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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #51851

    I have written a plugin to search the wp posts from bbpress search.

    you can find the details here

    Trent Adams

    One thing I did extra Spencer was add the cookie information for my domain in config.php in bbPress.

    $bb->cookiedomain = '';

    $bb->cookiepath = '/';

    Maybe try that. As well, I am sure you have it already, but wp_home and wp_siteurl can’t have slashes at the end of each of them.

    The bbpress-integration plugin in WordPress. All I did was edit the option to have bb_ as the prefix and even though it was listed already, I always save the option again. Superstition I guess.

    The WordPress-integration plugin was just thrown in my-plugins/ forlder in bbPress. It just works.

    Can you give me anything else that might help you with this one?


    Trent Adams

    The profile link comes up when you are logged in. Therefore, the code is in bb-templates/login.php and bb-templates/login-form.php. They could be in my-templates/ if you edited them.

    If you are talking about the code for when you view a user, the “Profile Edit Favorites” link then this is the code for profile.php in the same template directory:

    <?php elseif ( $user_id == $bb_current_user->ID ) : ?>

    <p><?php printf(__('This is how your profile appears to a fellow logged in member, you may <a href="%1$s">edit this information</a>. You can also <a href="%2$s">manage your favorites</a> and subscribe to your favorites’ <a href="%3$s"><abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr> feed</a>'), get_profile_tab_link( $user_id, 'edit' ), get_favorites_link(), get_favorites_rss_link()) ?></p>

    <?php endif; ?>

    The tags are arranged vertically and I don’t know how difficult it is to change that. You could move the tags code to the bottom of the post and under the reply box, but if that isn’t what you want and want to limit to 10 tags, it might require a core hack or plugin. Neither that I can help with, sorry.

    Limiting users with tagging is not something bbPress is setup to do because unless the user is marked by the system as BOZO, all members are treated equal for simplicity reasons.


    Trent Adams

    Check your Users in WP and make sure they were moved across. It might be that they are not even taking the default role and are not subscribers in WP, but listed in WP. That is the way I have mine setup anyways.

    Let me know.



    Sorry Spencer, you already said they are not moving across. With proper integration, I don’t even have a users table in the database for bbPress. It only uses users of wp_users.


    I have worked on my forum for some time:

    Well, i guess i messed something up, the “profile” menu that used to appear at the top-right corner disappeared. Anyone know how to cal the function?

    One other, not releated, problem is that if you tag a forum to much the post disappear longer and longer down the screen. Do anybody know how to limit the tags shown at a topic to maby 10. And is it any way to disallow unregister users to add and remove tags? Some idiots “may” remove every tag and add something like “hitler and anal sex i greate” like 200 times… :-?


    I’ve just installed bbforum to test and play around with, but have hit a niggling problem – I hope people can help.

    In the breadcrumb navigation for tags, urls of this forum work:

    but if I click onto the “Tags” link in the breadcrumb navigation (i.e. I open, the page does not load, and in Firefox I get the message

    The page isn’t redirecting properly

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    * This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

    Has anyone else experienced this problem? I’m using the latest version of bbforum, no permalinks.

    Thanks for any help you can give.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    thanks a lot! great work!!!


    As I had said in my blog post, I have those plugins up and running, but.. the problem is that those that register on the bbPress forums, are not able to post comments on my blog, as their username..? =/

    Plugins are:

    WordPress Integration (0.7)

    bbPress Integration (0.72)


    bbPress Post (0.02)

    It’s not pulling their email address, and their nicknames have to be assigned by me, in the blog’s control panel, under USERS? =/ I’d hate to have to edit each USER on my blog, so they can post as their “nickname or username”.. rather then “Anonymous”..

    Anyone with suggestions, and so forth?



    In reply to: bug

    Trent Adams

    It would be a bug with the default template because it isn’t wide enough for the username, but not bbPress. I could suggest a fix for this, but it would only be widening the left portion and decreasing the right portion of the template. Simple change to the style.css file.

    Strange, I wondered about this as well :-)

    Trent Adams

    Good to hear.



    My bad. resolved it –

    I had enabled pretty permalinks but had no .htaccess file.

    in the /forums/ directory I created a .htaccess file and added the line

    Options +MultiViews

    as per instructions and it worked like a charm.


    Hello. I am trying to install bbpress under a WP2.0.5 install at . I have gone through the documentation for integration at and looks like things come up fine.

    However, when i add an entry, or click on a tag (e.g. i see a blank page! not sure why.

    Its the same issue when I try to click on a forum topic – e.g.

    The variables in the config file are

    $bb->domain = ‘;;

    $bb->path = ‘/wp1/forums/’;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;;

    This appears to be a wierd issue – i know i am missing somethign simple. IN particular I see that both $bb->wp_siteurl and $bb->wp_home are different from $bb->domain – could this be it?

    Any help will be appreciated.


    Topic: bug


    hey, i found something. look at this post:

    see how the name of karmatose is covered by the post layer?

    i think that qualifies as a bug?



    In reply to: Google sitemap

    Rodrigo M

    I’m getting this error:

    Warning: fopen(/home/pandeblog/domains/ [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/domain/domains/ on line 154

    Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/domain/domains/ on line 167

    Trent Adams

    First off, which plugin are you using with WP for LDAP authentication?

    My understanding of some of the plugins is that the user has to be created in WP first. Not sure if they automate this process or not. All that changes is the authentication process, the password from the LDAP server and maybe the cookie.

    Standard WP and bbPress integration works with sharing the WP users. If the LDAP plugin doesn’t use the WP user password, not sure if this information would move over to bbPress.

    Short of testing it, I would imagine it would depend on whether the password is updated in the WP users table of the database. Maybe ask the plugin author if he/she thinks this would be possible?

    Another thing, there is a plugin that pulls the users out of WP into bbPress. That being said, if the username and password are stored in WP, then there shouldn’t be a problem integrating even with using LDAP.

    Of course, if someone else knows something that could be added to this discussion, please do!



    Does the WP-BBPress integration work if WP is using the LDAP plug-in for authentication? In other words, if a user has been authenticated via LDAP to WP, can that user be automatically authenticated to BBPress? Or, if the user must be challenged again to enter BBPress, can BBPress also use LDAP for authentication?

    Trent Adams

    Kinda shooting in the dark here, but will it install as http://localhost/forum/bb-admin/install.php ?

    I am not sure if bbPress has to be installed with a fully qualified domain name or not.

    Maybe check out this thread as well in your search.

    (I know it is MU WordPress, but same principle may apply)



    In reply to: Email subscription


    I am trying to install bbPress to my local Mac into a subfolder of my test WP installation which has been set up and working for over a year now.

    This means my url is not an ‘’ address but a (or, in my case, my local network IP which works just as well). So I have set up config.php with this address. and the path as ‘/forum/’.

    When then trying to run the install script however, it just takes me to a comletely blank page. (A similar problem was raised here: but received no reply).

    Does anyone have any ideas what this points to?

    Trent Adams

    Seems to be top notch Spencer. Excellent!


    In reply to: Private Forum script

    Trent Adams

    Good thinking. Using the logged in status natural to bbPress to do this. Just looking at the code it would work, but I will test this out on my dev forum and report back as well. I could see this expanded into a plugin very easily….



    Nevermind! I figured it out, whooami had made some changes to a couple files, to help fight off spammers.. The changes were made to the theme’s comments.php file, and the wp-comments-post.php file.. except when I had upgraded the blog to 2.1 alpha3, I didn’t re-add those changes to the 2.1 alpha3 wp-comments-post.php file..

    All is good now!! =)



    In reply to: Private forum?


    From what I’m getting, by the search in the forums is, with that bbpress Post plugin, needing the trailing slash at the end of the FORUM URL, where the normal 2 URI’s of the blog don’t… it’s conflicting, right?

    Is there away around this maybe, or something.. ?


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