this will bring joy to your heart.
Add it to your css file wherever you add other customization mods:
body.bbPress #sidebar {display:none;}
body.bbPress .post {width:100%;}
It will remove the sidebar and make your forum 100% width.
It is my theme sidebar that appears once you start to enter the forums. Currently I have it removed at the top level.
Hi JJJ. Another thought on this.
Even here at bbPress.org, the header, sidebar, and footer all create new WP_Query objects without any issues.
The header, sidebar, and footer on bbPress.org don’t seem to have any paragraph breaks, so it’s not clear that wpautop() is actually working on them, right?
I just need to figure out how to add the normal wp content filters — wpautop() and wptexturize() back onto the_content, after bbPress has had its way with it.
It’s most likely not because of this. Even here at bbPress.org, the header, sidebar, and footer all create new WP_Query objects without any issues.
bbPress 2.2 even adds additional checks for is_main_query() and in_the_loop() to make sure this doesn’t happen.
Hi, funny thing is I currently want to add sidebar for my bbpress forum plugin. It alway shows the wordpress sidebar!
Anyway, to remove sidebar use the fullwidth forum like this: http://www.ytecongcong.com/forums/
Just follow
1. Clone page.php of your WP themes and rename it to forum.php
2. use BP Tweaks WP plugins to choose forum instead of page as default
3. Open forum.php, remove the php code content php get_sidebar()
This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Verra.
This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Verra. Reason: SOLVE
Ya. I update plugins everytime there is a update to it.
Today I was able to update bbpress! no idea why.
Thanks for the response..
And do you know who I can remove the sidebar from my forum: http://technotip.com/forums
I have the same issue. The sidebar is cutting off all the RH text of people’s forum posts plus hiding the all-important Submit button. What were once very robust forums in Drupal are now dead in the water in WordPress due to this issue.
I want all the forum pages and posts to be full-width, like the main forums page where I placed the short code. I’m willing to pay someone to help resolve this, since I don’t know how to do coding or create child themes, and can’t use the Genesis plugin since I’m not using a Genesis framework. Any links anyone can point to for help? Thanks. (By the way I now see that this very forum suffers a bit from the same issue—the message box is cut off on the right and the green Submit button is partially cut off—but at least people can see it.)
I, like most people using BBpress, have had an issue removing the sidebar from my new BBpress forums. I tried editing template files, adding files into my theme’s root, commenting our sidebar commands and whatever else has been recommended on these forums. Not to say those don’t work – I just couldn’t figure them out which is most likely due to my complete lack of php knowledge. I’m posting this for those of you like me, who have no idea how to do those fancy things.
Here’s how I removed my sidebar:
First, I copied over the CSS folder from my BBpress plugin folder /bbp-theme-compat to my theme’s root folder. (From your server root it should be wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-theme-compat/)
Then, I found the CSS class my theme was using to design the main content of my wordpress blog (should be a style.css file in your theme’s folder). Mine happened to be #main_content
. Next, I found the the sidebar CSS in my theme’s style.css file which was simply #sidebar
Note: I found the CSS class by right clicking the main content area of my website (where posts show) and selecting “Inspect Element”.
After finding those I created BBpress specific classes and pasted those into the bbpress.css file now located at {you_theme’s_root}/CSS/bbpress.css.
Here’s what I pasted in:
.bbPress #sidebar {
width: 0px;
display:none; }
.bbPress #main-content { width: 940px; !important }
Most likely you won’t need the sidebar’s width attribute but I added it in just in case.
And finally, after hours of trying to figure this out I went to my BBress forums page to discover that the forums fit perfectly into my theme without any sign of a sidebar.
I hope this helps!
Thank you Shmoo! That has helped me out tremendously. I only have one question. I’ve copied over the archive-forum.php template and then replaced the code with the original page.php template and removed a few things but I still end up with the sidebar (no sidebar specific code in the original page.php) However, I’ve noticed that the line is associated with placing the sidebar. How do I get around this? Thanks!
This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by Phill.
I have a WP blog for which I needed a forum and bbPress was my choice. However, the WP theme I am using for the blog has a get_posts() query on the sidebar to display the 3 latest blog posts. Now after installing the bbPress it shows only the bbPress forum topics, since that is the latest 3 activity on the site. How do I stop bbPress forums topics form showing up as posts in the sidebar?
Jeffvand: There are a few plugins that allow you to pull in and show custom Sidebars. Two Examples:
These work with Custom Types Ie it recognises the Forums and You can select for them to have their own sidebar:
But I prefer
Hope this helps.
I too want to remove the sidebar completly. What part of the CSS would I need to remove. Could you send some more detailed instructions of what code and in what CSS files I need to remove. It is only on Forum pages I want to remvoe sidebars.
Having better control over the sidebar in bbPress is a very common request and there is even a trac ticket for it.
Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to handle this automatically. Each theme/framework handles the placement of the sidebar differently, so we can’t bbPress (or a plugin) can’t simply say “don’t show the sidebar” – it’s going to require modifications to your theme.
For those of you who want control over your sidebar, are flexible with theme you are using, and are not comfortable editing your current theme, there is another solution out there.
I created a plugin for sites running on the Genesis Framework called bbPress Genesis Extend. This plugin primarily builds in bbPress compatibility for the Genesis Framework, however it also ads in a few handy extra features – namely full sidebar control.
If you use the Genesis Framework and this plugin, it allows you to choose what layout you want to use on bbPress pages (full width page, content-sidebar, sidebar-content, etc). Additionally it also has the option to create a dedicated sidebar for bbPress pages, which would allow you to use bbPress widgets on the bbPress portion of your site.
Hopefully as bbPress becomes more popular, other themes and frameworks will build in similar features which will give site administrators control over the layout/sidebar without having to touch any of the code in your theme.
By the way, in your instance you can just edit the CSS and hide it that way. That will be much easier than going into each file and editing it. Mine is not pulling the right sidebar though and that is the problem here. Grrr..
Did y’all find an easier way to modify the sidebar? I want to keep the sidebar, but it is not registering with the theme I am using and pulling up some default sidebar. I don’t want to have to go in and edit each one. I’d appreciate hearing what y’all did.
I have bbpress plugin in a WordPress 3.4.2 MU site, with a single instance in the root and /forums. I have a very basic child theme of TwentyEleven which makes some header and CSS tweaks.
Once I activated BBPress, I found that it is displayed using the sidebar. This crushes the forum to the left, so I wanted to get rid of it for the forum page. I read that by default BBPress will use the page.php from the TwentyEleven theme, and to copy that to my child theme, remove the call to the sidebar and name it bbpress.php would override it. Well, for a start, the TwentyEleven page.php does NOT contain the sidebar. After searching the filesystem I found that sidebar-page.php does, so I copied that to my child theme folder and named it bbpress.php, removed the get_sidebar() call, and also set the template name as Template Name: Forum Template in the bbpress.php file.
It did not work. My forum is still showing a sidebar. It does not seem to be using the bbpress.php file at all.
Is there a guide somewhere on how to get BBPress to display without the sidebar when using MU and a child theme of TwentyEleven?
As I said, my child theme if very simple. It is literally a header.php and styles.css, and I have now added bbpress.php. What do I need to do to get BBPress to use my bbpress.php template?
Can I add that a LOT of the helpful-looking links on here lead to 404 pages, which really hasn’t helped in trying to figure this out. It would be great if those could be fixed up somehow?
The simplest way would be to edit css your sidebar classes. For mine it would be .sidewrap {display:none;}and then you’d have to increase the mid section to fulfill the full-width look you want which is..midwrap {width:;}
Aesthetically this will remove the sidebars but the offside to doing this simple method is that the widgets and the sidebar will take up loading time.