Looks nice. Very clean, I’m a fan.
I’d do some work with the Last Poster column. The header is left-aligned, but the content (user nicks) are centered.
How do you calculate visitors in “Now online: xx visitors, xx members”?
when re-arranging one of my sites a bit the other day I took the opportunity to change my bbpress-theme to mimic the new phpBB3.0-style.
any feedback is welcome. you find my bbpress installation here:
Should I give up on this? I *may* be willing to *help* fund a conversion solution if anyone is interested in taking on this project.
I also wonder if anyone has done an analysis of the differences to know what specific loss of functionality I will have if I convert from PHPBB to BBRess.
I agree with u. I also need a converter for my phpbb forum. There is one for phpbb2, but it’s not working with bbpress I mean https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/importing-from-phpbb?replies=26.
We are excited about the possibility of converting from PHPBB3 to BBPress. However all the discussions about conversion seem to surround previous versions of PHPBB. Am I missing an appropriate thread? Does anyone have any suggestions?
Does anyone know if somebody may be working on this?
this whas kinda my persuasion to choose for bbpress, so I could login from Iframes.. I knew nothing about forums (only phpBB: but this wasn’t easy to work with in iframes)… what a shame
Yes, it’s been done:
These are old posts, but yes, it can be done. You might need to make some modifications to the linked scripts to make them work with your version of phpBB and bbPress.
But, it can be done, yes.
I have a phpBB forum. Can bbPress import those forums?
Sam Hughey
I don’t know the answer to the BIGINT and 32 bit signed stuff, but I do know this has happened before, sort of. Maybe this will help you sort it out. Basically, you need to reset the auto_increment user id to something sane. In the past, it happened on conversion from phpBB I think.
My favorite Captcha by far:
May send your users into convulsions – but it’s hard as heck for bots to read! I used it for a phpBB forum I ran and users always managed to register – but stopped the bots cold.
I would like my avatar to stand under the name.. So I did it but now my “avatar + name” – div is longer/shorter then my text div.. I already tried to put the two div’s in a table width=100% but that doesn’t seem to work..
ps. if you don’t understand what I mean, it’s like in phpBB
I would like my avatar to stand under the name.. So I did it but now my “avatar + name” – div is longer/shorter then my text div.. I already tried to put the two div’s in a table width=100% but that doesn’t seem to work..
ps. if you don’t understand what I mean, it’s like in phpBB
I currently have a phpbb board and I want to switch to wordpress/bbpress. I was wondering with the phpbb>bbpress script also move all my users over? Also when I integrate bbpress and wordpress will that also allow my users to keep their same username across all three installations?
Doh! Looks like someone make a theme switcher half a year ago but I can’t see it in action or the proforums site?
New – Theme Switcher
Ah, here’s the original post:
Never got added to the extend section either, oh well.
I hate duplicating work but I learned even more about the bbpress internals…
Finally a thread to use this page I was saving:
Matt doesn’t want bbpress to have features.
He actually recommends punbb if you want more features like file attachments.
[bbpress] is never going to have a tenth of the features of phpBB or vBulletin … bbPress is not going to have avatars, or put post counts next to your name
What he wants is pingbacks so a million spammers, er, I mean a million micro-forums, can add posts to your site without ever visiting it or following topics. He wants to de-centralize any sense of community.
(if you don’t get my humour, I disagree with his logic but don’t get me wrong I still respect him – bbpress is growing on me far more than punbb – also note that punbb is at least a year older than bbpress and has far more developers – bbpress has not even approached any kind of critical mass yet – punbb does not have built in private-messaging, polls and file attachments either)
ps. compare
Is there a way to either modify the “Indicate New Posts” plugin, or inspire someone to make a plugin, so that i can add something like this in my theme:
<?php if ($newpost) : ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
I have looked all over google – and on this site – for a plugin that allowed me to see new posts/topics when i visit my forum, but so far the only one i could find is the “Indicate…”. In all honesty, i can’t use bold marked topics for much.. i need something more CSS like, something not only affecting the topic.
I’ve coded themes for phpBB for years, but i recently found bbPress and i just love how simple and easy it is to code themes here. With a plugin to display new posts/topics (which in my own humble opinion SHOULD be standard in bbPress), i could gladly help spreading the word of a (relatively) new BB, by making some new themes.
If i could decide the function entirely, it should work in such way that both new topics as well as new posts would be affected, and they would continue to show as unread until i actually read them. Also, it should be database driven, so that i could log in to my account on another computer, and still see the posts/topics that would be new for me.
Please don’t make me go back to phpBB…
The rush is that the project is “out there” and people are looking at it and coming to conclusions. Bad conclusions.
One of these days you’re going to have to show us the crystal ball that tells you everything about the users and potential users of bb.
What I find interesting is the belief around here that wordpress integration is not a major desire by most people evaluating it. How would we ever know the sheer number of people that have looked and been turned off?
I think that tidbit (or at least, in my case) is based on a hand-me-down from Trent who’s pretty close to the folk at automattic and they’d be the ones to know.
How would we ever know the sheer number of people that spontaneously combust when they use bb?! You make it sound like the entire internet trooped over and looked at bbPress yesterday, saw that there was no plugin for this or for that and decided that they would stick to phpBB.
I think that the implied opposite of ‘overly sophisticated’ (is that a polite ‘bloated’?) can equally be ‘lean and mean’ rather than ‘underly sophisticated’.
I think that bb just isn’t ready in a lot of ways for what you’re trying here. At it doesn’t _need_ to have a full gallery of plugins yet just like it doesn’t yet have a full feature set. Sure more plugins are a good thing but it’s not urgent in the sort of firetruck way.
1) I would ‘t worry about the plugins to help out if you need it (small percentage) as they are intended to get it fixed which will eventually make it into the core. Those plugins would only require minor changes if something was changed in bbPress, but I doubt it would happen often.
2) I had great luck with the phpbb converter myself and have stated in one of the threads which one I used. I would just look around a bit before choosing one.
3) Since the upgrade process is so easy, there is no need to wait! As well, the changes scheduled for the next series of releases are small changes and no worth waiting for!
4) So1o just released a new version of the private forums plugin that is exceptional and recently addressed the problems with the RSS feed being private. It is found in the ‘extend’ tab of this forum in the plugin browser!
5) fel64 is absolutely right. mdawaffe is the head dev and he is working on wordpress code at the same time. They will always be compatible as they are working toward more shared function (at least not conflicting). Issues will be worked out as we go, but shouldn’t be a problem.
I’ve monitored bbPress for some time and plan to use WP for a big site and would need to convert a phpBB(2) forum over to bbPress. What’s the latest on:
1) WP integration – last I heard you had to fiddle with cookie settings and some usernames wouldn’t work on the forum login. I’d be wary of using plugins as this could cause problems upgrading in future.
2) phpBB(2) conversion – is there any script that will convert everything perfectly?
3) future plans – is there a new version in development or is everything on hold for now? (i.e. should I just go and install the current version or wait another month or two)
4) private forums – an essential feature for me is to have a staff board that is 100% secure. Again I didn’t really want to rely on a plugin for this and last time I think I read it wasn’t secure because of an RSS problem.
5) lastly – is bbPress compatibility high on the list when new versions of WordPress are released? (i.e. could a new WP break by forum?)
ok I’ve even tried version 0.73 but still encountering errors. Can anyone help?
Hi all I also get an error on like the one experienced above:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: file_put_contents() in phpbb2bbpress.php on line 383
Can anyone tell me how I can resolve this.
I also notice that this converter has not been updated, is it going to be anytime soon?
AND whilst converting WHY does it STATE that all emails are being forwarded to SPAMMERS? (Can’t remember the exact words). Is this meant to be a joke?
Thanks in advance.
Hi all
I am interested in moving my forum from Punbb to bbpress as my site is powered by WordPress.
The only converter that I could get my hands on is the phpbb converter. However I seem to be encountering errors whilst attempting to import phpbb database.
The converters do not seem to have been updated and are stated to be compatible with the earlier 0.73 release.
Where can I get (download) earlier releases on bbpress especially version 0.73. I intend to update to the current release as soon as I import all of my posts.
Thanks in advance.
I had forgotten about this site, they did an incredible job programming it. Facinating to compare:
(I picked those top five but you can choose from like 25 others)
But I can easily spot some missing things from the bbpress chart that have been added in the core or via plugin, so they need an update…
I hope you get it working Wilbur! Everyone should know that you were the pioneer of getting this type of system working with WP and phpBB!