After testing this! WOW! I just assumed it would have notification by email, but that can come later! This is really going to be a cool system! Looking forward to the release!
Not sure what you’re asking (the plugin has nothing to do with email addresses), but feel free to go to my forums and check it out. I need more testers anyway.
I just did what the previous code was dictating a different way, so right now everything I’ve worked on is working.
If you do come over and test it out, make a quick post in some thread (I suggest the one pertaining to this plugin) so that you don’t get deleted accidentally (we go through our memberlist daily to delete spam users)
I believe that bb_add_filter is the naming that is used in the latest version in TRAC (might wanna check that) as most files and functions are being named that way.
As for the function that you are close to creating, could I ask if it will only send links to the PM area to a member so that other members can harvest email addresses?
I have done a fresh install of the latest WP (2.0.5) and latest bbPress (0.73) earlier today and installed the WordPress plugin as described. I have also added the code described above to bbPress’s config.php.
Wordpress is installed on my root domain, and bbPress in a folder named /forums/
User registration integration is not working, is there something I have missed?
Thanks – pilks (
download the latest version of the Private Forums plugin from
please report any bugs here
thanks for you help..
just tried another user “test” — same thing, can’t get in.
it tests on use of front-page.php in either bb-templates or my-templates.
I donno, the current structure of the plugin makes adding guests a bit complicated, but i’ll give my best … im not the fastest guy.
Ajaxed is something even bigger for the future, sorry.
New Version:
(Better online_update on mysql 4.1 and greater. Will work with old Versions anyway! )
is_front stands for front-page.php? And if so how does it know that i use index2.php and not index.php Think i am going to connect index2.php to test.php (thats the renamed original front-page.php)
Or does this do something completely else, kinda confused :S
do the default plugin installation routine..
please note that you need site-options plugin and the latest code from the bbpress repository
Yeah, thats why I ask that here
I have no clue how to do that!
That’s a bit more difficult. You’ll have to figure out how to find the post id for the second post in the topic and call post_link( $post_id ) to fill out the the link.
This gives me the first post, not the first reply of that post (if I am not wrong) I want to jump to the first reply
(sorry if this does this, but I cant test it right now)
this is untested…
make a file in your my-plugin directory and call it whatever you want. Insert the following:
global $topic;
add_filter ( 'get_topic_posts', ($topic->topic_posts)-1, $topic->topic_id );
That should work
just find where it is and add this:
<a href="<?php topic_link(); ?>">First Post</a>
I’m using the latest nightly. Instead of get_option() use bb_get_option().
Thanks! The plugins work now with the latest code!
sorry about the mis communication..
the latest code for bbpress..
coz the is_serialized function is in the latest code but not in blix i think…
I just redownloaded both site options and private forum plugins and reinstalled them.
Still get the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: is_serialized() in /var/www/html/blog/forum/my-plugins/site-options.php on line 179
Should I just give up and get lastest code?
The plugin currently works on the latest code.. let me check if i can fix the code to work with blix..
can you check with the latest code and let know..
Another question. When watching a topic you see this first:
Topic title
Started 1 month ago by xxx
Latest reply from xxx
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Now I want to change this a bit so that the latest reply doesnt go to the latest reply, but to the first reply (so with long topics I don’t have to scroll down to the fist reply) so it’s gonna look like this:
Topic title
Started 1 month ago by xxx
First reply from xxx
Latest reply from xxx
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Any ideas?
On the frontpage (bbpress index) you can see the latest discussions showing: topic, posts, Last Poster, refreshnesses.
The posts section counts all posts from that topic, INCLUDING the start topic. How can I exclude this first post? So reply = posts count – 1
Until a plugin is made, I think you’d have to pseudo-hardcode it. I was able to limit what admins and regular users could see in my memberlist by adding the following code:
<?php if (bb_current_user_can('edit_users')) : ?>
*some code here*
<?php endif; ?>
There are other options you can test on, that’s just the one I found to use.
For you, in the *some code here* part, you’ll need to find a way to pull out what forums you got, and put an if statement to say only to show the Announcements one to admins.
Looking at the files, I found a function called “forum_dropdown” in template functions. If you go there and within the foreach section, below the $selection part, put the following:
if ( $forum->forum_name == 'Announcements' && !bb_current_user_can('edit_users') ) { }
That will do nothing when it gets to listing your “Announcements” section unless the user is an admin. The else is for the echo line below where I told you to put the previous line.
Of course, this is a change to a core file, but sometimes that’s just what you gotta do until a plugin is made
Furthermore, there is no filter to be added there, so writing a plugin would mean rewriting that function, dropping it in a plugin file, and calling the replacement function from post-form.php