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  • #67805

    In reply to: Enhanced Profile


    Link does not work :(


    Yes, you’ll just have to fetch the username and then have the same username in bbPress and then edit your comments-template.php inside your WordPress template. :) I don’t have the time to fully explain it though, but i will do it myself soon actually so… :)


    I’ve been digging through a lot of the bbPress code trying to find a way to do this with no success. I want to require people to have a certain email address ( in order to register. I feel like this should be really easy to do, but I’m still not very skilled in both bbPress and PHP.


    Since bbPress 1.0 is now making directories on it’s own from PHP it will cause problems for people on many hosts, because it will be created by the root/nobody owner and a local ftp will not be able to delete it because you don’t have the permissions as a regular user.

    You’d need a short PHP program to delete those as the PHP owner.


    I expect quite a bit of problems because of this from people on shared hosts.

    The proper way for it to be done is with posix_setuid before file disk activity but I doubt they will ever do that (or just let people put the files in place like they did with 0.9)

    ps. actually your directory names seem too long, what happens if you try to

    rm /var/www/vhosts/
    rm /var/www/vhosts/


    Apache has created these two directories with permission rwx r-x — I get the following when trying to delete them:

    Error: Unable to remove file /httpdocs/illuminatus/bbpress//var/www/vhosts/ filemng failed: rm: cannot chdir from .' to/var/www/vhosts/’: Permission denied

    filemng: Error occured during /bin/rm command.

    Error: Unable to remove file /httpdocs/illuminatus/bbpress//var/www/vhosts/ filemng failed: rm: cannot chdir from .' to/var/www/vhosts/’: Permission denied

    filemng: Error occured during /bin/rm command.

    How do I delete them as Apache? Thanks in advance.



    I was wondering how I could display the bbPress plugin, Avatar Upload, in WordPress. Software: bbPress 1.0.1, WordPress 2.8.1

    I am using bbPress as the profile’s home so to speak since I’d rather not use WordPress’ Dashboard and want to display the avatar of the user on the home page.

    I have done deep integration both ways by using this snippet of code in [wp/bb]-config.php

    if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) {

    include_once( ‘/home/path/to/forums/[bb/wp]-load.php’ );


    Then pasted this bit of code where I want the avatar.

    <?php avatarupload_get_avatar(ID); ?>

    However, as I expected it doesn’t work with the error

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function avatarupload_display() in blah3 on line x

    I tried adding <?php bb-head ?> and <?php if ( bb_is_profile() ) profile_menu(); ?> to the header but both result in an error

    I am no programmer but I don’t think bbPress is being load correctly. Can anyone offer a solution or some advice?


    Thanks _ck_, nice work with your plugins as well, you’re basically building the other half of bbPress :D


    Thank you so much _ck_ :D


    wrap any html or javascript (or even php) that you only want guests to see in this

    <?php if (!bb_is_user_logged_in()) { ?>

    blah stuff here

    <?php } ?>


    In reply to: admin panel warning


    I think that this problem occurs in forums w/o posts, when the various numbers are divided by the number of posts, which is zero. But it is a bug, the code must test for zero as denominator…

    Design Maroc

    ok stupid question… it’s working… :)

    sorry for that

    Rohan Kapoor

    Hey you need to integrate the cookies using the plugin bbpress Integration for WordPress. Just google it and insert the code the plugin gives you into the wp-config.php and bb-config.php files.


    I just converted my forum from phpBB.

    Everything looks like working fine except the admin panel warning about the statistics

    It is probably because the forum start date is not configured correctly somewhere but I couldnt find it so far.

    Can anybody help me?

    here is the warning message I get;

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/hosting/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 214

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/hosting/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 194

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/hosting/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 174

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/hosting/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 244


    First try switching your theme to the alternate and back again.

    If that does nothing, temporarily deactivate any plugin you may be using and see if that does it.

    Oh wait, you’ve been hacking at your theme.

    <div id="discussions" align="left">

    There’s no way that’s the default, you must have edited that.

    Replace the theme files from the original.

    So far it only looks like you edited front-page.php, so try replacing it with this in bb-templates/kakumei


    In reply to: Bulgarian translation

    Translations for branches 0.9 and 1.0 updated! Available in the SVN repository:

    Ами, радвайте :) Преоводите са вече в официалното хранилище. За версия 1.0 е 98% завършен, но непреведените неща се виждат само при инсталиране на bbPress.

    Ще гледам да го поддържам занапред :)


    Can you give me the current source of the plugin you have made?

    You can get the post text (of the first post of the topic) by:

    global $bbdb;

    $topic_id_ft = get_topic_id(); //topic id for getting text of first post of the topic

    $first_post = (int) $bbdb->get_var("SELECT post_id FROM $bbdb->posts WHERE topic_id = $topic_id_ft ORDER BY post_id ASC LIMIT 1");

    $content = urlencode(substr(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes(get_post_text($first_post))),0,300));

    $content = str_replace('+','%20', $content);

    $content = str_replace("’","'", $content);

    $post_summary = stripslashes($content);


    Editing the .mo file directly is possible but hardly recommended. I’ll make sure to change “sullat” to “tappat” my next update of the files though.

    The &auml; things are called HTML character entities. I use them to make sure the correct characters will show up regardless of character encoding difficulties. However, not all (but most) e-mail clients parse this HTML, so they may show up in their &-form. Have you experienced this?


    Akismet looks at a number of factors – ranging from email addresses to IPs and the texts of posts.

    _ck_ also suggested not trying to test Akismet with spammy comments:

    I don’t recommend trying to purposely cause spam to test it because akismet might flag you globally as a spammer and you’ll end up being bozo’ed across multiple forums/blogs.

    I’ve marked a few posts as spam on my forum, and noticed that every subsequent comment by that user got flagged by Akismet. Your mileage may vary… but you’re welcome to take your chances. :-)

    Rhys Wynne

    I’m not entirely sure how Akismet works, but doesn’t it work with matching email addresses to known spammers, rather than forum names?

    I also think to trigger Akismet’s wrath, you’d also have to go on a mass commenting/spamming over a multitude of forums.

    Just activate it, and if you’re not getting spam, assume it’s working :)


    So… I’m thinking the secret lies somewhere here:

    bb-includes/ Lines 171+:

    if ( count( $wordpress_roles_new ) ) {
    bb_update_usermeta( $user, $wordpress_table_prefix . 'capabilities', $wordpress_roles_new );
    bb_update_usermeta( $user, $wordpress_table_prefix . 'user_level', max( $wordpress_userlevels_new ) );

    Can I just change the 3rd argument to keep it null?

    Of course, there is also the next few lines dealing with: function bb_apply_wp_role_map_to_orphans()

    In short — how can I prevent bbpress from messing with my WPMU settings ever!? And I mean – never ever! If I want to change the MU settings, I’ll do it in MU.

    Bad bbpress! No! Bad program. Go to your room. ;)

    Even when a new user registers in BBpress – let em be orphaned in MU… whats the harm?

    (Stop… think… how will the affect cookies… if a user goes to MU, and there is no setting for them, but they have a shared cookie saying they are logged in, MU will FREAK OUT!… So, something needs to change on MU’s end to say: if this happens, (cookie says logged in, but no role for you!) no biggie, stay cool, just pretend the user is not logged in…. Oooooh…. am I on to something?)


    I find the AUTH_SALT etc. in my wp-config.php file. But I still can’t share the cookies after I have done all stuff.

    Here is my bbPress admin image:

    I notice that there is on sentence in bbPress document:

    Here is the sentence:

    This feature requires your WordPress and bbPress installations to exist in the same domain name, or at least in sub-domains of the same domain name.

    I install WPMU into the root of my virtual host; then I install bbPress into the path /forum/

    I don’t know if bbPress will work when it is in the sub-folder of WPMU?


    If you’re not getting spam, then you don’t have to worry too much if it’s working or not!

    What I usually do on a new install is set it up with Akismet and then wait a week or so… for it to catch its first piece of spam! :-)

    Definitely do not try and “test” Akismet, as you don’t want to get blacklisted from all sites that use Akismet!

    Rhys Wynne

    Thanks CK :)


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    “Is there any easy way to search for plugins that are compatible with the bbPress 1 branch?”

    BBcode, Add image, the video plugin all worked perfectly for me.

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