it said something about capabilities.php had an error… so that’s why i added both plugins again, yet both failed to fix the problem.
consider me a first timer dummy and guide me step by step how to go about integrating bbpress to my wordpress?
What about importing from PunBB?
Please! You’ll have to be patient.. we are lucky we got this phpBB to bbpress importer this quickly.. jeesh! I’m sure brunotorre will probably make up more import scripts then..
If not brunotorre, then someone else I’m sure.. We’ll just have to be patient here.. Just my 2 cents …
The domain should be http://localhost
and the path should be /~myusername/bbpress/
but that shouldn’t stop the database connection.
Do you know if you have PHP’s mysqli extension loaded (as opposed to the normal mysql)? If you do, try copying bb-includes/db.php to bb-includes/db-mysqli.php to overwrite that later file (it seems to be out of date).
Please let me knw if that helps or not.
It’s the space.
Try this plugin:
Plugin Name: Allow spaces in user names
Plugin URI:
function wpbb_user_sanitize( $text, $raw, $strict ) {
$username = strip_tags($raw);
// Kill octets
$username = preg_replace(‘|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|’, ”, $username);
$username = preg_replace(‘/&.+?;/’, ”, $username); // Kill entities
// If strict, reduce to ASCII for max portability.
if ( $strict )
$username = preg_replace(‘|[^a-z0-9 _.-@]|i’, ”, $username);
return $username;
add_filter( ‘user_sanitize’, ‘wpbb_user_sanitize’, -1, 3);
Jaxia, bbPress cannot use forum and topic names in its urls currently.
This will likely be a feature in future versions.
What do you mean “but it failed”?
I would like to try bbPress, but cannot get past the “Cannot select DB.” error message. What am I doing wrong? Here is what I have done…
1. Downloaded and am successfully running MySQL 5.0.26 server on Mac OS X 10.4.8.
2. Added a database called “testbb” to the mysql server (this is working because I can access this database through the mysql commandline in Terminal and in CocoaMySQL).
3. Turned on php (version 4.4.1) in the httpd.conf file.
4. Turned on the apache webserver running on my computer.
5. Downloaded the bbPress folder and put it in my webserver directory.
6. Changed the config-sample.php file to config.php.
7. Modified the config.php file. I changed the database name to testbb, changed the username to root, added the appropriate password, and changed the URL domain to “http://localhost/~myusername” and the URL path to “/bbpress/” because I did not change the folder’s name. It is still “bbpress”.
When I try to access the install.php file, I type in “http://localhost/~myusername/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php” into my browser. This successfully brings up the following error message: “Cannot select DB.”
What am I doing wrong? Why can’t it access the database, when I can access it through the commandline with the same username and password?
Agreed. Put the fields right there! (this should actually be simple to do with a little template editing) the bbPress dev team might be better to delegate this one…
ear1grey: what you need is already available see:
I tried this one:
but eventually used this one:
You may need to modify your rss2.php and copy it to your my-templates folder.
You can see it in action on my site (link via my username).
Hope that helps.
i’ve also tried activating the plugin for the WP side, didn’t help. here’s the error msg i got…
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: __() in /home/gray/domains/ on line 27
none of the above helped with my situation. here’s my predicament:
i’ve got a full running WP. so i install bb in a directory inside WP’s means ROOT/ is WP and ROOT/bbpress is bb. bbpress worked fine when it was in it’s own database too. but when i edited the few lines… at the bottom of bbpress’ config.php, to direct to wordpress’ prefixes and urls (i also edited the top lines to direct to my wordpress database as well).
then it didn’t work… what went wrong>?
here’s a link to the thread i started abt it…
first, i setup my bbPress, tested it… worked great! now i went to the config.php and changed the settings to point to my wordpress. my wordpress has in the root directory and mt bbpress was i a folder root/forums/ … for the configuration, i’m sure i did everything right. changed the wordpress prefix from false to wp_ then added in the urls of my wordpress as required. i then removed the // on the next line as the instructions said.
now i loaded the directory with bbpress… i expected to go thru the whole installation thing again but it failed. someone please help?
@ear1grey: Maybe I´ve got the plugin you want to have – some time ago I created a plugin like that for a bbpress+wordpress site which is no more online – I´ll search it on my HD and test it, and if it still works I´ll put it up for download…
I had a similar thing happen to me on WordPress. Just about went nuts trying to figure it out, but I finally did. I would think that since bbpress is made by the same folks who did WordPress that you’re experiencing the same thing I did with WordPress. I’m guessing that when you created your database that you didn’t create it in UTF-8 format. If you check the installation documentation, see if it recommends UTF-8. Then, check to see what kind of encoding is on your database. If that is the problem, you can solve the problem fairly easily. Here’s a link to instructions that I wrote for fixing the problem in WordPress:
You should be able to do the same thing to fix it with bbpress. *NOTE* I haven’t tried this with bbpress so I can’t guarantee it will work.
Hope that helps,
someone can help me to edit my config.php?
i edited my self, but it not working…
db host Url:
db name: n22_n22
db user: n22_n22
db password: 123456 (im gonna change it later)
web URL:
the forums folder URL:
Ok, I see there is an importing from phpbb but I’ve got a slightly different issue with vanilla. I like it but love bbpress much more now and would love to bring over my site to it. Is there anyone with any ideas on where to start on this and possibly some help over that. It would be greatly appreciated.
bbPress is adding slashes to edited posts in front of all apostrophes – why? How to fix.
The interesting thing is the number of slashes grows with each edit. So if the post is edited three times, there are three slashes in front of all the apostrophes.
When I think of it, that makes total sense. WordPress was created before BBPress. So WordPress can’t “hold” BBPress. But BBPress has been programmed to “hold” WordPress.
I think someone was saying in another forum that WordPress is working towards “holding” BBPress.
Actually, I just tried to login to BBPress, and there appears to be a circular matter with logging into the dashboard.
So I guess I will have to re-install everything, starting with BBPress, then loadingWordPress into it, instead of what I have now.
I started my bbpress forgetting to set my time to -4 Several users registered and now all the timestamps are messed up.
When someone creates a new topic, it shows it as 4 hours into the future, yet when someone posts a topic, it shows up as the correct time.
How do I fix this?/What is causing the +4 rather than -4 (I’m sure I have it set to -4). Also.. how do the times store in the db? By GMT, and then bbpress subtracts 4 OR do they get stored GMT-4 ?
There are links to the RSS feeds on every page that has them (… except the front page… what happened it that one… ?)
The URLs are: for the main feed for the feed for forum with ID = 1 for the feed for topic with ID = 1 for the feed for the user favorites of user with ID = 1 for the feed for the ‘bbpress’ tag.
These URLs can be easily generated by:
or echoed with recent_rss_link(), forum_rss_link(), etc.
The content for the feed is generated by /rss.php on bb-templates/rss2.php and is fully pluggable.
Copy bb-templates/topic.php to my-templates/
Find and remove
<li id="resolution-flipper"><?php _e('This topic is') ?> <?php topic_resolved(); ?></li>
This will likely be removed by default in future versions of bbPress.
Are you using bbPress 0.72 or some older pre-release version?
You’re using WPmu, yes?
It’s a little different. See my response here:
You could use the $bb->wp_home stuff, but you’ll have to also:
$bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;
$bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;
Since MU cookies are structured a little differently than WP cookies.