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  • #63431

    Use this plugin instead – no editing needed:



    I’m currently in developement of a gaming website over at

    I’ll be using WordPress along with bbPress to bring out the site to it’s full beauty as soon as time grants it.

    I wanted to know if there is a plugin out there or a way I can make it so when I post a news post on the front page that it will also post in a forum I will have created called “News & Updates” to serve as an archive of sorts.

    The forum would be locked except for those posts.

    Any ideas?


    I should note that mdawaffe has pointed out to me that apparently bbPress would do this previously if the user has referer’s enabled in their browser. But since most “personal firewalls” block referers by default, you can’t count on that behavior and this change will make it always work instead.

    0.8.4 will supposedly have this new ability by default…


    Hi beaulebens,

    I like your site!

    Which version of wpmu and bbpress are you running? Which plugins are you using for the integration. (I had to modify some cookie setting code in bbpress to get the single signon working properly:

    BBsync doesn’t work with WPMU, btw.

    What other things have you customized? Thanks for sharing!


    I am a bit confused about the wordpress and bbpress integration plugins.

    Is WordPress Integration(0.7) plugin necessary? it was last updated a year ago, and I now have single signon between the two apps without the WordPress Integration plugin. Does it do something else that I am not aware of?



    I fixed the problem by making changes to the bb_cookie() and bb_logout() since wpmu and bbpress set cookies differently: (the expire times are different). If anyone wants to me to post the code, please let me know.

    Also, I added the “cookiedomain” to the config.php

    Here’s the full list relevant to the integration.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
    $bb->wp_home = '';
    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';
    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser';
    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';
    $bb->cookiedomain = '';


    By the way, since the registration and login/out process in wordpress is a bit more advanced than bbPress, many people just change all the bbpress links for such actions to use the WordPress links. WordPress can even redirect back to the point of logout/login.


    _ck_, I cleared all the cookies for this domain when doing the test. I also closed all open pages, and started fresh.

    The three cookies that I see generated when doing this test on both BBPress and WPMU are:




    I’ll look at the code for logging out of wpmu, and also see if anything gets changed in the database. I’ll then compare that to how BBPress logs out and see if it makes any changes in the database too.

    Thanks for the link, but he basically added:

    $bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;

    $bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;

    And I’ve already done that.


    FofR, he’s trying to integrate WPMU, not WP, with BBpress


    Hopefully you folks can help me. I have a few questions about integration and bbPress. What I have right now is a custom built populated member database with passwords, usernames, emails, etc.

    What I would like to do is get bbPress to “hook” into this database instead of having to have two member/user tables to keep synchronized. Is there a certain way you’d go about doing this, that perhaps isn’t too messy? Or will it require rewriting a lot of code?

    I’ve found a lot of WordPress integration help here, but really not much on integrating with other types of websites (aside from template editing). So any help would be great, even if you just give me a little push in the right direction. Thanks. :)

    Beau Lebens

    Just wanted to put out my bbPress installation that I’ve worked on. It’s completely integrated (for user accounts, authentication, registration etc) with a very customized WPMU install as well.

    Our system gives users the ability to manage a custom avatar (uploading, then cropping to 2 different sizes), plus handles all of their (extended) profile information.

    Hope you like it!


    You have the right approach if you find that log-outs are out of sync.

    You need to watch the cookie names and paths.

    MAKE SURE you clear ALL cookies while you are experimenting with paths and names. If you leave left overs, you are going to get strange behaviors.

    If you leave the page open, even after clearing cookies you may have form post data or session data in there. Close page, clear cookies, THEN confirm behavior.

    If you find that path names and cookie names are absolutely identical, it’s possible that the logout process for WPMU is not robust enough in the way it resets cookies. ie. doesn’t set the date far enough in the past.

    Following the WPMU tag will probably help you bunches. ie.



    I don’t mean to post twice, but I realized that I replied this to a thread that had already been resolved.. so I am posting a new topic.

    I am trying to integrate bbpress( with wordpress mu (1.3.3), and I am having some issues with cookies for login/logout.

    I’ve tried setting this: (“MD5hash” replaced with my MD5)

    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser_MD5hash';
    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass_MD5hash';

    However, that didn’t seem to allow single sign-on login(meaning, if I am log into wp, go to bbpress and find myself already logged and vice versa)

    Watching the cookies during the login/out process on WP MU, I found that the cookie names that WP MU uses are: “wordpresspass” and “wordpressuser”

    So in config.php for bbpress, I used:

    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser';
    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass';

    This works somewhat, let me explain:

    This scenario works:

    Log into WPMU, refresh bbpress page, I find myself already logged into bbpress.

    Log out of WPMU, refresh bbpress page, I find myself logged out of bbpress.

    Log into BBpress, refresh WPMU, I find myself logged into WPMU

    This doesn’t work:

    Log into BBpress, refresh WPMU (I find myself logged into WPMU) AND THEN when I try to log out from WPMU, I can’t log out.

    I refresh BBpress page, and I am not logged out either.

    If I log out from BBpress at this point, then I am logged out of WPMU as well.

    I have a feeling it might be something with WPMU, but I thought I’d post here first since this is where I found all the information about the integration. Thanks for your help. I am appending my config.php relevant to the integration part.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
    $bb->wp_home = '';
    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';
    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser';
    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';

    thanks for your help.


    If you did what you want to do,

    bbPress would have no way to tell if

    was a sub-forum or a topic.

    In WP you need some way to determine if something is an archive view vs a post. ie. vs. (which would be a post) It’s the same logic with bbpress.

    However it might be possible someday to easily change /forum/ and /topic/ to something else. Removing them is impossible.

    If you move bbpress to your webroot, you will get rid of /forums/ but it cannot co-exist with bbpress in that way as you cannot have two index files (without super-integration which is ill advised).

    BackPress might solve this however someday.


    WOuld be nice if sometimes you bump the .pot SVN too, so we thta do translation can jump on it earlier before the release.


    It’s a formal plugin now:

    There’s probably only a handful of bbPress sites in existence that get more than a dozen registrations per day right now but they don’t want to put it in the core, so that’s fine. Simply deactivate it if getting too many emails. Then there’s gmail which can keep track of all of the registration threads as a single thread.

    (When the backpress integration is more complete I suspect this will then be in the core with the WordPress functions which has had it for years now, even on the biggest sites)


    I set up bbpress at It worked just fine for a few months but all of a sudden today it shows me blank page when I go to the board. for example comes up just fine but appears to be blank (o kb). Has security been compromised somehow?



    I am trying to integrate bbpress( with wordpress mu (1.3.3), and I am having some issues with cookies for login/logout.

    I’ve tried setting this: (“MD5hash” replaced with my MD5)

    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser_MD5hash';
    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass_MD5hash';

    However, that didn’t seem to synchronize login(meaning, if I am log into wp, go to bbpress and find myself already logged and vice versa)

    Watching the cookies during the login/out process on WP MU, I found that the cookie names that WP MU uses are: “wordpresspass” and “wordpressuser”

    So in config.php for bbpress, I used:

    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser';
    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass';

    This works somewhat, let me explain:

    This scenario works:

    Log into WPMU, refresh bbpress page, I find myself already logged into bbpress.

    Log out of WPMU, refresh bbpress page, I find myself logged out of bbpress.

    Log into BBpress, refresh WPMU, I find myself logged into WPMU

    This doesn’t work:

    Log into BBpress, refresh WPMU (I find myself logged into WPMU) AND THEN when I try to log out from WPMU, I can’t log out.

    I refresh BBpress page, and I am not logged out either.

    If I log out from BBpress at this point, then I am logged out of WPMU as well.

    I have a feeling it might be something with WPMU, but I thought I’d post here first since this is where I found all the information about the integration. Thanks for your help. I am appending my config.php relevant to the integration part.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
    $bb->wp_home = '';
    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';
    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser';
    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';

    thanks for your help.


    That type of pagination happens here and in a default installation within a topic, but not between topics. Are you looking for what exists here or for pagination for the older topics?

    How about something like this?

    You can also search the forums here for pagination and find more interesting things.


    Thank you all for your work!

    I just started with bbpress in one project … and I use some plugins for WordPress … so I have to wait some time, before I can update WP to version 2.5

    cu, guido


    In reply to: Fatal Error?


    You have the wrong URI in your config.php. You have this (I think):

    // The full URL of your bbPress install
    $bb->uri = '';

    and it should be

    $bb->uri = '';

    bbPress doesn’t care if it’s in a folder or not, just like it doesn’t know that it’s in your webroot of /kunden/homepages/46/d93680635/htdocs/ironbound/, so that ‘forums’ portion does not need to be in the config.php for your URI.

    See this after I applied the proper stylesheet:


    I am currently using the version of, the version is still not solved by the above method. Any idea?

    ixray2, what version of bbpress are you using?

    Sam Bauers

    Also, the cookies have changed structure.

    I’ll have to re-check the password hashing plugin too.

    We’ll do our best to make sure it is simple enough to integrate with older WordPress installs too.

    Trent Adams

    I am not sure _ck_ but Sambauers wrote the plugin to take the password hash back to the old method. I am testing it with 2.3.3 and WPMU tomorrow and will let you know if it works or not :)


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