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  • #166089

    I am the owner and admin of and I love computer programming. Not only do I love programming, but I love to help other developers. I would like to contribute to BBPress by offering some suggestions and ideas.

    Please keep in mind that these are just my ideas; I understand that the BBPress team has ideas, needs, and concerns of their own that they must address. In addition, even though I learned a lot about the WordPress and BBPress framework and inner workings, I admit that there are some parts that I may have over-looked or mis-understood. In summary, I am trying to help make BBPress better and more powerful based on what I know, and I want to contribute my ideas as a thanks to all the developers that have spent time and effort making BBPress what it is today.

    Now, for my ideas –

    1. BBPress needs more options and configurable items – the more customizable, the better. Obviously, some developers are concerned about confusing or overwhelming users, so make a special admin page for “advanced” or “miscellaneous” options. Some additional options I think are needed or helpful include disable/enable feeds, specific control over oEmbeds and auto-embed-links, and settings for SEO/SMO control (discussed in #2).

    2. Settings and controls for Search Engine Optimization (SEM) and Social Media Optimization (SMO) – SEM and SMO are important to many web admins. Adding options to configure such features may be wise. The “author” meta tag (and others) could be generated on a per-topic basis (if the admin enables such a feature). Here are some links for HTML5 meta tags for SEM and SMO ( && &&

    3. Integrate BBCodes and Shortcodes – This may be something the WordPress should do, or the BBPress developers could pass this idea to them. Add features and options for BBCodes. I think that merging “bbpress2 BBCode” (, “bbpress2 shortcode whitelist” (, and some ideas from GD BBpres Tools (

    4. Add topic auto-suggestion – This feature can easily be added by merging this plugin – .

    5. Integrate other small, but helpful plugins – “External Links” ( and “BBPress Report Content” ( seem like candidates for merging.

    6. Disable/Enable BBPress modules/parts – Obviously, some people may not like or want “BBPress Report Content” or other plugins and features I suggest for merging and adding. The best solution may be to provide a special options page for disabling/enabling certain “BBPress modules” and features. For instance, I use “BBPress Report Content” and I disabled (and I dislike) the BBPress “SPAM” admin-link in my forums. Having more detailed and advanced options may help people like me. Also, more advanced options would (hopefully) make people less likely to edit core files.

    7. Export/Import BBPress settings – Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not think BBPress has an easy way to export/save settings to be imported to use as a backup or transfer/share settings.

    8. View counter – I think it would be useful to many people to have a “view counter” feature such as I have programmed in my website ( It would be great if BBPress included options for view counters such as displaying topic views in the BBPress-Notice and forum columns (like where I replaced “voices/replies” with “views/viewed”.

    9. Options to custom notices and other messages – Some people (like me and others seen on this BBPress forum) want to change “voices” or remove it. Having easy options for this may be helpful.

    10. Better forum access control – I would find it helpful to be able to specify that on a particular forum or sub-forum that users with particular permissions can only create new topics or reply.

    11. Remove “Topic:” from title – I see a need for some people (like me) to be able to easily configure the appearance of titles (both on the page and in the HTML “title” tag).

    12. Implement a built-in avatar system (perhaps BuddyPress or WordPress should use this rather than BBPress) – This would allow local avatars and provide a way for Gravatar to be disabled or used as a secondary. True, BuddyPress provides a way to upload avatars, and “Basic User Avatars” and “Simple Local Avatars” are plugins offering that feature. However, after upgrading my theme to HTML5 and removing Flash from my browser, I can no longer upload avatars using any of the three mentioned possibilities (backend or frontend). However, I can still upload media via the backend (w/o Flash) and via the frontend (with Flash). NOTE: I do list “plupload.full.min.js” and other similar scripts in Autoptimze “Exclude list”.

    13. Perhaps, “Grunion Contact Form” should be updated and integrated in BBPress.

    14. 100% HTML5 Compliant – I have not studied BBPress in this perspective, so it is possible that I may be very wrong or the developers have a plan already. However, use of HTML5 (or the option to do so) would be helpful.

    If you see any features on my website that you want to implement in BBPress, feel free to let me know and then I can give you the code and tell you how I did it. Also, I use my own style sheets for BBPress, BuddyPress, and some plugins. I have been able to increase performance and decrease size by using a CSS minifier ( and implementing ideas from errors given by a CSS checker ( I saw significant improvements even before I changed the style sheets to specifically suit my website.

    By the way, making BBPress templates that can be placed in the regular WordPress template was a great idea and feature for BBPress; smart thinking BBPress developers.

    Denna Gherlyn


    I’ve a caching(?) problem and I’ve no idea how to solve it.

    I use bbpress on a single website in a multisite wordpress installation with the [bbp-forum-index] bbcode on a custom page as front page.
    Now I realised that then I’m moving topics or deleting some of them the topic- and post-counter as the freshness column doesn’t update. There still seems to be a topic but then clicking on the forum there isn’t.
    My first suspect is the cache but after smashing the F5 button and manually clearing the browser cache it’s still there. Also topics deleted a long time ago are still in the freshness column but not in the topic- and post-counter.
    We’re not using any caching plugins. The only thing that comes near a caching plugin is the plugin wordfence that has a caching option, but that function is disabled. I also deactivated the plugin but nothing changed.

    Now I’m quite confused. Does someone know of any problems with following plugins?

    What I’ve tried:
    – deactivating wordfence
    – use the Twenty Fifteen theme instead of evolve (on a test page same result if I move topics between different main categories or parent forums)

    What I use:
    – WordPress 4.3
    – bbPress 2.5.8
    – evolve theme 3.4.3 with a child theme
    test website:

    These plugins are active together with bbpress (on both the test website and the productive forum):
    – Breadcrumb NavXT 5.2.2
    – Redux Framework 3.5.7
    – Wordfence Security 6.0.15
    – WPML Multilingual CMS 3.2.6 (active on multisite but deactivated through the WPML intern deactivation)
    – WP Statistics 9.5.3
    – BuddyPress 2.3.3
    – WP Hide Admin Bar 2.0
    – Orbisius Child Theme Creator 1.2.8


    Hi all,

    Just setting up my new forum using the latest versions of wordpress and bbpress, but Im having trouble handling user registration.

    Ive used the forum login widget to handle logins in my sidebar, but im not happy with registration. I created a new page called registration and added the shortcode [bbp-register]. But this is really basic and not what a am looking for at all, unless its possible to edit it somehow, something I am fairly sure cannot be done to a shortcode?

    Does anyone have any suggestion as to what login and registration plugins are good to use? Or anyone know what this bbpress site uses to handle its login and registrations, that looks good handling both functions in one tidy box in a single area.

    Thanks for you help in advance.




    Right now I am using the (bbpress) Forum Search on my Main Sidebar. I also have the bbpress shortcodes listed below. If I check this box: Forum Prefix (Prefix all forum content with the Forum Root slug (Recommended), my search works but then it disables my bbpress shortcodes. How can I make the bbpress shortcodes work with the Forum Prefix box checked?



    Those shortcodes really weren’t designed for situations like that. It wasn’t meant for a 1 page app for your forum, it doesn’t use something like Iframe, or anything like that.

    But if you want to say create a page about a plugin, and you have a certain forum for a plugin. You can create that page and below all the content you can place the single forum shortcode to display any support posts about this specific plugin.


    Now I’ve tried again from the very beginning, with all the original files for the plugin etc. It has the exact same issue – which means that the problem must be in one of the following files coding – since these are the only ones with the “bbp-search-request” and/or “bbp_search” in it.

    Can you see any problems or issues with these files?












    I use the
    to embed a forum in a page [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]
    it works great, but when the user clicks on a thread it opens in the usual bbPress slug and not within the page. I want the forum to be fully embedded in the page and also that the links from e-mail about replies will direct people to this page and not the default forum.



    Obviously everyone knows what the default Forum index page looks like
    default forum index

    However I would rather be able to have the most recent topics displayed above the index like this page setup using the short codes:
    desired forum indexdesired forum index

    I cant figure out how to actually change the appearance of the forums index. I have the page in the picture above up and running, however when someone clicks on the breadcrum “forum” link, it takes them back to the default forum index, not the page i created with the recent topics listed above.

    Thanks for the help 😀 Preston


    In reply to: several forum


    You might need to look into using LearnPress and this plugin. I think it should do what you want, but you may need to leave a support topic on the plugin’s below support forum just to make sure.

    Or this might be custom development for a plugin.

    But what you can do is at the bottom of each post just insert one of the single forum shortcodes.

    Like this.

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]

    You can find the forum id by using a plugin like Reveal IDs to make life easier, and all you have to do is go to Forums > All Forums in the WordPress backend to see all of your forums ids.


    Same thing with topics if you to assign topics for each post.


    In reply to: bbPress Shortcode

    Robin W

    You can show the topic index on your home page using this shortcode.



    Jake Hall

    Good Morning all,

    This is an issue I have had present on my bbPress forum ever since I moved away from Apache, and onto lighttpd. The difference is, I have to add the rules manually to get them to work. Anyway, here is what I currently have in my .htaccess equivalent:

    # This is mainly a fix for bbPress and its functions
    url.rewrite = (
        "^//(wp-admin|wp-includes|wp-content|gallery2)/(.*)" => "$0",
        "^//(.*)\.(.+)$" => "$0",
        "^//(.+)/?$" => "/index.php/$1"

    Unfortunately, whenever I try to perform an action on a post (e.g anything that utilises the “?action” URL argument), it redirects back to the post. E.g: – Will navigate to the edit post page. – Will navigate to the post again. (and won’t close the topic)

    Now I am pretty sure this is going to be something to do with the URL redirects, infact, I am almost positive that will be the case.

    Could anyone assist with this one?



    Sorry for the late reply, there are a couple of ways to do this.

    Easiest way to do this, might be to install this plugin. And use the supplied shortcodes in the plugin.

    The supplied shortcode are one for custom post types, which you can use for bbPress’s custom post types, (topic)

    [voter_plugin_top_voted type=topic num=15]


    In reply to: link admin bar change


    Oh yes, this is what plugin that added this option.
    But I think I have to change the file after a shot on the admin bar file to separate the two codes.
    But I do not know too so it’ll be tough.


    Hi everybody! I need to change some “titles” and “invalid” some actions of BBPress so I can use it for my blog. Anybody who could help me with some codes, please?
    Than you! 😀


    Hello there everyone, I have searched all over the Forum and many Sites but I had no luck finding any bbcode Editor. The only thing that I found was the “bbpress Post Toolbar” Plugin which wasn’t maintained anymore, I took the risk and tried it out. But then I found out that it was actually coded to work with HTML and as many of you already know, your participants cannot use all the HTML tags. It used some Codes used that was not allowed for a participant to use. When I was searching I came up with the Idea to edit the Toolbar so that it uses bbcode. But for WordPress to support bbcode I had to install another Plugin, “GD bbpress Tools”. Everything is working except the “Close HTML Tags”, where I really don’t know how to do it, I was hoping any of you guys could help me.

    You can download the Edited Plugin here:

    I used 2 Plugins:
    bbpress Post Toolbar
    GD bbpress Tools

    Thank you 🙂


    The close tags function closed my last bbcode opening tag. You can also just close the bbcode by hitting the button again. it should show a little / that shows that it needs to be closed.

    Other than that, I explain how to use some (not all) bbcodes to the quicktags here if that helps any.

    BBCode Buttons?



    This topic was way back in bbPress v1, so nothing is good for this current version.

    There is a way to use shortcodes (bbcode) as long as they are whitelisted for users in the quicktags toolbar but this would require some editing of some javascript.

    You can also use the TinyMCE toolbar, adding bbcode to this would be more difficult then editing the quicktags toolbar.


    Because I see potentioal and how WordPress self can make bbPress powerfull. Or buddyPress, I install it all the time together.

    I know a lot of users who ask for more features like other forum solutions are like this because they all do see potential.

    But, one thing is very specific for bbPress. I would not dare to touch it as average User, who installs and setup phpbb or SMF forum without big problems. It is extremely hard for beginners

    In what ways is it difficult? Is it anything about user experience, or from just going from one to another?? Any ideas to improve it for beginners?

    At least take those 10-12 plugins from Github and put them in WP repository. Dont ask developer, it is GPL. Developer had 2-3 years or more to decide to do it byself, and he did not wanted it.
    Problem there is notification about updates.
    Just one example, lost many hours to see why Live preview stoped to word and by chance checked on Github versions. If it was in WP repository I would be notificated directly there is an update for it.

    There is some plugins on Github but that doesn’t mean everybody should use them. Some plugins on github were made from developers from jobs they did for people(might contain specific db table names for a specific site), are just some custom plugins they use on their site(might contain several referances to a site), custom projects for themselves(just playing with stuff/learning development). There is a difference between building a plugin for yourself, and building a plugin for everybody to use. When you begin to build one for everybody to use, you definitely take into consideration some plugin conflicts that might happen(I think GD bbPress attachments and bbp live preview comes to mind). There are some plugins on there that actually should be considered to be on, so I will keep that in mind.

    Just to not be missunderstood. I personally dont have any problem whatsoever with this list above. Implemented with help of code tweaking and those plugins all of this. And much, much more. All except proper Polls. For this I cannot find a solution.

    The polka polls plugin is the best plugin for polls for bbPress. It does require use of shortcodes, I do not think you have to whitelist the shortcode or anything, I think it just works. I guess it could get inspired from some ideas of the bbPress polls plugin for v1 that _ck_ made.

    I am not telling about design, despite this too is hard for Users beginners to tweak.

    Please say any issues you might have on this, I have ideas for users to make design for theme compatibility easier.

    Github should never be primary source of plugins. Additional OK, but only and one never.
    I know there is a plugin that makes updates from Github possible, but demands some lines added by author in plugin self.

    It isn’t, any plugins listed on the featured plugins list are really just plugins that might have functionality similar to what might be suggested to core. Github was never really a plugin repository for WordPress, mostly development. Some of the information why some plugins might not be in what I already said above. Plus some plugins were pretty neat not to leave in.

    Something like Jetpack for bbPress would be a killer, perfect. But I do understand when you say there are not many developers of bbPress. Wish just you start discussion about it and report back to us how it went. Jetpack probably started with few developers, and with years come to number of 46. It doesnt have to start great, developers are attracted later to all good staff by itself.
    Do you know what all those names behind Jetpack say to me ? Not in the first hand anything about code quality, but about security. I know it will flow huge amount of years before this plugin is abandoned. And with all new WP versions they adapt code before new version get out.

    If we are talking about Jetpack as a plugin full of features, then BuddyPress could be something like that. There is also another plugin but it is paid (has minimized free version) that has several other features like bbcode, attachments, quotes. Creating another plugin like that I will keep in mind.


    I forgot to say in the previous reply that you also need to uncheck the “strip shortcodes” and “the content” boxes in the advanced excerpt plugin. See

    Stagger Lee

    It cant work with shortcodes in a forum. Forget about it.


    The activate component I think you are talking about is part of BuddyPress.

    I can’t find any documentation that details if there needs to be a shortcode on that page but mine is blank…This is the downside so far. In the Docs there should be a description of each of the required pages and what they do as well as what I need to do with them

    When BuddyPress is installed you will have a register page usually at, and also an activate page so after you register you are required to activate your account usually here

    All documentation for the activate page would be on BuddyPress, in their codex.

    Register and Activation Pages

    There might be more documentation on the activate page, but I can’t find them if you want more information about it contact BuddyPress in their forums.

    bbPress does allow shortcodes for registration, lost-password, and also for login, but none for users to activate their account. bbPress relies on how WordPress sets up registered users.


    There is no shortcode for an edit profile page.



    Please, what are the shortcodes for Edit Profile, Change Password?



    Stagger Lee

    It is not problem to hardcode WP-Polls function inside specific bbPress custom template, to bypass activating shortcodes in topics and replies.

    But main problem is User interaction. Shame, WP-Polls is very nice Polls plugin.
    It would be needed one modal popup where User opening topic can add new poll. believe Roles and permissions are not problem to fix with plugin filters, but other doesnt exist.

    It is not acceptable to send Users to separate page (backend) just to make poll for topic they opening.

Viewing 25 results - 526 through 550 (of 1,695 total)
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