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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #76039

    What I am ultimately trying to do is allow the users to get back to the home page of the website from this home page of the forum. You’re right! I didn’t think that it should be in the phpBB folder. This is my first website and I guess it shows. When I tried once before to just add link path back to it gave an error page stating that this url page was not found.

    I don’t want the default.html in the forum folder but just need a proper path back to the home page of my website.


    The home page link should not be to

    but should link to right? What do you mean by “Home”? Home of the website? What URL?

    If you really want to link Home to then you will need to adjust the path to your CSS and images. I can’t figure out why you want that default.html in the forum folder though. Please explain further what you’re trying to do.


    For everyone having trouble with special characters in forum names and descriptions,

    FIND (on or around lines 193 and 194 of the original script)

    $forum_name = $row;

    $forum_desc = $row;

    CHANGE TO (adding the addslashes() function)

    $forum_name = addslashes($row);

    $forum_desc = addslashes($row);

    And that should resolve most of the complaints I’ve seen here about the conversion failing.


    Notice my “kakumei black” theme:

    Hi, I have finally converted over from phpBB2. I wanted to do this for a long time, and had done some trial runs in the past, but only now have I committed myself to bbPress. I think it’s for the better. phpBB3 still uses the brain-dead “mod” system of editing the code instead of using a plugin API. (Yes I did write phpBB mods.)

    Now I’m hearing all this talk about bbPress going away, etc. etc. I think it’s ridiculous that people are getting worried about this. bbPress is awesome.

    I don’t know how to tag this post… any suggestions?


    I uploaded it from my hosting company. I got it to work but because it is in this header the path shows my link to exist in phpBB. Because of that, the website home page is rendered that it does not exist. Can I just upload the header.php into hosting and not have to put it back where I got it.


    Don’t let the folder I put it in be misleading. I had created a folder for phpBB and then decided to go with bbPress because it was so much simplier. My website is for our homeowner’s association and I don’t expect much traffic so the bbPress was a better choice for me.

    I have Windows and can copy and edit it in Notepad but then how do I get it uploaded back to the header.php? Sorry, I’m fairly new to this…. I mean I know how to upload it but will the changes take affect right then or do I need to do something in my file manager?

    Hi all,

    I am in the process of developing a new site (which is currently in beta and not meant for the public yet…) but I have a few concerns…


    1) Have I chosen the right forum for the project, I keep hearing bbpress is dead or it will not be developed as much when/if it becomes a plugin… Should I be using a larger scale forum package like vbulletin or phpbb ? … My thoughts on the subject originally was to go bbpress as it may tie in well with the CMS side of the site which is controlled by wordpress, I did look in to buddypress but the whole group forum thing is off putting and the fact it is not SEO friendly and the slugs (urls) are way to long… Anyone have any comments or thoughts on this would be great….

    2) Plugins – Ok so I understand the forum is very basic in its core state and you add plugins to achieve options you require, but quite a number of plugins I have tried to use seem not to work, Also I have a concern that there will be a limited number of plugins developed for bbpress when/if it becomes a plugin.

    3) Here is a bug I have found – maybe its just on my forum… The freshness (time/date) is incorrect a lot of the test posts I have posted on the forum are from weeks and months ago, but yet they are show up as 3 weeks… yes I have heavily modified the templet files but only the html and header/footer locations… any ideas ?

    4) RSS – Also I am getting RSS error – “This page contains the following errors: error on line 10 at column 33: Entity ‘raquo’ not defined

    Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.” Anyone else have this problem or any suggestions…

    Many Thanks Guys,



    Yeah, I’ve just spent the last 2 hours trying to figure this out… At first I thought I was just reading the instructions wrong. I’ve been trying to read into it and plop code randomly. I’ve gone over the instructions as to which file to put where about 5 times……..

    …I’ll let you know if I figure it out, lol.. if I don’t give up shortly and go back to phpbb. ;)


    my users are not converting over but everything else is. anyone have a similar problem? i am using phpbb3 version 7 and bbpress 1.0.



    thanks a million. i will test it out and see if i can get it to work.


    tflight – I understand paulhawke is working on his own script, but prior to its release, I am looking to convert those links using the current script, which so far ran successfully for me. So, any feedback on that from anyone who understands it better than I do would be great.

    rspowers – try this one


    glad to hear you’re still working on this as it will help a lot of people! Do we actually have any concrete information about how close any integration with wordpress is, in order to make the decisions you suggest?


    In reply to: Email masked


    Looks like we’ll have to figure out a workaround then. Email address is our users’ single login for our web site, forums, crm, etc. No getting around it. Wasn’t an issue with phpBB, even though any visitor could get any email address by right-clicking on the “email” button and then doing “copy link address”.


    anyone get this to work with phpbb3?


    In reply to: Cue the band…

    Alex Luft


    I hope it will turn out to be just how you say. I’ve been deciding for a while now whether to use bbPress or another forum/board software, and can can finally be sure that bbPress is the way to go.

    I’ve tried out SMF and phpBB and those two are so complicated and un-user-friendly, there’s no comparison.

    I really hope Automattic doesn’t abandon but rather invests its might and power into bbPress.


    Well, I’ve been using phpbb for some time, and as WordPress is so good, I’ve decided to give bbPress a try. And as phpbb is full of spams I just can’t handle… well…

    I’ve read the installation instruction, and check if it has the requirements… and it has. So uploaded the bbPress to my directory and when try to run the installer:

    “An old config.php file has been detected in your installation. You should remove it and run the installer again. You can use the same database connection details if you do.”

    What I’ve tried to to:

    Delete the “bb-config-sample.php”

    Rename the “bb-config-sampl.phpe” to “bb-config.php”

    Nothing happens. Still the same message. Does anyone know how to help me?

    Thank you,

    Newton Uzeda


    So i see there are two versions of this software, a plugin and stand alone version. I guess im wondering if both will continue to be supported or are they moving in one direction?

    Also, is there any plan to create importing options for those who have phpbb or vbulletin forums and want to transfer to bbpress?



    In reply to: unescaped characters


    I have the same problem. Brand new install with phpBB import. The import was a charlie-foxtrot of wild characters substituted for quotation marks, but all new posts insert the before every apostrophe. Looks like this:

    I’m looking to…

    I’d prefer an appliance

    Even after I go in and edit the post to remove the it remains in the text of the post.


    yoyopop, that is what paulhawke is doing with his plugin/script where he says:

    <blockquote”mapping is maintained between old and new user/post/topic/forum ID values”

    With that, you could create some simple redirects from old URLs to new URLs and those old links will work.


    Hi guys.

    I was looking at this conversion again and one really useful thing it misses out is converting internal links – eg: if someone has posted a link to a certain topic within the forum, the link will no longer work.

    If it could convert from the standard phpbb format eg: forum/viewtopic.php?t=7836

    to the default bbpress format eg: forum/topic.php?id=7836

    or does the smilies conversion only search for standalone text (ie: it wouldn’t convert phrases within a string)??

    would adding something like this to the smilies conversion section work?

    ‘viewtopic.php?t=’ => ‘topic.php?id=’,

    I guess you could also write a new viewtopic.php file that could parse those links, although that’s a bit of a workaround.


    In reply to: new to BBpress


    The best way to work out if bbpress is right for you is to tell us what functionality you’re looking for; and how hands on you want to be with it.

    Also I wouldn’t worry about a theme being “ugly” given the incredibly huge number of theme’s there are for phpBB (especially compared to bbPress).


    I echo the above comments – am transferring a phpbb forum to bbpress at the moment and it’s so refreshing!


    paulhawke, I’d like to try out your plugin, if available.


    After getting progressively more annoyed at the amount of spam on our previous forum that ran on PhpBB and also finding out how frustrating it was to customise the look of it I decided to give bbpress a go.

    I’ve already built a few WordPress powered website so was already impressed by how it was built and how easy and intuitive it is to customise and extend so bbpress seemed like a perfect direction to take the new forum.

    It was very important that we kept all of the content and user base from the old PhpBB forum so I was delighted when I found a script on here to convert the PhpBB database into the new bbpress forum. The script wasn’t perfect though so after a bit of tweaking over 2 evenings I finally got it into a good state. There are still a few issues with broken links, images and smilies but slowly it’s being edited.

    I’ve installed quite a few plugins and have customised the look with a custom theme.

    Overall really impressed with bbpress and am even about to suggest it to a client. I hope it gains more traction as it’s a great platform compared to the other alternatives out there.


    I was able to convert everything successfully! But when I login as the administrator I don’t get the Admin link to access the “administration panel”. Has anyone had this same issue and found a solution???

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