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Search Results for 'remove sidebar'

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  • #99868

    In reply to: remove sidebar inove


    In my blog ( I didn’t remove sidebar, but I reduced the width of it. It’s described it in my article – Or you can download appropriate modified files from here –



    In reply to: remove sidebar inove


    In my blog ( I didn’t remove sidebar, but I reduced the width of it. It’s described it in my article – Or you can download appropriate modified files from here –



    Because there are so many possibilities when importing bbpress into all themes, there is currently to ‘automated’ way of removing the sidebar in the theme. (really we can’t control that part)

    What you can do however, is follow #3 in the thread:

    That will get all the bbpress theme files into your theme where you can then modify them.

    At that point you could remove the call to the sidebar in all the templates for bbpress and your good to go.


    i’m trying to do the same thing right now. looks like you’re going to have to search through each PHP file in the bbPress theme and remove the following code:

    <?php get_sidebar)(); ?>

    it’s the only way that i can think of… which is neither fast nor easy. :(



    Hi Jared,

    I followed each of your suggestions yesterday, and was only able to get a full width layout using one method – create a page and use a bbpress shortcode. This leaves me with less than optimal control of the page.

    Every other method I tried resulted in a content-sidebar layout.

    I followed your advice and removed all bbpress template files from my child theme directory, removed all bbpress code from functions.php, and essentially reverted back to the bbpress plugin vanilla/’out of the box’, along with your extend plugin.

    What that resulted in was a content-sidebar layout….

    I assume that Dave (above post) is having the same layout issues based on this – “I assume the issue is from a wrong setting of the layout option?? Or some other function?”

    It seems that you are the only one to get it working…

    So… I am at a loss on this one…



    I just removed the sidebar tag from the forum-single.php file and upload it to my theme directory and it worked well.


    @geek9mm – Depending on your theme, you will have the option to remove the sidebar when creating or editing a page. You can also go to /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page, click quick edit for the forum page, and change the template option.

    If you are looking for bbPress to have a completely different look than the WP part of you site I think you have 2 main options, using bbPress 2.x on a multisite installation or using bbPress 1.x.

    The references to bbPress integration are for the standalone version of bbPress (1.x).


    I run a combination of bbPress & Buddypress and this worked for me, I did put the following code in functions.php:

    function disable_all_widgets( $sidebars_widgets ) {

    if (is_bbpress()) {

    $sidebars_widgets = array(false);


    unregister_sidebar( 'bp_core_widgets' );


    return $sidebars_widgets;


    add_filter( ‘sidebars_widgets’, ‘disable_all_widgets’, 1, 1);

    This removed all widgets aside from the user login, but that’s quite handy to be present at the forum pages. I put that on top of the forums with CSS.


    I was able to successfully get bbPress installed: but it’s pulling in the sidebar from my blog. Inside of a topic, it then pushes the sidebar down below the forum: Is there an easy way to just remove the sidebar?


    I wasn’t able to get this to work. I removed the <?php get_sidebar(); ?> from the 3 files, which are the bbpress twenty ten theme, doesn’t seem to have any effect when I’m using a Twenty Ten child theme though.

    I’ll have to read up on it more.


    I wasn’t able to get this to work. I removed the <?php get_sidebar(); ?> from the 3 files, which are the bbpress twenty ten theme, doesn’t seem to have any effect when I’m using a Twenty Ten child theme though.

    I’ll have to read up on it more.



    I installed the new bbpress plugin and I’d like to style the forum pages using CSS. I use a three column theme and I managed to remove the sidebar in the forum pages through the WP theme functions.php file, but I don’t know how to enlarge the content area just in these pages since the body class attribute doesn’t specify that these are forum pages, so I cannot do something like this:

    .forums .entry-content {

    width: 100%;


    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thanks in advance

    Rami Yushuvaev

    you have to remove <?php get_sidebar(); ?> from the folowing files:

    * single-forum.php

    * single-topic.php

    * single-reply.php

    they are located at your bbpress plugin directory under “bbp-themesbbp-twentyten”

    Rami Yushuvaev

    you have to remove <?php get_sidebar(); ?> from the folowing files:

    * single-forum.php

    * single-topic.php

    * single-reply.php

    they are located at your bbpress plugin directory under “bbp-themesbbp-twentyten”


    1. Change the forums base to something else. I am running it perfectly fine over at by changing the base to ‘discussion’

    2. The reason for the double ‘forum’ is because your root slug is ‘forum’ and the forum slug is ‘forum’ and you’re choosing to include the root slug.

    3. Don’t remove the forum slug. :)

    Widgets should work anywhere you have a widgetable area. Since your theme is mostly custom, you’ll want to research how widgets work, insert your sidebar, etc…


    1. Change the forums base to something else. I am running it perfectly fine over at by changing the base to ‘discussion’

    2. The reason for the double ‘forum’ is because your root slug is ‘forum’ and the forum slug is ‘forum’ and you’re choosing to include the root slug.

    3. Don’t remove the forum slug. :)

    Widgets should work anywhere you have a widgetable area. Since your theme is mostly custom, you’ll want to research how widgets work, insert your sidebar, etc…


    Topic: remove sidebar inove

    in forum Themes

    Hi all! Im using the inove theme for my forum and i was wondering how to remove the sidebar from it and stretch out the front page..

    Like this..

    I hope somebody will understand and help me with this :D




    In reply to: bb Mystique Theme v1.0

    Gautam Gupta

    @Aung and @Adrienkb

    Will have a look into those issues.


    No demo yet, you can view the screenshot instead. You have to edit the options in functions.php (there aren’t many) and a sidebar is actually not needed in bbPress, so I removed it. :)


    In reply to: bb Mystique Theme v1.0

    Gautam Gupta

    @Aung and @Adrienkb

    Will have a look into those issues.


    No demo yet, you can view the screenshot instead. You have to edit the options in functions.php (there aren’t many) and a sidebar is actually not needed in bbPress, so I removed it. :)

    Gautam Gupta

    Some more things to do:

    1. These pages haven’t been styled yet – register, login, profile edit, views, favorites, post-edit, search. (Also the views of plugin section).
    2. Add the crumb style in plugin section too.
    3. Style the 404 page a bit and offer some options to go back, or search.
    4. Reduce the size of search textbox so that search button could reside in the same line.
    5. Add a subscribe to topic link in the topic sidebar.
    6. When you’re logged in as a member, you see something like “Welcome, Gautam | | Log Out”. One of “|” should be removed. (It might be happening because of the admin section link for admins.)
    7. Style the download buttons on download page, they are hardly getting highlighted.
    8. Add a link to lost password page.
    9. Enable gravatars on plugins section (I think it is running bbPress 1.0).
    10. Prevent the comment from going to left in plugins section (like this – )
    11. Some more tasks, which are big ones:

    1. Add a themes repo.
    2. Style the blog.
    3. Add the tags back in plugin section.
    4. Add stats in plugins section, Nightgunner5 had written a userscript for that –


    Folks, I have been trying to get bbPress to fully integrate into my WordPress site for like weeks. I happened up a gentleman who had it figured out. He sent me his notes and I am giving them to you here. One word of caution, even though I followed the instructions carefully, I still don’t have it working – this doesn’t mean his instructions are incorrect … just that I am not skilled enough to figure out all the elements.

    His name is Adam Kayce of Bright Coconut. I hope you enjoy his instructions and they speed you toward full integration (and then if you have time, come help me!).

    Integrating the Theme:

    I have a link to my forum in my global nav by creating an empty page with a slug that is the same as the directory name as where I have bbpress installed.

    But I also load the wp-load.php file in my bb-config.php file

    define(‘WP_BB’, true);

    if ( !defined(‘DB_NAME’) ) {

    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/../wordpress/wp-config.php’);


    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // your wordpress db prefix is

    $bb->wp_home = ‘ <; ‘;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘ <; ‘;

    Then I went into my bbpress theme and changed every instance of bb_get_header() with get_header(), and bb_get_footer() with get_footer().

    Since I want to have my wordpress sidebars show up in the forum, too, I also added get_sidebar() right above the call to get_footer().

    I could also add other sidebars, too – the theme I use adds two columns below the main content area and uses the dynamic sidebar functionality to add them in to each page. I could see how adding other or more sidebars and going in to the templates could be really useful.

    From :


    to remove the ‘Log Out’ link: kakumei/logged-in.php – delete the function

    if using bbPM: go into Admin area, copy function, uncheck box, and paste function in logged-in.php where you deleted the old function from


    to get the backslashes out of apostrophes:

    1) open up /bb-includes/

    2) replace line 1074 with:

    return stripslashes(apply_filters( ‘get_topic_title’, $topic->topic_title, $id ));

    3) and line 1782:

    return stripslashes(apply_filters( ‘get_post_text’, $bb_post->post_text, $bb_post->post_id ));


    I have deleted that div as well, it takes a lot of space (I have placed the hot tags section just before the footer). Have a nice day.


    Zaerl – thank you so much from your help! Two minutes of your time saved my a whole afternoon!

    After deleting the hottags section, I changed the style.css slighlty in order to gain more space for the forum:

    #front-page #hottags -> changed width from 170px to 0px

    #front-page #discussions -> changed margin-left to 0px and width to 760px

    Everything is perfect now, thanks again!


    on bb-templates/kakumei/front-page.php delete:

    <div id="hottags" role="main">
    <h2><?php _e('Hot Tags'); ?></h2>
    <p class="frontpageheatmap"><?php bb_tag_heat_map(); ?></p>

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