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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #62964

    If you look in your admin panel under content, you should have the new content->posts feature where you can search for posts by specific users, content, etc. Then you can delete via the list.

    should be under the admin panel under content, or



    This code is supposed to go in bb-admin/install.php for the plugin that allows users to post anonymously. My bbpress was already active when I discovered the plugin, so, of course, i didn’t want to run the install file again. So, can you translate this for me so that I can possibly make the changes manually? Thanks. The code is as follows:

    bb_update_usermeta( '0', $bb_table_prefix . 'capabilities', array('anonymous' => true) );


    hans3, thank you. that worked. :)


    is there a way to mass edit/delete posts?

    where do if ind bbpress themes?



    You create a my-plugins folder where your forum is installed and put them in there.


    where do you place plugins in bbpress?


    In reply to:


    The notions about the fold and some other things finally got through me. I just changed things around further; requiring registration to see the content, among other things.

    I really like how easy it was with BBpress to make these changes possible – literally less than 20mins. To make things show up only when a user is logged in, I used a bunch of these:


    if ( bb_is_user_logged_in() ) {

    include ‘path/to/include.php’;


    else {

    echo ‘ ‘;




    In reply to: Anonymous posting


    This is almost working for me. My bbpress was already active, so i didn’t want to run the modified install file. Here is the code that’s in the bb-admin/install.php file:

    // Anonymous User
    $now = bb_current_time('mysql');
    $bbdb->query("INSERT INTO $bbdb->users (user_login, user_registered)
    VALUES ('anonymous', '$now')");
    $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->users SET ID = '0' WHERE user_login = 'anonymous'");
    bb_update_usermeta( '0', $bb_table_prefix . 'capabilities', array('anonymous' => true) );

    Since my bbpress is already active, I have manually updated my users table by following the guideline in the above code. But, I have no idea what the last line of code means: bb_update_usermeta( '0', $bb_table_prefix . 'capabilities', array('anonymous' => true) );

    Can you modify it so that I can manually update the db or do whatever needs to be done to make it work? Thanks.


    Note there’s a similar (but slightly different situation) here:

    and here:

    Are you using the “use display name” plugin?

    That may be the culprit, try deactivating.


    The original KeyMaster created on install has suddenly lost the ability to create new forums. The following error message is displayed.

    “You don’t have permission to do that.”

    I created a new user and bumped it up to Keymaster and it does have the ability to create new forums.

    With some guidance from _ck_ I went into phpmyadmin and compared the bb_capabilities between the two users. There was a slight difference (which I stupidly didn’t record), so I copied the capabilities from the new keymaster and pasted them in place of the old keymasters capabilities.

    Unfortunately this did not resolve the problem. Both keymasters have identical usermeta now, and its still not working.

    I have bbpress integrated with WordPress, so the user data is shared between the two systems.

    Any ideas?


    In reply to: #postform bug found?


    This is still an issue for me. I downloaded bbPress a few days ago. I don’t have a reply form when viewing single topics. When I click the >> next to Reply, I get the following path: topic/13?replies=1#postform (I’m using pretty urls)

    What is the correct path to the reply form?


    It’s absolutely based on the traffic of your forum… my forum seems to have new content indexed within about 12 hours, but sometimes it might be up to a day.



    MySQL 4.0 ( I would look for 5.x for futureproofing)

    PHP 4.2 ( Again, I would look for 5.x here)

    Apache with mod_rewrite

    That’s all your host needs to offer. I would expect to pay less than $10/month. It might be a lot less if the host does not offer shell access (just FTP.)


    I learned from a search on The WordPress forums that my “Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted” can be addressed via an edit of php.ini. However I don’t think that is an option as I’m on a shared server and it is pre set and the host won’t budge.

    Additionally I also learned they are running a very old version of php and have no plans of upgrading.

    So I think it will be time to make a change.

    I lack the experience and ability to have a broader view as to what my needs are and will be regarding seeking a new host and would like some guidance from people not only more experienced but with an eye to the future development of bbpress and wordpress.

    In short, what minimum features should I be looking for, who do you recommend, and what should I pay? I will need a company with good tech support as I’m a dog trainer first and site manager second and that’s a really distant second. It wouldn’t be possible at all without the assistance these forums provide.



    bbPress does not create the .htaccess file. You have to manually create it with a text editor either on the server, on locally, then upload it. The file can contain one of two things:

    1. Options +MultiViews


    2. visit

    That script will generate the rules you need to put in your .htaccess file. Use this if the first option does not work.

    If you cannot get permalinks working, just change the mod_rewrite line to false in your config, so you can at least use your forum until you get permalinks working.

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;


    I noticed that it depends on how much traffic the forum gets. If the forum has lots of activity, it gets indexed more quickly. It also seems to matter if you use the Google webmaster tools like the sitemap. I notice that soon after logging into the webmaster tools to check on *whatever*, Google crawls most of my sites.

    I also see a direct correlation between how busy the forum is and how many spam registrations there are. More legitimate activity, more spammers register every day.


    I’ve had a look through the forum and this seems common, but my problem seems different.

    The forum is there, but almost everything I click on goes to a 404 page.

    I’ve tried changing the config.php back to mod rewrite = false, and I’ve tried deleting the database and starting again.

    I’d be grateful for any help and advice.

    It’s at

    Thank you.



    When clicking the reply button, the ‘reply’ string appears in the url, but the comment form does not appear.

    When I enable pretty urls, the urls do not work. This is because I don’t have a .htaccess file, though. Why don’t I have one? I thought that bbPress creates it, like WP does.


    How long does it take for Google to index your bbPress posts? Minutes, hours, days?


    Hi there.

    Well, here is my new plugin.


    Provide users with a live comment preview before submit. show it in the same page using Ajax

    Tested on :

    Firefox 2.x & Beta 3

    IE 6 & 7


    More info and Downloads

    Also, you can see the demo on my dev site

    User : testuser

    password: e6b4b5

    See ya..


    I think i’m going to take your advice ck and not include the call to wp in bbpress.


    There’s little reason to run WP *inside* bbPress and it only makes for headaches. Running them integrated but standalone makes each of them faster and has a side benefit – one can work while the other is down for some reason.

    Virtually any of the data you might want from WP can be accessed with a few creative PHP/mysql calls from bbPress. If you let me know specifically what you are trying to do, I will try to help.


    Regarding incompatibilities between WP and bbP, see this:

    There *are* incompatibilities right now. Things are in flux.


    Still, the only thing i can think of that is causing this is some sort of incompatibility between WordPress 2.3.3 and BBpress


    I don’t think problem is with plugins, I think the problem is with the way WordPress is being called by bbPress, in both cases here. Hard to keep things straight with two people reporting problems, but since they’re the same type of problem, I think it’s good that they’re both in the same place.

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