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Topic: Profile-menu disappeared!?
Topic: Error for tags.php
I’ve just installed bbforum to test and play around with, but have hit a niggling problem – I hope people can help.
In the breadcrumb navigation for tags, urls of this forum work:
but if I click onto the “Tags” link in the breadcrumb navigation (i.e. I open, the page does not load, and in Firefox I get the message
The page isn’t redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? I’m using the latest version of bbforum, no permalinks.
Thanks for any help you can give.
As I had said in my blog post, I have those plugins up and running, but.. the problem is that those that register on the bbPress forums, are not able to post comments on my blog, as their username..?
Plugins are:
WordPress Integration (0.7)
bbPress Integration (0.72)
bbPress Post (0.02)
It’s not pulling their email address, and their nicknames have to be assigned by me, in the blog’s control panel, under USERS? I’d hate to have to edit each USER on my blog, so they can post as their “nickname or username”.. rather then “Anonymous”..
Anyone with suggestions, and so forth?
Hello. I am trying to install bbpress under a WP2.0.5 install at . I have gone through the documentation for integration at and looks like things come up fine.
However, when i add an entry, or click on a tag (e.g. i see a blank page! not sure why.
Its the same issue when I try to click on a forum topic – e.g.
The variables in the config file are
$bb->domain = ‘’;
$bb->path = ‘/wp1/forums/’;
$bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;
$bb->wp_home = ‘’;
$bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’;
This appears to be a wierd issue – i know i am missing somethign simple. IN particular I see that both $bb->wp_siteurl and $bb->wp_home are different from $bb->domain – could this be it?
Any help will be appreciated.
Topic: bug
hey, i found something. look at this post:
see how the name of karmatose is covered by the post layer?
i think that qualifies as a bug?
Topic: BBPress & LDAP Plug-in?
Does the WP-BBPress integration work if WP is using the LDAP plug-in for authentication? In other words, if a user has been authenticated via LDAP to WP, can that user be automatically authenticated to BBPress? Or, if the user must be challenged again to enter BBPress, can BBPress also use LDAP for authentication?
Topic: Installing to local Mac
I am trying to install bbPress to my local Mac into a subfolder of my test WP installation which has been set up and working for over a year now.
This means my url is not an ‘’ address but a (or, in my case, my local network IP which works just as well). So I have set up config.php with this address. and the path as ‘/forum/’.
When then trying to run the install script however, it just takes me to a comletely blank page. (A similar problem was raised here: but received no reply).
Does anyone have any ideas what this points to?
Topic: Private Forum script
I needed desperately a script that would restrict all access to unregistered users so I wrote one. But I am an absolute beginner so don’t know no nothin’ about elegance or whatnot but I just tested it in my installation and it works.
The thing is naturally bb_press has authentication scripts. but to make all you website protected you need to put this in your header.php. However bb-login.php, which your users need to login also use the header.php, so I had to make sure that this small script runs on all pages EXCEPT the login page.
Here’s the script:
$login_page = $bb->path . ‘bb-login.php’;
if ($_SERVER != $login_page) {
if ( !bb_is_user_logged_in() ) {
header(‘Location: ‘ . $bb->domain . $bb->path . ‘bb-login.php’);
} else { }
else { }
How to Use it:
1. Copy paste the above code to your my-templates/header.php AT THE VERY TOP of the file. Make sure you leave no empty space before the <?php line (use something like TextPad – it’s free). So you header should look like:
$login_page = $bb->path . ‘bb-login.php’;
if ($_SERVER != $login_page) {
if ( !bb_is_user_logged_in() ) {
header(‘Location: ‘ . $bb->domain . $bb->path . ‘bb-login.php’);
} else { }
else { }
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN” ….
That’s it. Since I use the values you provided in you BBPRESS setup all the paths should be correct.
Like I said I am complete newbie, so use at your own risk. BACKUP your header.php, or if something goes wrong just delete the script you just added.
Hope it works for you,