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  • #107344

    Hi, I’m new member here. It took me long time to start believe and use bbPress since it kind lack of features before bbPress 2.0

    Now using bbPress 2.0, I develop (still locally) a forum site that turn out to be wonderful. Can’t wait to upload it into real site.

    I’m using elegantthemes Premium WP theme and finally able to merge it with bbPress theme smoothly. I can’t believe how much power I have now after merge theme together, but I still trying to make it just like an ordinary forum site.

    I willing to share my experiences next time, but I do need this account related shortcodes and found it here, Big Thanks!

    I still have question about roles, how I can set specific forum moderator? or just maybe forum role manual in general will be great.

    I notes most plugin were outdated, can we force them to update it? I know that a silly question, but it a wish (our wish actually).


    Topic: bbp_shortcodes

    in forum Plugins

    I am trying to figure out how to allow custom shortcodes in topic posts. So far i’ve been trying to use bbp_shortcodes like this.

    function bbp_custom_shortcode($codes) {

    $codes[] = array(‘item’ => ‘item_func’);

    return $codes;


    add_filter( ‘bbp_shortcodes’, ‘bbp_custom_shortcode’);

    The codes array is appended but it does nothing Can you explain how to do it properly.


    No, I used the built in tool included with bbpress 2.0 (the importer).

    There was no error provided (unless it’s logged in my server’s log files that I haven’t checked yet). After I clicked on recount and checked all of the boxes and clicked go, the browser just spun and came with a page saying there was an internal server error. Not other information was given. No error codes or anything.


    Assuming you are using bbPress 2.x you can accomplish something similar with shortcodes. Create a page with the shortcode and change the WP setting to showing a page instead of the blog as the homepage.


    Before anything read this all:

    bbPlugin Shortcodes | bbPlugin Theme Compatibility


    This may or may not be the right forum for this, but technical support seemed the wrong place. Anyway…

    I have a template I am using for my website called Habitat ( It allows me to create a new page and use the template in full width without the sidebar. Now… I -can- use shortcodes to put my forum in a new page and set the template without the sidebar, but I cannot find a shortcode for the forum root (I have three categories) and each subsequent link click takes me to the /forum URL and plops the sidebar back in.

    To whit, I cannot find an option anywhere in the bbpress plugin that allows me to set the template to use.

    Anyone shed some light on this? TIA.



    Thanks John.

    Is there a shortcode to get the latest topics from a specific category (forum). If there isn’t, how to get it?



    In reply to: Where is my Forum?


    I think if you name that Forum page:

    page-front-forums your forums will be visible.

    If not you can add [shortcodes] to that page to load some parts.

    Look at the Sticky section above where it says Shortcodes.


    Well props to you on a very well thought out post. I am in exactly the same situation as you and am too just a persistant & enthusiastic designer.

    As far as I can tell the shortcodes allow you to embed specific areas of your forum onto specific pages, so for example if you had a support forum – you could add that to the forum submenu on your website and send people directly there.

    Of course once they start navigating via the forum links they aren’t going to be sent to your embedded pages so I’m not sure I would like this solution myself as it seems inconsistent.

    I’m a newbie too so will be keeping an eye on this thread, good luck :)


    I am very interested in that ‘bbpress.php’ file, having the same issues as “elmalak”; once I go into the forum pages, or topics, everything gets lost, for example, I used a specific page template for the forum page I created with the short code, but once I go into the topics or so, it reverts back to the regular page template.

    What do I put in the bbpress.php file to make it a “wrapper”?



    Hi there, first I want to say thanks for creating this, seems like a great forum plugin once you get it working.

    To start, I have read the entire thread on the forum on theme compatibility; and a few other treads and topics relating, unfortunately I am still having some problems.

    I am including screen-shot links to be as clear as possible in hope for great support.

    What I have done so far;

    A.) I decided to go with the child theme option since I am using a custom theme that I am not the author of and prefer not to clutter that folder.

    I copied all the files (except functions.php) that were inside “bbp-twentyten” (/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten) and put them in my “gridlocked-child” folder that I placed inside /wp-content/themes/ (next to my custom “gridlocked” theme folder)

    I added the “theme name” and “template” name to the empty “style.css” in folder “gridlocked-child”. screenshot:

    I put the ” add_theme_support( ‘gridlocked-child’ ); ” code in my “gridlocked” (not child) functions.php file. screenshot:

    B) At this point, after just test creating a few forums and topics, it looks like the plugin is “functioning” like it should. I can tell that it’s using some of the styles from my main theme style.css (colors, fonts etc), the MAIN PROBLEMS that I have now is the fact that it’s not taking to my page template widths in my main theme (gridlocked), it wont use a full-page-width template (or let me pick) and the default that it is probably using, is also supposed to be full width, plus something is wrong with the padding and it snugs too tight to the page edges.

    Here are some screenshots to show you what I mean;

    Forum home page:

    Forum named MINGLE page and test topics:

    I would like the forum to look like this;

    and fill up the entire width of a full page, with nice padding. I achieved that preview by adding shortcode [bbp-forum-index] in the html section of a “page” picking the “full-width-template” option in my theme.

    Ok, here comes the questions:

    1. Did I set everything up correctly in the directories and files?

    2. What files do I need to modify to tell the bbPress forum to use a full page width template? Can I copy code from my main theme “template-full-width.php” into one or more template files inside my new child theme?

    2. Do I need to add code/functions into my main theme “template-full-width.php”? and if so, what kind of code? and on a scale, how easy should these edits be? (I have asked, but I am not getting any support with this from my theme support forum, otherwise great forum but they wont help with plugins, understandable)

    3. How does shortcodes work? Are those simply just for placing certain parts of your forum on different pages as previews/links but not for use throughout the FULL forum?

    Do you have ANY ideas on how I can solve this issue, I feel pretty lost and I am not a developer or programmer, just a stubborn, enthusiastic designer that loosing her hair about this.


    Thank you!


    In reply to: WPMimic V.1


    Do you know all of codes of WPMimic?

    How can I show the < closed topic > messege after the last post?

    It shown for me under the first post :-/


    In reply to: WPMimic V.1


    Do you know all of codes of WPMimic?

    How can I show the < closed topic > messege after the last post?

    It shown for me under the first post :-/


    @anointed Thank you for the suggestions! I searched for the codes and it seems it’s very nicely written about almost all the functions, I just added a couple of lines in the the widget core (since I don’t know much about tweaking the codes without fixing the core..) and it works great! Thanks for making the forum plugin again. It’s really a seamless and powerful integration of forum and WP!


    Sounds great. Is using shortcodes hard to control if the forum grows or is there a list of how many “main” pages and different shortcodes I would need? I guess this is a much more tedious way of doing it and changing the theme code would be best?

    I will look for that thread…

    You think I shouldn’t download that “bbPress attachments” plugin though?

    Thanks again! You are most helpful :)


    Yes, changing that will make it full width. It should function just fine.

    Using shortcodes with full width template pages works as well.

    I believe that there is a thread here somewhere with a link to attachments that works with 2.0. Seem to remember reading it somewhere.


    I registered here just to help you, because i was having this same issue.

    I was frustrated as well… BUT the solution is so simple. Too bad theres no documention to tell everyone.

    Whatever u changed the BBPress “Forums base” name to, make a wordpress page with that permalink. And then put in the short code [bbp-forum-index] (or any BBPress shortcode u like).

    If you changed the BBPress Forums base name to “theboards”, then make a new wordpress page with the same permalink “theboards”. So your forum will be located at, regardless of if you create new forums or topics, theres nothing there. Create a page, pop in that shortcode or any of the ones at the link below and ZAP BOOM POW, go to and its there! lol

    BBPress Shortcodes-

    Hope that helps.


    I’ve installed a spoiler plugin which uses html tags as bbpress does not accept shortcodes within posts. The spoiler plugin is called enhanced-ss.

    The plugin works fine within WordPress Posts but does not seem to work within bbpress posts. I am using the latest wordpress version, buddypress version and bbpress 2.0.

    The code is available here –>

    Is there a reason why it does not display within a bbpress post?


    If you have a custom theme (one which you control and maintain yourself) you can create a file named ‘bbpress.php’ in the root of your theme to act as the “wrapper” template for all of your forum content.


    Thats strange because i copied the bbPress files from the plugin to my WP theme (child theme) and start editing from that file.

    Im inside: wp-content > themes > my-child-theme > bbpress > loop-single-reply.php and i just deleted the entire basic avatar calling code because it pulling out the name, link and avatar in one php code with a in between.

    I didn’t like that because it wasn’t easy to customize so i deleted that bit and placed my own easy template tags.

    <div class="mpm-reply-author-avatar"><a href="<?php bbp_reply_author_url(); ?>"><?php bbp_reply_author_avatar(array('size' => '80')); ?></a></div>

    Link and title are working, avatar showing up only at 40px.

    Maybe something wrong with my Child Theme setup?

    Strange because i have done 2 days of editing and changing a lot of bbPress codes without any errors and all changes is made showed up.



    Is there a shortcode for a searchform?



    I’m now using bbpress 2.0 and buddypress 1.2.10 and the shortcodes and widgets have been very useful to the not so techy users like me.

    The situation is that I want to show only one forum’s latest topics, is there any plan for releasing shortcodes with more detailed options or a way to make it possible manually?

    Thank you in advance!


    alrighty, with your help, anointed, I’m getting the hang of this now. I’ve created new pages with bbpress shortcodes, and linked them accordingly. Now I am testing the registration process and I have one question.

    Instead of having new users login via the WordPress Dashboard, can I make it so they stay at the frontend? Does that make sense? I do not want them logging into any kind of WordPress backend.

    Thanks again buddy.

    Jamie Marsland


    I have the same problem as elmalak.

    I would like to use a page to put my shortcode in – however if you do this then the links all revert back to the default forum slugs?



    I’m having the same problem…I installed bbPress about two months ago and it worked right out of the box, then I got going on other things and just came back to work on it again and I can’t get the forums to display. If I go to the forum page, it has the title; but before, there was a listing of forums and I could navigate through to the topics. I’ve tried using the shortcodes and they work fine, but I’d like to get things working through the standard hierarchy (e.g. forums, topics, etc.).

    I’ve cleared the cache, flushed the permalinks, and changed the name of all the slugs (they’re currently changed back to the default names), uninstalled, then reinstalled the plugin (but didn’t delete settings from the database). Also, I know I’ve updated the plugin at least once since first installing it.

    Some sample pages: (should show listing of all forums, but just get blank page) (should show topics for this particular forum. Shows description text, but no listing of topics)

    I haven’t made any changes at all to the template yet…just wanting to get things working again. Any suggestions?

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