Search Results for 'phpbb'
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Topic: importing from phpBB
I’m happy to be new to this community. I’ve been using phpBB for forums for years, and recently decided to migrate over to bbPress. I recently installed all newest versions of WordPress and bbPress.
I have a medium sized phpBB forum with thousands of topics, so I need to preserve the users and topics.
My setup is a bit strange though – I am using aMember, and this membership program creates an integration between WordPress and phpBB. The result is the same users exist in phpBB as in WordPress.
So, when I attempted to import users and topics from phpBB into bbPress (using import tool that came with bbPress), the forums and topics did import but the users all had “imported_” before their user names. My guess is this was an attempt to prevent duplicate users.
Is there a method to import my forums and topics from phpBB into bbPress, and have the authors of topics and replies synced to the already existing users in WordPress? Thanks for any suggestions.
Topic: Weird freshness bugs
I’m seeing some weird freshness bugs on a bbpress installation (version 2.5.5). I’m using a different forum structure (a forum index, subforums, etc. – a traditional phpBB layout), so the bug is even more visible to the general public, but it’s certainly not the cause of these bugs, because I can easily reproduce the bug just by clicking on the trash link in the frontend or WordPress Admin and looking at the postmeta database.
I’ve tried using the admin tool to recalculate freshness, but it makes the whole situation worse. So, I have to manually change the freshness postmetas of all forums and subforums. 🙁
I’ve encountered at least three different bugs:
– wrong freshness set for parent forum and subforums after trashing a post
– wrong freshness set for forums and subforums after using freshness recalculation via admin tools
– no updated freshness set for parent forum and subforums after untrashing a postThis seems like a blocker to me. How can I help? Are those bugs covered inside bug #2414 or bug #1925?
Hey there,
well, I’m not sure if this is the right subforum, so please feel free to
I am running a site where we have admins, authors and editors (which can review editors’ posts before putting them on-air). So, since now, we protected our WP backend with .htpasswd and .htaccess so no one could register/login without knowing the credentials for this extra anti-brute-foce gate.
Now I decided to stop using phpBB and switching to bbPress for my website, and as it seems, I need to remove the htaccess/htpasswd thingy to open up WP for all users to make it possible for people to register for the forums.
This makes me become concerned about the security of my site because anyone can register then – spammers as well as those brute-forcing id***s.
So, what can you recommend to have a WP website running bbPress while keeping the security level as high as possible?
Using: bbpress 2.5.5 | WP 4.1.1 | SmartMag Theme | (forum not on-air yet)
Topic: Can I do this?
Topic: forum martinique
J’ai un site sur la martinique avec un forum martinique avec pleins de questions et réponses sur l’ile. Une communauté de plus de 1 000membres.
I have a forum martinique on phpbb and i would like to transfert to bbpress, is possible ?
I have 1 000members.Wordpress version: 4.1.1
bbPress version: 2.5.4
phpBB forum version: 3.1.3I’m running into an issue trying to import a phpBB forum into bbPress. I’ve checked and rechecked my database information/login. I have the correct table prefix for what the old database is using. I’m getting the following error when I press start:
WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘users.user_website’ in ‘field list’]
SELECT convert(users.user_id USING “utf8”) AS user_id,convert(users.user_password USING “utf8”) AS user_password,convert(users.user_form_salt USING “utf8”) AS user_form_salt,convert(users.username USING “utf8”) AS username,convert(users.user_email USING “utf8”) AS user_email,convert(users.user_website USING “utf8”) AS user_website,convert(users.user_regdate USING “utf8”) AS user_regdate,convert(users.user_aim USING “utf8”) AS user_aim,convert(users.user_yim USING “utf8”) AS user_yim,convert(users.user_icq USING “utf8”) AS user_icq,convert(users.user_msnm USING “utf8”) AS user_msnm,convert(users.user_jabber USING “utf8”) AS user_jabber,convert(users.user_occ USING “utf8”) AS user_occ,convert(users.user_interests USING “utf8”) AS user_interests,convert(users.user_sig USING “utf8”) AS user_sig,convert(users.user_from USING “utf8”) AS user_from,convert(users.user_avatar USING “utf8”) AS user_avatar FROM phpbb_users AS users LIMIT 0, 100Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Pretty strange one imho. I’ve been working on porting an existing site from phpbb
over to wordpress/bbpress. While going through a final test of the port I’ve come across the following problem. Namely when in forums where you can see the latest post (along side the forum name), the name of the latest post plus its time/date are totally incorrect, however the url actually links to the correct latest post.See: to see.
I’ve retried all the usual recalculates etc… I have tested the port in the past and didn’t have this issue. Can anyone advise or at worst provide me with a sql updates statement to correct?
I don’t want to do the port for real if I’m going to run into this again. Tbh I do find that the import from phpbb can be a tad bit flaky at time…
Topic: Create a forum of type link
Hi there,
In phpBB there is a option to create a link, which looks like a forum.
E.g. On this page the second “forum” called “Area 51 Development Board” is a link.
Is there a plugin or option to create such a link in bbpress?
Thank you
I would like to shift from BBpress to Phpbb . So I would like to remove the bbpress forum that I have created for my Blog. Can anyone tell me how to do that ?
I am using a wordpress skin that integrates BBPress very nicely. One thing I am looking to do, however is make the bbpress forums have a hierarchy like any other software out there currently. I am not that amazing at coding and would appreciate if someone could explain in an easy to understand way. If it’s something that I would have to code completely over, i’d be willing to pay someone to help me code that.
Thank You
Okay, I broke it.
I imported a phpbb forum into bbpress. Nice. We had a number of older threads with a post at the beginning and a bunch of replies. I used a conversion tool to convert the topics to posts — so the initial topic of each thread is now converted to a post.
For this site, this was powerful good. Magic. Yay…
Except that now the users wonder what happened to all of those replies. We’re using a plugin that uses bbpress to integrate the comments on the posts…so, now having their cake, they want to eat it, too.
I can see in the back end that the replies are still all there. I’ve picked at a couple and moved and merged and fiddled and got them where I wanted them. Generated a mismatch warning at one point, but it all connected back up.
But the process is insanely slow.
I used the auto-create to create new topics in the forum for each of the posts (converted topics). So each of the ones I converted to a post now HAS a master topic in the forum, but the replies aren’t attached.
They aren’t visible on the front end, either.
In retrospect, this was pretty stupid. Looking at about 800 replies. My current workflow takes me around 15 minutes to reattach one. Not going to happen.
Hi there,
I am highly interested to shut down my old phpBB forum that is installed next to my WP install. Right now I want to switch over to bbPress, but what keeps me from doing so is the fact that bbPress uses the same database as WP does.
Is there a way to make bbPress work with its own database?
Best regards
ChrisI’m having a bit of trouble with the phpBB importer in bbPress 2.5.4.
I’ve been through about 15 imports in a cloned staging area with varying results.
My phpBB forum contains 260,000 posts, 20,000 topics and about 13,000 users. The forum has been “cleaned up” in phpBB first meaning that I’ve used phpBB’s tools to resync the forums
On each import, it works ok to a point where it successfully importing the users, forum structure and the topics. Once it begins importing and converting to replies, it gets to about 158,000 and hangs.
Clicking Stop and allowing a few minutes of rest and start again does work but the converter slows to a crawl, sometimes to 1/50th of the original speed.
Another issue is that many thousands of the replies seem to be mismatched and they’re not in their correct forums.
Usually bbPress’s repair tools fail to correct the mismatch.
Does anyone here have any guidance for me?
Topic: importing users from phpbb
I have imported the users from phpbb into wordpress(bbpress) using Importing Tools. But the users are not able to login to system. are there any setup required to allow imported users to login?
I have checked the wp_usermeta table and many rows filled for imported users along with this column ‘_bbp_password’.
In wp_users table password is empty for imported users. I have read some where this password will update after the first login. But in my case the imported users are not able to login in WP.
can you guys help regarding this?
rehanTopic: Page Not Found Error
Hi there!
I apologize if someone else has already posted about this, but I did a search and didn’t find someone with my exact error. But I have been using bbPress version 2.5.4 with WordPress version 4.0.1, and it was working great for the past few days until I tried to use CMS2CMS to transfer over my forum from phpBB to WordPress. It now has “Page Not Found” errors, even after removing all traces of the CMS2CMS plugin. I can not access any portion of my forum, but everything looks fine on the back end. I have uninstalled and reinstalled all of my plugins and still continue to get the error. What am I missing?
Here is the link to my site: in advance! 🙂