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  • The warning in Codestyling Localization is too strict. Both bbPress and BuddyPress allow for loading translation files in the core languages location: wp-content/languages and as a result, do not call load_plugin_textdomain but instead load_textdomain with the correct filters.

    Does the CS plugin allow you to override their error reporting? I remember that plugin being pretty robust.


    Je bedoeld de activiteiten pagina van Buddypress?

    In dat geval moet je bbpress ook z’n vertaling nog geven, gezien Buddypress en bbPress compleet aparte vertalings bestanden hebben.

    Je kunt hier vinden hoe.


    Hey Xevo,
    Dank voor je reactie. Ik heb het .po file bekeken en alle woorden “Search” opgezocht. Ze zijn allemaal vertaald naar: “Zoeken”. Dus ik begrijp het even niet. Op de ledenpagina en activiteit pagina staat wel gewoon “zoeken” maar niet op de forum pagina.

    Mijn site staat nog achter een wachtwoord maar ke kunt wel even kijken op:

    Username: admin
    Password: AbB92mtFL2

    Ik gebruik een Premium Theme genaamd “Razor” en is van Paralellus. Ook daarin heb ik alle worden vertaald.

    Ik hoop dat je een oplossing weet.



    In reply to: Translation problem


    Any examples as to where? It’s most likely a problem of it being hardcoded somewhere or the polish file not being 100% completely translated.


    Is verder alles wel vertaald op je forum? Ik heb namelijk net gekeken in de source files en deze horen wel vertaalbaar te zijn vanuit de po/mo.

    Of heb je je (custom) thema al aangepast voor bbpress?



    I’ve added the Dutch translation (po and mo files) for bbPress. However on my forum page the search box is still in English (Search…). This should be in Dutch as well (Zoeken…).
    Can anyone help me please?

    Kind regards,


    Hi everyone,

    We are starting a private forum, only for employees
    of our company.

    BBpress has been translated (to Polish) and with most of sentences
    translation is working just fine but there are some words/sentences
    that still appear on the site in English.
    It all seems fine in language files.

    Any idea?


    Any update for 2.3.X? Thanks!


    bbPress 2.3.2 zh_TW translations(50%)


    file path:

    Hamed Nourhani

    Dear bbpress!

    We have translated the bbpress plugin to persian language.

    you can download the translation file here.

    We hope to do more in future.

    Hamed Nourhani



    In reply to: Polish Translation

    Unsal Korkmaz

    Spanish Translation for FirmaSite theme, BuddyPress and bbPress plugins:


    Here comes a hugely disappointed bbPress user of just a few hours. I was so excited to have found a bb seemingly meant to integrate well with WP. What a pain this thing is. The only easy part is to get the plug in and see it in the back end, after that it is mostly an illogical disaster, from the basics (like trying to figure out how to see the forum), to making it work with a theme, to tweaking a theme, to trying to make some sense of bb structure etc. I think the developers have taken a completely wrong route to make things work, with too much of WP back-end reuse without giving it a second thought of how it was going to be implemented, and then used by the followers. I am yet to find ONE board that looks half as good as majority of other free bb software out there. It is sad, that a team responsible for WP development would drop a ball to this degree.

    My excitement lasted just a few hours, I even started participating in the translation routine, but unfortunately I don’t see how it is worth it.


    does anyone know what to name the bbPress language files?

    I’ve already gotten Buddypress translated, but I can’t seem to get bbPress translated. I want my forum to be in Norwegian, like the rest of my site…

    So, what I’ve done:

    I downloaded the language files from glotpress. I then put the language files in wp-content/languages/bbPress/ and named them “bbpress-2.2.nb_NO.po” and “”.

    What am I doing wrong, is the nb_NO part wrong?

    Im using:

    Buddypress Version 1.7.2
    bbPress Version 2.3.2
    and I’m using the theme Engage

    Thanks for any help on this 🙂



    I did the same thing for Buddypress before, and it worked.. I just realized though, that the buddypress translation does not work without the plugin Buddypress Translations. I might be wrong, but it doesn’t feel right that it doesn’t work without that plugin..?



    I did everything exactly as specified in the other post, to upgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.2, and now when I try to login to the bbPress admin area to “upgrade” the database I get this message:

    Fatal error: Class ‘Translations’ not found in …/Forum/bb-includes/ on line 484

    I DO have the /bb-includes/backpress/pomo folder with a translations.php file in it so I don’t know why I’m getting this error, but I cannot login to the forum nor access it (front or back end)….

    I backed up all my files/folder and sql db, then I deleted all the files in my /Forum folder – everything *except* my bb-config.php file and my /my-plugins and /my-templates folder and my .htaccess file…..then I uploaded all of the bbPress 1.2 files including the backpress and pomo stuff just as described…..

    What now???

    Stephen Edgar

    1. can more than 110 000 users be imported

    This should not be a problem.

    2. My website runs a specific version of phpbb SEO for allowing permalinks for every forum – will this be imported ? (so that there is not a lot of redirect)

    No, these will NOT be imported and you will need to manually set your permalinks and make some redirects using .htaccess

    3. My website stores custom profile fields for every user (more than just ICQ, but also custom ones). How could I have the same kind of functionalities using bbpress ?

    Currently when importing from phpBB we are importing and storing the default phpBB user fields as outlined here. You could modify the import script to include any of your custom user profile fields so they also get stored in wp_usermeta.

    After that you would need to find a WordPress plugin that supports extended user profile fields to utilize that data. I am not sure of any specific plugin that can really do that out of the box with bbPress at the moment but at least you ‘would’ have all of your users advanced profile data stored.

    4. What about performance – will it be better than phpbb. I know bbpress is very powerful for small forums, but I have no idea regarding huge ones. Can wp caching plugins work for bbpress as well ?

    There are some large sites running bbPress and I would suggest you setup a test site to see how it works for yourself personally.

    As to caching it appears that ‘WP Super Cache’and ‘W3 Total Cache’ do not work well with bbPress as discussed in this topic though there is ‘Lite Cache’ which appears to work with bbPress as per this topic.

    5. Is the entire UI translated in French – it doesn’t seem to me, but maybe I’m wrong.

    The current status of the French translation is at 11% translated with 879 strings untranslated though 734 of those strings have been translated and are waiting for the fr_FR translation validator to validate the translations.

    6. Can I use any plugins writter for wp for bbpress ?

    I am not sure what you mean for this question

    Any more questions please ask away…

    Stephen Edgar

    The strings you mention from what I can see are all currently able to be translated.

    Take a look at this to get started with bbPress Translation files



    Sorry for replying to myself, but I would like to give a last try before my topic will be lost 🙂

    Anyone can answer the answers above?

    Thank you again!


    Hi community,

    I have a couple of questions on bbpress translation.

    1) I notice that there are some words that are missing from the .po file and so I can’t translate them. For example the wordings : 1 day ago, last post by and some more). How can I translate those words?

    2) I translated bbpress but I have some worries about the future bbpress updates. So if there will be a new update, including some new features, how we will be able to translate the new words? What about the all ready uploaded .po and .mo files?

    Thank you very much!



    I’ve got a beautifully translated forum on my website-to-be (it’s in under construction mode). When I go to a subforum/topic the title above the page says ‘posted by’ in English though. I can’t seem to find where to translate this little string. Can anyone help?

    Thanks a lot.

    Pippin Williamson

    The doc I linked shows how to setup your local bbPress install to use your language. I wasn’t referring to how to get them in the official project.


    I’ve already read it, and added about 100 translations. But i see, what all translations in waiting state a long time, and i can’t download .po and .mo files with words, which i translated.

    Pippin Williamson

    Please see the documentation for Using bbPress in Your Language to see how you can supply your own files:


    When Russian translation will be approved? I want to translate all phases. But i afraid what it will be never approved.

    Robin W

    Converting a Snitz access database forum to BBpress

    This documents how I transferred from a website using Snitz and an access database to a new site with BBress using Mysql.

    This briefing assumes knowledge of
    • FTP programmes and uploading/downloading files
    • A way to access your wordpress database eg myphpadmin
    • A way to see your access database


    BBpress has a conversion tool that lets you import data from several other forum packages. However two things are needed for this to work.
    1. The data in a MySQL database format
    2. A convertor programme that understands the structure of the source (in this case Snitz) forum.

    If you already have a MySQL verison of Snitz (Snitz supports Access, MS SQL, and MySQL), then you’ll still need to fix the date, and run a specific Snitz converter, but don’t need the upload to MySql in step 2.


    The plan therefore is to
    1. Fix date format (it is different between the two forums)
    2. Convert the data to sql format
    3. Run a snitz converter
    4. Run repair to fix the links


    I can only describe how I achieved this, I suspect there are lots of ways, but this one worked.

    I had an access database on site x with hosting company a, and needed to transfer to a Mysql database on site y with hosting company b (basically I was taking over running someone else’s website management)

    Step 1 fixing the data format

    Snitz stores dates in the format yyyymmddhhmmss
    BBpress stores dates in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

    You can fix this
    • before you transfer the data to sql,
    • after you have transferred it
    • or during conversion,

    this will depend on where you knowledge lies. But you will need to fix it. If you don’t fix this, all the entries you import will show as posted 2014 years ago (basically year 0)

    I converted before transferring to sql, as I an old and used to working with flat files! If you are more capable in sql, you could no doubt write a small programme to change the data format after you’ve uploaded to sql, and if more capable in php you could do it within the converter programme (see later)

    The Snitz database has two tables with dates in that need changing. These are :


    This is how they showed in my Snitz database, but the prefix may be different with yours.

    In FORUM_TOPICS you need to change

    In FORUM_REPLY you need to change

    I downloaded the access database from the old site to my PC. I then exported the two tables to an excel spreadsheet (in Access go to external data, and look for export to Excel. You’ll need to have created a blank spreadsheet with the name you want to use first) and ran the formula

    =CONCATENATE(MID(N2,1,4),"-",MID(N2,5,2),"-",MID(N2,7,2)," “,MID(N2,9,2),":",MID(N2,11,2),":",MID(N2,13,2))

    Where column N contained the old date.

    I then prefixed the original heading with OLD (eg heading T_DATE became OLDT_DATE) and headed the new column with the heading of the old one (eg T_DATE). I did this to a) preserve the original columns just in case, and b) to use for the clean slug in the conversion (see later).

    I then deleted the old table in access, and imported the two excel ones back into Access (as before external data, then import).

    I then had the same access database, but with the correct date formulas and a couple of extra columns with the old date format in them.

    Step 2 – Convert access database to MySql database

    The first thing you’ll need is a MySql database to upload to.

    You can use the one you presumably already have with WordPress/BBpress. However you’ll just need to check that none of the names co-incide. Since my Snitz database used capitals (I don’t know if they all Snitz databases do), and BBpress uses lower case, I suspect that there is no risk in doing this, but one for you to consider.

    I took the safety of creating a fresh blank database (my hosting package allows the creation of databases and manages them through phpMyadmin).
    There are numerous programmes on the web that do access to Mysql conversion, but for no particular reason I chose Bullzip

    However this needs a 32bit ODBC driver to work, so unless you already have Mysql on your local PC, you’ll need to download the driver from – choose the 32 bit one.

    Once installed it is a doddle to do the conversion.
    You’ll need :
    The access database on your pc
    The host address of your MySql database
    The database name
    The username
    The password.

    Run the wizard, and it’ll upload in minutes.

    Finally if you’re going to do the date conversion discussed in Step 1 at this stage, now’s the time to do it.

    Step 3 – Importing/converting the data

    This is easy once you’ve got your head around it, but initially it can be very frustrating.

    In essence you need to translate what one forum calls something to what the other needs.

    For Snitz, I used the following translation

    Forum section FORUM_FORUM forum
    Forum id	FORUM_ID	_bbp_forum_id
    Forum parent id	CAT_ID	_bbp_parent_id
    Forum title	F_SUBJECT	post_title
    Forum Slug  (see note 1)	FORUM_ID	post_name
    Forum description	F_DESCRIPTION	post_content
    Forum Display Order	F_ORDER	Menu_order
    Forum Date Update		Post_date
    Topic section	FORUM_TOPICS	topic
    Topic id	TOPIC_ID	_bbp_topic_id
    Forum id 	FORUM_ID	_bbp_forum_id
    Topic author	T_AUTHOR	post_author
    Topic title	T_SUBJECT	post_title
    Topic Slug (see note 1)	T_DATE	post_name
    Forum id (if no parent 0) 	FORUM_ID	post_parent
    Topic date update 	T_DATE	post_date
    	T_DATE	post_date_gmt
    	T_LAST_POST_DATE	post_modified
    	T_LAST_POST_DATE	post_modified_gmt
    Tags section		
    Post section	FORUM_REPLY	reply
    Post id	REPLY_ID	_bbp_post_id
    Forum id	FORUM_ID	_bbp_forum_id
    Topic  id	TOPIC_ID	_bbp_topic_id
    Author ip	R_IP	_bbp_author_ip
    Post author	R_AUTHOR	post_author
    Topic slug	R_DATE	post_name
    Post Content	R_MESSAGE	post_content
    Topic id	TOPIC_ID	post_parent
    Topic date	R_DATE	post_date
    User Section	FORUM_MEMBERS	user
    Store old user id	MEMBER_ID	_bbp_user_id
    	M_NAME	user_login
    	M_PASSWORD	_bbp_password
    	M_EMAIL	user_email
    	M_HOMEPAGE	user_url
    	M_AIM	aim
    	M_YAHOO	yim

    [NOTE if you copy this and post in a word doc, you should be able to get a nice tabbed table]
    Note 1

    I used OLDR_DATE & OLDT_DATE from the step 1 as my clean slugs. A slug is what BBpress uses for a URL to reference a post. It needs to be clean – ie not have formatting, odd characters like spaces etc. in it. I did debate using the topic ID, but was unsure if this was unique for BBpress – it may well be fine. So I used the references above as I was pretty sure that with our forum being not that busy, that no two people would have posted in the same second. If you choose to use some other field, such as topic ID, you’ll need to change the field in the converter document – see below.

    This is then used against the example converter that BBpress supplies.

    Whilst initially looking daunting, this is fairly easy to change to get it to work.

    Step 3.1 Creating a Snitz.php

    Firstly go to your site. Using FTP go to web/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/admin/converters and locate example.php. FTP this to your PC and using an editor (notepad ++ is good – download it from you need to change the default “froms” to those above

    But first save it locally as “snitz.php”, and change the first couple of lines to read

     * Implementation of snitz converter.
    class snitz extends BBP_Converter_Base

    If you don’t do this, the converter won’t recognise it.

    Then you need to work through each of the lines of code changing the “default” source database tables and names to the correct ones.

    So looking at you new snitz.php, you’ll see for instance the first conversion is :

    // Forum id. Stored in postmeta.
    $this->field_map[] = array(
    'from_tablename' => 'forum', 'from_fieldname' => 'forumid',
    'to_type' => 'forum', 'to_fieldname' => '_bbp_forum_id'

    So to get this to work for Snitz you need to change the source table from ‘forum’ to “FORUM_FORUM” and the from field needs changing from ‘forumd’ to’ _bbp_forum_id’

    Making the lines now read :

    // Forum id. Stored in postmeta.
    $this->field_map[] = array(
    'from_tablename' => 'FORUM_FORUM', 'from_fieldname' => 'FORUM_ID',
    'to_type' => 'forum', 'to_fieldname' => '_bbp_forum_id'

    Using the translation table above you work through each of the lines, doing the substitution.

    I commented out the tags section, as I couldn’t see that Snitz had tags. I also commented out the “
    Store old user salt” and “User password verify class” sections as passwords won’t come across – see later on this.

    CRITICALLY I also added the following as the example doesn’t had a bit that brings the actual topic content across !

    // Topic content.
    		// Note: We join the posts table because topics do not have content.
    		$this->field_map[] = array(
    			'from_tablename'  => 'FORUM_TOPICS',
    			'from_fieldname'  => 'T_MESSAGE',
    			'join_tablename'  => 'thread',
    			'join_type'       => 'INNER',
    			'join_expression' => 'USING (threadid) WHERE post.parentid = 0',
    			'to_type'         => 'topic',
    			'to_fieldname'    => 'post_content',
    			'callback_method' => 'callback_html'

    Once all that is done, save the file locally.

    Then using FTP upload it to the same directory that example came from
    Viz : web/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/admin/converters
    Now you’re ready to run the conversion!

    You’ll need the following info
    Database server (localhost if your using you local Mysql database)
    Database name
    Database User
    Database password

    Then in Dashboard, go to tools>forums>import forums

    Select “snitz” from the converter list, and fill in the database info from above.

    Click to select users, presuming that you want to bring these across.

    Then click start, and sit back and watch. If you’ve got everything right, you’ll see a steady stream of lines such as “converting topics 1-100”

    If Fails :

    If it falls over, then you’ll need to work out which part of the snitz converter it doesn’t like (it’ll give you a line number). Usually you’ve got punctuations wrong, or called something by a wrong name. Remember snitz (in my case anyway) uses capitals, and bbpress needs lowercase, so ensure that’s all ok.

    If nothing comes through (it usually says “starting conversion…conversion complete”), then you have got the connection wrong, as it’s not finding the database and tables.

    If Success :

    Then you’ll need to repair the links (Dashboard>tools>forums>repair forums). Otherwise in my case the forum listings came through, but with no topics listed against them.

    Do as the tool suggests – I ran several at the same time, and wrote most of this document whilst waiting !

    Finally – users

    If you successfully imported your users, they’ll have accounts, but their passwords won’t work – Bbpress can’t bring these across.

    The easiest way is to tell them to click “lost password” and enter their email address and then they can reset their own.

    And that’s how it’s done !

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