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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • #223795

    Portion not translated.

    Trying to figure out why part of the translation isn’t showing up. It concerns the Legend part. In the PO file it’s translated. Anyone an idea what’s wrong? See image.


    In reply to: legend translation

    Robin W

    sorry, just re-read this properly, and you are falling between 2 stools. It is not a bbpress issue, bbpress uses translations to display the correct names in languages. That the other plugin developer has decided not to is not really a bbpress issue.

    Ludovic S. Clain

    Hi there,
    I am using a plugin that displays my forum statistics, and after talking to the developer about a translation that is not showing as expected, he replied “My plugin get’s roles from bbPress, it has no influence on the translations for them, and if the bbPress function sends them without translation, there is not much I can do about it.”
    Does anyone have any idea how bbpress can “send a function WITH translation”?
    My regards,

    Screenshot legend translation

    Robin W

    In bbpress 2.6.x the date freshness format has changed.
    If your translation has not been updated this will still display in English.


    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Freshness Display

    and you will be able to enter translations there

    Robin W

    sorry, lost in translation 🙂

    The default is that participants cannot close their own topics


    In reply to: Update Topic On Reply

    Robin W

    sorry, can you explain further.

    There is no ‘update’ button on a topic unless this is lost in translation, there is edit and submit.

    can you detail a series of steps and what you want to happen?

    Robin W

    sorry, but your problem is lost in translation.

    can you clearly state what is not working. can you see forums in Dashboard>forums?

    Robin W

    basic system is fine – the issue is either site specific or words lost in translation between us 🙂

    there are over 300,000 installations of bbpress – if breadcrumbs didn’t work, we’d know about it 🙂

    But I’m glad you are fixed 🙂


    Hi everyone,

    we’re currently using bbPress in conjunction with WPML and LearnPress. With that setup, I’m encountering a couple of problems:

    1. With WPML, we want to enable users to switch between English and Spanish. I’ve run the string scan via WPML and most strings are already there in Spanish as well as get displayed correctly when the language is set to Spanish. However, there are certain strings that didn’t have translations and that we manually translated – but they don’t show up on the frontend, somehow they remain in English there.

    Here’s an example of a such a string. and here’s a corresponding screenshot of the frontend.

    2. We’d like to customize the date format so that it displays “Hace 2 Semanas” as “hace 2 semanas” in the last post column, for example. It seems like this would need to be changed in the php files, as with the string translations, that’s just a placeholder? But where exactly would this need to be changed?

    Here’s the string I found.

    3. Also, no breadcrumb is being displayed at all. Is there some setting I’m missing where this can be turned on?

    (WP 5.6.1, bbPress 2.6.6)

    Thanks in advance, I’d very much appreciate your help with these issues!

    All the best,


    Thanks for your help, Robin.

    Issue resolved.

    The theme, Publisher, has a function buried in their visual editor, called ‘Theme Translations’, which let me change the “On” to “on ” (space).


    I m using the Loco plugin for translation – there you can insert new words that are not in the 100%-translation list.

    In this case, if these words are not important to you, prohibit through css display: none


    Please check the red boxes are still not translated
    I tried to change the main code for translation


    I’m using the official translations posted in the bbpress translations. It’s %100 complete. Yes, it’s bbpress related. I used the theme editor to edit some of them, but still the translations aren’t reflected completely.


    The translation you are using – how much is it completed?
    Translation in the lables – are you sure that this is a bbp and not another plugin or theme?

    In any case, you can use ftp-search to determine these words come from.


    Ok, I saw the new translation files in
    everything works at the level of the integration of the missing files.
    For me problem solved.
    Thank you



    With Notepad ++ I added to the Po file a French translation for an expression contained in /plugins/bbpress/includes/topics/functions.php.
    I then opened the Po file to validate the translation and generate the Mo file, they are up to date in languages ​​/ plugins / bbpress-fr_FR.po and also
    The problem is that I do not see the translation of this expression on my site, all the others of the same Mo file are present.

    I have looked at many expressions in this “functions.php” file and many of them have never been translated.

    What is the problem ?

    Thanks for your future answers.


    Line 156 of functions.php :
    // No topic title
    if ( empty( $topic_title ) ) {
    bbp_add_error( 'bbp_topic_title', __( 'Error: Your topic needs a title.', 'bbpress' ) );



    I followed the instructions to add the Arabic translation using FTP. But the forum language doesn’t change. I deactivated the plugin and re-activated it, but in vain.

    What shall I do next?

    Thanks in advance


    Hello all,

    I have already configured WordPress in French. I am using the version 5.6–fr_CA, but bbpress is not translated as mentioned here :

    So I followed steps 1 and 2 indicated on the website, but the translation still doesn’t work. Do you have a solution?

    I am using version 2.6.6 of bbpress. My website is the following:

    Thank you very much,


    Did you check wp-content/plugins/profile-builder/translation/

    or /wp-content/languages/plugins/ ?



    it is the translation that is bad.

    I said I am using bbpress 2.6.6

    but I tried the other versions. Under 2.5.14 it works but from 2.6.0 it no longer works

    Under 2.6-rc-6 and other 2.6-rc-x it works but not under 2.6-rc-7

    I would like to come back to 2.6.6 and that it works

    by the way thanks for helping me 🙂


    Life-hack for non-English speaking users. There is no need to change anything in the functions.php.
    Just enough to change the translation file, for example, in Loco-translate.
    You translate the hours into your language as it should, and instead the minutes make empty field. Save.

    Its works.


    The post header consists of the following words (My translation from Swedish):

    Redigera (Edit)
    Sammanfoga (Merge)
    Stäng (Close)
    Klistra (som notis) Sticky
    Lägg i papperskorg (Put in trash)
    Skräpmeddelande (Spam)
    Förkasta (Unapprove)
    Svara (Answer)

    What´s the difference between Close and Put in Trash and Unapprove?
    What happens when I clock on Sticky?


    I apologize if this is something obvious to others. I have a WP site in Arabic and want to use bbPress in English for private forums. Is this possible?

    I have downloaded the files for Translation of Stable (latest release): English (UK), renamed them to bbpress-en_GB.po and, and copied them into /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ (per docs).

    But the forums publish in Arabic.

    Is it possible to have forums in EN on a WP-site that is AR?

    Thanks for any help you can provide.


    Hi there,
    I want to add a third <li>message</li> to the form-user-register.php file to advise users that their user status will be set to “Spectator” until it is reviewed and approved to “Participant” status.
    I will also need to add my translation to the bbpress-de_DE-formal.po file as my site is in German.
    As I have my own unique theme in /wp-content/themes/unique_theme/, where do i place the form-user-register.php file in order to add my third <li>message</li>?
    As I don’t want it overwritten next time bbpress updates.
    The same question to the .po file as this also needs to be edited.
    thx in advance.

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