows pretty good when talking on functionality and the rest of features, but there is a problem.

    Actually 2 problems. First I already posted here:

    And now the second one:

    The final release has to be in another language but english. It’s true, I found no troubles translating bbpress in my language and the rest of updated wordpress. But after what I’ve integrated both of api’s: the wordpress and bbpress; this resulted in the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreader in /var/www/pm/forum/bb-includes/streams.php on line 26

    I suppose it’s because of the translations, cause when I did not defined BBLANG, everything worked well.

    After a bit I thought, that a solution for my problem can be joining both of the bbpress and wordpress translation .mo’s and defining just WPLANG for my language settings. That worked, but I dont see this as a pretty simple and accessible solution for everybody!

    I would be glad getting some help on that, If there is any other more easier solution, that would be cool.

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  • I am over my head when combining WP and bbPress functions and know next to nothing with Ajax. Hopefully mdawaffe (Michael) will see this post or head over to and see if you can contact him another way!


    Let us give him some more time…

    “But after what I’ve integrated both of api’s: the wordpress and bbpress; this resulted in the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreader in /var/www/pm/forum/bb-includes/streams.php on line 26″

    -> same error here

    For error: “Cannot redeclare class streamreader …”, read this…



    hi, I have the same problem. Has anyone found a way to integrate and change the language without errors?

    “hi, I have the same problem. Has anyone found a way to integrate and change the language without errors?”

    I managed to translate a wp-bb integration but I don’t know if you are going to like my workaround;

    1. edit bbpress config.php and in define language section point to your wp language file with this code; ‘ define(‘BBLANGDIR’, ‘wp-includes/languages/’); ‘ (change for the name of your language .mo file)

    2. edit wp language .po file and insert there your bbpress .po file. In other words, copy/paste all bbpress entries at the end of wp .mo file

    3. Open with poedit and try to save this modifed file. You’re going to have +-100 duplicated entries in an error log. Delete all duplicated entries, one by one, so you can save.

    4. When you save with poedit you produce 2 files; .po file and a .mo file. This .mo file is the one you want. Now you have translated both; wp and bbpress with just one .mo file.

    I do know that this workaround implies a lot of future problems and I don’t like it at all but I didn’t find any other way.

    I hope someday bbpress will appear as a plugin for wordpress.



    Hi Ganzua, Thanks for taking the time to explain this to me. I believe, as you say, that it is not the best solution but, apparently, the only one at the moment (?).

    I wonder how did other users managed to translate their integrated bbpress.

    Thanks again!



    Ah, great! I’ve been translating bbPress to portuguese to use on my WPMU+bbPress project and when I try to set the language I get the error as well….

    Anyways, I guess I’ll have to try merging the two PO files.

    @ganzua, I don’t think you really need to define BBLANGDIR – it works because you have already defined the .mo file in WP config file. You get the error *if* you try to define BBLANG. However, if you leave BBLANG as ”, you won’t get the error.

    I actually haven’t tried yet, but I think it make sense.

    Well, that was definitely the problem.

    I have the bbpress directory in the wordpress directory, and had the language parameter set in both. I read your post above, set the lang in bbpress to ”, and viola! It worked immediately.

    It took me forever to find this post, but I’m glad it was posted. I would have died of old age before I figured that out on my own.

    Glad we could help somehow…

    Good luck!

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