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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #63114

    DON’T do that!

    You want bbPress and WordPress to have different table prefixes in their respective config. bb_ and wp_ , the defaults, are fine. If you try to use the same table prefix, some of the WordPress tables get destroyed due to a collision between table names because both software packages now use the same table prefix (posts , usermeta and users tables, I believe.)

    What are you trying to accomplish that requires you to use the same tables for WordPress and bbPress? If you are looking for integration, this is not how you do it. With an integrated install, you still use a different table prefix for bbPress but you insert your WordPress table prefix in the bbPress config.php a little further down in the file. Then, bbPress modifies the existing wp_users and possibly wp_usermeta table.


    I’m trying to use the same database and tables for wordpress and bbpress but they don’t merge painlessly.

    I set the table prefix in bbpress’s config to wp_ and set the database to be the same as wordpress’s. I also set the wp_prefix in bbpress’s config.

    Then I tried to start bbpress but it threw a bunch of exceptions and now it will not save new posts. Can anyone help me?

    I enclose it’s exceptions

    Now we’re going to create the database tables and fill them with some default data.

    bbPress database error: [Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key]
    ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD COLUMN post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment

    bbPress database error: [Key column 'post_id' doesn't exist in table]
    ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD PRIMARY KEY (post_id)

    bbPress database error: [The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes]
    ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text)

    1. Created table wp_forums
    2. Created table wp_topics
    3. Created table wp_topicmeta
    4. Created table wp_tags
    5. Created table wp_tagged
    6. Changed default value of wp_posts.post_status from publish to 0
    7. Added column wp_posts.post_id
    8. Added column wp_posts.forum_id
    9. Added column wp_posts.topic_id
    10. Added column wp_posts.poster_id
    11. Added column wp_posts.post_text
    12. Added column wp_posts.post_time
    13. Added column wp_posts.poster_ip
    14. Added index wp_posts FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text)
    15. Added index wp_users UNIQUE KEY user_login (user_login)

    bbPress database error: [Field 'post_content' doesn't have a default value]
    INSERT INTO wp_posts (forum_id, topic_id, poster_id, post_text, post_time, poster_ip, post_status, post_position) VALUES ('1', '1', '1', '

    First Post! w00t.
    ','2008-02-22 15:10:39', '', '0', 1)

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column 'post_id' in 'field list']
    SELECT post_id, poster_id FROM wp_posts WHERE topic_id = 1 AND post_status = 0 ORDER BY post_time

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column 'post_id' in 'where clause']
    SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_id = 0



    In reply to: Abuse Button On Posts


    Note that the plugin section here has a separate search function.


    I am a new user, but if I had the time this would be a good first plug-in write for me. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time. Sooo, if anyone does have the time and interest, a very useful plug-in would place a button at the bottom of every post that says something like “Report Abuse”. If someone sees spam in a post or foul language, etc., they click on this link and a report is sent to the moderator.

    This is used in many large forums I use and could help control misuse of a bbPress forum.

    Thank you

    PS I posted this in another thread before it occurred to me to start a new topic.


    In reply to: FAQ


    I am a new user, but if I had the time this would be a good first plug-in write for me. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time. Sooo, if anyone does have the time and interest, a very useful plug-in would place a button at the bottom of every post that says something like “Report Abuse”. If someone sees spam in a post or foul language, etc., they click on this link and a report is sent to the moderator.

    This is used in many large forums I use and could help control misuse of a bbPress forum.

    Thank you


    You’re almost there. You need to either turn on multiviews or rewrite rules in your htaccess file if you want to use slugs. See #2 or #3 here:

    I recommend #3 even though it’s a few more steps.

    Some servers don’t even support multiviews so #3 is a must.


    Just installed/activated your “Human Test” plug-in. I am using bbPress version Everything works fine. No issues.

    Thank you.

    By the way, I heard of WordPress for the first time on Sunday, found it a few minutes later, installed it a few minutes after that and input two years of articles I had written that same day. I installed a few plug-ins the next day and then found bbPress. Installed that the same day (Monday). It was working fine and found a matching template for both WordPress and bbPress the next day (Wednesday). With very little tweaking (mostly my errors) and no visits to the WordPress or bbPress forums for help, I am up and running with a very presentable, professional looking, and fully functional blog/user forum. Absolutely incredible!!! I am notifying my subscribers later this morning about their new resource via email. Not bad for four days of work.

    Thank you good folks behind WordPress and bbPress!


    In reply to: rss result is empty


    Whoops, guess you need to actually post something first before the RSS works! Duh! Anyway, all is well again here in MasterDATA land.

    By the way, although I didn’t need to do any of this (I already had when installing), the following link here in the bbPress forum may be helpful to those still dealing with the issue noted in this thread:

    Using RSS Feeds

    Good luck!


    I have the same problem. Think I asked S010 over at trac ( about this, but I havn’t seen no answer …



    I’ve been working with bbPress, vBulletin and Invision Power Board since each one of them made their debuts and I’m very good at integrating them into many CMS, mainly our beloved WordPress blogging software and Joomla.

    So I’m offering my integration services to those fustrated souls fighting to integrate bbPress, vBulletin and Invision Power Board into your WordPress blog.

    Check out my site for the latest guides on how to integrate bbPress, vBulletin and IPB into your WordPress.

    Integration guides, demos, tips and bridge scripts:


    In reply to: rss result is empty


    I just downloaded/installed bbPress yesterday and page comes up blank when clicking “RSS” in Profile. Help is appreciated.

    Tank you.


    Correction its not the plugin’s fault its when i call the bbpress/functions api from wp-config coz i want to use them in the wp site :

    if ( !defined('BBDB_NAME') )

    also i get a bozo.php related error :

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for bb_bozo_pre_post_status() in /home/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/community/bb-includes/bozo.php on line 173

    I think they are all come from upgrading to WP 2.3.3 …

    if anyone can help it will be cool



    By the way, the article you reference in the link above (

    Are all of the steps still necessary? Or are some of them no longer needed due to the new integration options during bbPress installation?


    I have exactly the same problem the wp plugin “bbPress Integration” causing it somehow when i disable it wp editing works as normal when i enable it i get slashes “” everywhere when i edit post / comment / theme from wp administration all plugins / bbpress / wp are the latests versions…

    also my server php.ini config are:

    magic_quotes_gpc Off Off

    magic_quotes_runtime Off Off

    magic_quotes_sybase Off Off

    can anyone help? :)


    Which host are you with, that might be an error from the glob function being using without proper testing to see if it’s supported.


    Well I used the current trunk version of WP, and 1075 of BB, installation went fine (nice new installer helped integration along nicely). Thanks for the help!

    But, I am getting an error at the top of each page in bbPress:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/path/to/forum/bb-settings.php on line 294

    (Path to bb-settings.php removed)

    Is this a known issue? What could I do to resolve it?


    Build 1075 of the trunk will work with WordPress 2.5 and matches the new password method. There is also talk of some kind of bbPress updated release around or with WP 2.5

    Either way you are covered – just don’t modify core files (only templates and plugins) and you should be okay. You’ll only have to do a small edit to the config.php (bb-config.php) file when the time comes to match the secret key in WP to BB.


    I haven’t used bbPress in a while and I’ve just started thinking about using it again. A few months ago it was relatively easy to integrate bbPress and WordPress, from what I’ve been reading in the forums, things have changed.

    With the incorporation of ‘backPress’ etc, what’s my best bet for setting up a new site with bbPress and WordPress sharing users and cookies?

    I’d really like to use the latest version of WordPress, is there a certain changeset of bbPress I should use?


    The posts don’t really matter to me. I just one one place for my users to have a profile. When they sign up for an account it takes them to the WP profile. They still need to go into the BB profile to change that info. Maybe I’ll just hack the wp profile page and add a link to the bbpress profile page. Think there is a better way?


    Did we get anywhere on this topic. I am in the same boat. Looking to have one profile page… Preferably bbpress’s profile. Am I just not noticing the plugin?


    My solution doesn’t need template editing and has stopped all such activity on my site:


    In reply to: I’m ready to give up


    I’m not an official voice by any means but IMHO bbPress at this time is more of a do-it-yourself type project that is definitely non-commercial in nature. It’s also in a pre-release state which means in general it’s not ready for “primetime” if you can’t deal with working out quirks.

    If you need something commercial, especially in a hurry and have little technical experience, you need a commercial solution like vbulletin. Just be cautioned however you’ll need a more powerful server to host it’s bulk and since it’s commercial, everything for it will be cost – support, addons, etc. There’s always a trade off.


    So far this has solved the problem for me completely:

    I’ll augment it as they adapt.


    With all those links in the posts, it appears that akismet is not working. Do you have an akismet ket and is it entered in your config.php? That would prevent the posts loaded with links, in any case.

    Regarding the registrations, there is a “Human Test” plugin that might help:

    Or, maybe something more complex like a CAPTCHA:

    Or this tip:

    Just search this forum for registration and you’ll see lots of approaches to handling it.

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