It depends on the amount of work you’re willing to put in as well as the complexity of your WordPress theme (assuming that you’re trying to match your bbPress theme to your WP theme?). Using CSS (which is what you use to style the site) is simple and enjoyable to me, but you may prefer to just get someone else to do it.
Everything is in plain English and the format is simple. Have a look at
I had a custom theme built for my wordpress site and it matches my CubeCart (which is in it’s own directory – wordpress is on site root). I am not proficient with this theme. Should I have someone do this for me or can I do this simply?
You can set the bbPress cookies to whatever you want to integrate with your site’s cookies. It is a matter of defining them in your config.php and can be found at:
I want to integrate my (non-wordpress) site with bbpress. It is an easy jobb with punbb: You simply include a single file(common.php) in your pages and then you can use punbb’s functions.(link). Can it be the same thing with bbpress?
I need this because I want to show or hide a part of my web pages based on that my bbpress form’s user is logged in or not .
1. No, you can use the same database and that’s actually preferred if you want to integrate things with WordPress in the future.
2. Yes, look inside the config.php and you will see the lines for WordPress integration.
Please read here for more:
Hello, I am importing phpBB posts into a new bbPress forum, which will be integrated with WordPress. How can I do this with the least bit of headache? Thanks a ton!
I’m trying to integrate bbpress with wordpress using a theme i created. The problem is:
My wp theme uses mootools. BBpress uses prototype. When I’m trying to include my template headers, neither my mootools, nor bbpress prototype functions are working.
Please help me with a solution. Of course, I can just disable thoose functions. But the second questions I got is:
Does bbpress really needs those ajax libs? Can’t those just be replaced with a smaller js function (used only for ajax http request, if this one is the only one bbpress uses so far)?
Please help!
Ohh, I forgot to tell that I’m using the mootools v1. The theme I’m trying to integrate both of them can be examined at
UPDATE: I’ve decided to remove my MediaWiki, or better known as the Codex. I merely installed it to play around, customize, and get familiar with it.
The whole reason for removing it is, I really don’t have the time for it. I don’t have time to add anything to it, make a theme for it, and customize it anymore.
As for this article, it’s still a good reference guide as what To-Do for getting your MediaWiki, bbPress, and WP login/registration working together. I hope you find it as useful as I did. Well, I guess that’s it for now. Tata.
I have read the FAQs for my hosting account (Linux hosting) at GoDaddy, and it says that the server is mod_rewrite enabled. It is evident from the fact that my wordpress install works fine with custom permalinks. Tried even using the stuff spewed by rewrite-rules.php. Nothing seems to work!
Mirce, I had disabled pretty permalinks for a while in between and I believe that is around when you must have checked the forums.
wyDay, I have kept the .htaccess file for about a day now, no results yet
Should I perhaps try to reinstall bb-press? The only thing I am concerned about is losing my WP data because I believe wp-users is one table that is shared if both are installed in the same database.
I would really like to get my pretty permalinks to work. I have tried both the tricks mentioned in the FAQ, still I am a bit clueless..
Judging by the wordpress system (the documentation is quite good), 10 is default priority and plugins are executed in order of descending priority (so a plugin of 1 comes before 2). In WP the last two arguments are optional.
Preview sounds good – but better yet would be an AJAX thing that means you don’t even have to reload the page when you post.
I have read the FAQ here:
and I have tried both, using Options +MultiViews and also using the code generated by /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php but I cannot seem to get my permalinks working. is the link to my forums.
I am using GoDaddy for hosting. I have set $bb->mod_rewrite = true in my config.php and my forums are in the same database as WordPress.
I recently migrated my forums to my WordPress database, and I did the same at home (I have a server running on my laptop, and I just loaded all the data onto the domain mentioned above).
Permalinks work fine at home on my WAMP setup. However on my domain at GoDaddy, I get an error saying “No input file specified.”
Could anyone please help me out and tell me where am I going wrong? I would really appreciate it.
Before we can can get too much further here, what is the other system that you are hooking the cookies with? What does it use for login cookies? On first glance, if it is wordpress, you can check out:
It also gives you some cookie settings for possible use with another program.
“As well, if you have an integration with WordPress, bbPress integrates logins perfectly with WordPress.”
That said, if they are in different subdomains you will have to tweak some files (currently, anyway). But it’s two lines that need changing in total, and it’s very simple.
If you’re planning to install WordPress, look for a WP plugin that does whatever you want and logs you in – there are way way more WP plugins than bbPress plugins.
Err … probably! In WordPress you have both hooks and filters, where hooks are there to add actions and filters to change the data going to and leaving the database (like your post – adding stuff to links etc), but they’re almost identical. Never used this in bbPress.
I’ve just created my first plugin. This plugin allows custom profile fields which a user will see upon registration and subsequently when editing their profile page. The values will also show up on the view profile page. This plugin also allows the addition of the profile fields from the wordpress’ profile page. Refer to the instructions in the plugin for simple configuration details.
This plugin was developed in a bbpress/wordpress integrated environment. I’m not sure if this works on bbpress installs only. It wouldn’t hurt to try, however, and I’m sure it can be modified to work with bbpress w/o a wordpress integration.
Please try it out and let me know what you think.
Here’s the link:
When you say Http_Auth, do you mean something like the LDAP auth?
As well, if you have an integration with WordPress, bbPress integrates logins perfectly with WordPress.
Not yet … but I’m still interested. AMP will still work if you add the javascript to the header either from the standalone player or from wordpress with the amp plugin installed. Picks up any links to flv, mp3, mov, mp4, m4v, m4a, m4b, 3gp, wmv, avi and asf. The youtube etc flash players would need to embed javascript though and so will need to be ported to bbpress via quicktags … which is what I’m looking into.
I was wondering if there was a HTTP_AUTH plugin/how to available. We’re thinking about integrating BBpress to our server, but we’d like to keep the existing user and password list, so that Bbpress would smoothly be part of our portal.
We might also use WordPress, maybe something done for WordPress is already working for BBpress ?
Since I haven’t found any relevant information so far, I though I might as well ask for help
I had the same problem. Its not very hard to do it. You need to use add_action or add_filter. See my problem here
This may help also:
I have no experience also but I managed to do a plugin.
Good luck!
I’m interested in creating my fist plugin. I would like it to allow the user to see/edit the extra profile fields that are present in WordPress when a site has WP integration working. I’m asking for any help to get started on this that someone is willing to offer.
I’m not very experienced with PHP, though I feel I am a pretty quick learner. I have too many questions right now from the reading ( and from looking at other plugins. I don’t think these questions require more than a few simple pointers and explanations about the structure/basic principles of plugins.
Is anyone out there willing to throw me a bone or two?
are you running integration with wordpress?
Well, I got it working, but it uses a hack rather than a plugin. It wasn’t too hard, I guess I could document the hack until such time as I work out how to make it a plugin.
The thing I don’t quite ‘get’ yet (not having made a plugin for either WordPress or bbPress before) is how to modify the behaviour of an existing function. If I write my own version of a function, will it overwrite the existing function?
Yeah. Request already waiting for approval.
I fixed it! o/
Remember how the cookies “looked” identical?
Well they weren’t.
The cookies created by bbpress added the hash to the end of the cookie name.
Both Safari and Camino didn’t reveal this, but Flock did. I was using these other browsers as a testing platform because I needed to clear cookies in between each test.
I added:
$bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser';
$bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass';
To my bbpress config to solve the problem. (which I found on one of the links you sent me)
I actually like the idea of the cookie name including the hash. Isn’t this more secure? Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t this make it near impossible for another site to read that cookie?
Thanks for your help Trent!