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  • #55475

    would be great to have a statistics like phpbb number of users, posts, dicussions, newest member, etc


    Anyone have an idea? I am used to phpBB and in order to do such, all I had to do was to modify a couple of TPL files.




    I just ran jaim3’s A phpBB to bbPress database converter to import stuff from old phpBB (2.0.21) to bbPress (0.8.1). I only got “9. Writing the exported database to the file: /home/pengguo/public_html/tmp/phpbb_imported.sql 39816” then nothing. I check bbPress and it seems that it imported forums, but when I tried to click one of forums, it led me to new topic post, instead of viewing topics.

    I tried to search the error here, but no luck… What’s going on?

    Trent Adams

    Nice fel64! That is one to remember (install) ! ! !



    Again I recommend looking at the sizes of each page served. Firebug can do that for you under the ‘Net’ tab.


    OK, thanks. I probably wouldn’t be using all that many plugins (just Private Forums and the remote avatar plugin), and avatars would only be done via hotlinking to the likes of Photobucket, Imageshack etc. I’ll give phpBB time to settle in (the bandwidth per visit I’m seeing at the moment might just be because of the install a couple of weeks ago) and consider the switch later.

    Trent Adams

    In my opinion it would require less bandwidth as this was the first thing I noticed when I switched over from phpBB to bbPress myself. I would imagine this is due to the fact that bbPress is less ‘bloated’ with code in the core, but if you use a bunch of plugins, this can get you back up again. The database structure is less and the number of calls is less, but that has nothing to do with bandwidth.

    The data served is about the same.

    I think it is less, others have a comment on this?



    Depends on your theme/templates I think. The default template is very small; I think files go between 15 and 20 kB. Obviously avatars can add a lot to that and whatever else you want to add to your theme (if anything) can too. But it’s not really about the software behind it that determines the bandwidth usage.


    In reply to: En español


    Hola otra vez!

    “Opino que… si te falla una función: añade otra tuya o arréglala a tu gusto, los “hacks” son chungos y muy al estilo de phpbb pero a falta de pan…”

    -> ya me gustaría saber hacerlo :) Como mucho llego a arreglarmelas para modificar código ya hecho.

    “”Pero que bbpress ni wordpress traigan nada “de casa” me parece perfecto, porque lo único que se consigue es ensuciar el sistema… croe yo, por muy bien hecho que esté se hace complejo y se engorda con cosas que los mismo otro no necesita.”

    -> si, opino que es un foro muy para geeks ;-) A mi se me está haciendo infernal

    “hay muchos CMS completos y complejos, Joomla, Drupal, Xoops..”

    en estos no se pueden integrar los logins ¿no?. En el Drupal he visto soluciones duplicando los logins pero eran para el phpbb.

    He probado esto;

    define(‘BBLANG’, ‘/wp-includes/languages/’);

    y da el mismo error de streams;

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CachedFileReader in D:wampwwwwordpressbbpressbb-includesstreams.php on line 163


    I currently run a small forum (for my Guild Wars guild) using phpBB. Would bbPress use less bandwidth (for the same posts) than phpBB?


    In reply to: En español


    Por cierto…

    Personalmente, me niego a traducir “archivo por archivo” un sistema :P , no es nada profesional gg y me recuerda a los tiempos de php-nuke, que asco :)

    Opino que… si te falla una función: añade otra tuya o arréglala a tu gusto, los “hacks” son chungos y muy al estilo de phpbb pero a falta de pan…


    No lo he probado, pero imagino que:

    Abrir el .po, por ejemplo, de WordPress y añadir la traducción del .po de bbpress.

    Cambias las rutas a los archivos de referencia de uno u otro sistema.

    Generas un nuevo y único .mo.

    Usas el mismo .mo desde ambos sistemas cambiando las rutas de la variable $mofile o la constante BBLANGDIR, ruta:

    /* bb-includes/languages/l10n.php, Línea 72: */
    $mofile = BBLANGDIR . "$";

    En WordPress:

    /* wp-includes/... */
    $mofile = ABSPATH . LANGDIR . "/$";

    ->Hola! ¿Como se configura bbpress para que lea el archivo .mo de wordpress?

    Sustituye la constante BBLANGDIR por la ruta al archivo .mo de WordPress:

    /* bb-includes/languages/l10n.php, Línea 72: */
    $mofile = BBLANGDIR . "$";


    define la constante en tu config.php, por ejemplo y si tienes el foro dentro del directorio de tu wordpress:

    define('BBLANGDIR', '../wp-includes/languages');

    El mayor problema o trabajo es lo dicho anteriormente, hay que cambiar las rutas de los archivos de referencia de cada definición (nada que una macro de reemplazo no deba poder hacer ^^).


    In reply to: En español


    Hola Covi!

    Gracias por responder. Una solución que tengo en mente para arreglar lo de la traducción es traduccir archivo por archivo a mano. Esto lo hice en el wordpress, en el que actualmente no estoy usando .mo de traducción (el error de streams.php que comenté lo tengo sin que el wordpress esté usando lenguajes).

    Sin embargo preferiria poder usar un .mo de lenguajes para ambos y no se como :)

    Respecto a tu arreglo de las fechas lo he puesto en el template-functions.php y funciona salvo por el nombre de los meses que quedan sin traducir. Aun no me he puesto a indagar donde hay que traducirlos.

    Respecto a la integración wp-bb ojalá hubiese un foro específico porque todavía no se que voy a hacer con muchas cosas. Por ejemplo, con el profile y el login, me gustaría usar solo uno, integrado en el template y desde la barra de navegación. Me gustaría poner la misma barra de utilidades en los formularios de wp y bb, ahora tengo un plugin para wordpress, el tinymcecomements y otro distinto para el bb, el quicktags. Me gustaria poner avatares integrados, cuenta de mensajes integrados y rangos tipo phpbb integrados. En fin, integrar un montón de cosas que parece que no se tuvieron encuenta al hacer la integración bb-wp.

    Y respecto al bbpress parece que está muy en pañales, la verdad es que estoy intentando ponerlo porque es el único foro medio decente que se pueda integrar con wordpress, pero parece que siguen la misma política que con el wordpress; un foro pelado y plugins para todo si es que alguien los hace. Yo creo que cosas como emoticonos, barra de utilidades en los formularios, avatares… deberían venir ya puestas. :(


    I think so!


    Thanks fel64!

    I won’t give up bbpress by now :)

    Regarding Quicktags, can you use it for wordpress as well? I’d like to display the same forms in both, wordpress and bbpress.


    Not as far as I know. The worst is behind you, and if you’ll be administrating the site in the future then it’s a good idea for you to do this yourself anyway. Cursing about implementing it now will save you a lot of cursing in the future when something breaks, because you’ll roughly know where things are and how they work. Everything you’ve mentioned there has been done, though, or has a plugin for it. Plus we’re willing to help.

    I recommend Quicktags over tiny mce, but it’s a personal thing really. :)


    I integrated wordpress and bbpress; I succeded in displaying wordpress header, footer and sidebar in bbpress, and user logins are integrated which is great :)

    However, each bbpress modification is being a big step for me and I’m finding quite difficult to add things like emoticons beside post-forms, tiny mce in forms, avatars, ranks, quote buttons…

    Is there any theme with this kind of stuff already implemented?


    No official rules, but going by what I remember from the WP forums: no.

    What have you tried? Got a phpBB -> bb converter? Does it work?

    The link structure shouldn’t be a problem, you just need some custom rules in your .htaccess which someone can probably help with.



    I do not know if I can ask for paid help in here but I am really having a hard time to switch my forum from pHpBB to bbPress and I do not know who can help me.

    My forum is on pHpBB. I really can not manage the spam I get. I wan to switch to bbPress but also keep the actual link structure:



    Please let me know if anyone can help me.



    In reply to: Importing from phpBB


    Thanks, it`s useful!


    The topic resolved thing is probably because that was written for an older version of bb which had that in it by default. I think installing the forum support plugin will add that column, worth a shot anyway?

    Otherwise you could edit the php file and remove the bits about the topic_resolved column (remember to back up the original file in case it doesn’t work!).


    I know this topic is pretty old, but I have a problem … I converted members and forums succesfully, but topics and posts didn’t show up. I got these errors when converting:


    Warning, there was an error with the following query

    #Exporting Topics: INSERT INTO bb_topics (topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_poster_name, topic_last_poster, topic_last_poster_name, topic_start_time, topic_time, forum_id, topic_status, topic_resolved, topic_open, topic_last_post_id, topic_sticky, topic_posts, tag_count) VALUES ( 4, ‘Pravila!’, 2, ‘Zala’, 2, ‘Zala’, ‘2007-02-13 16:13:01’, ‘2007-02-13 16:13:01’, 1, 0, ‘no’, 1, 765, 0, 2, 0)

    Unknown column ‘topic_resolved’ in ‘field list’

    And a lot more of them. I don’t know much about php really, so I have no idea what is wrong. It’s probably a stupid mistake I made, but I don’t know what it is. Help me, please?


    In reply to: Import SMF to bbPress


    Well I got it converted to phpBB. Then when I did the phpBB-> bbPress convert it got held up. I guess I’ll just wait until bbPress comes with an included importer.



    In reply to: Import SMF to bbPress


    I don’t know. Is the phpbb structure identical to the smf structure?

    Maybe you want to use an SMF -> phpBB converter, and then convert from phpBB -> bbPress.


    In reply to: Import SMF to bbPress


    I am a bit confused. Can you use the script here:

    And just change all the instances of phpbb to smf?

    I am still trying to convert my SMF to bbPress. I have thousands of messages I’d hate to lose.



    Is there any plugin available to give users titles based on their post count (as in phpBB or vBulletin) – e.g. 0 posts has a ‘noob’ title, 10 posts ‘fledgling’, etc.

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