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  • #57037

    In reply to: Template integration


    I’d like to see bbPress replace commenting in Word Press. Ideally it would just embed as a plugin and look the same as the current commenting but then the comments could be viewed and managed as a forum.

    If bbPress was designed to easily embed as a commenting system it wouldn’t have to just be used in WordPress either. I’m currently trying to implement something along these lines where bbPress functions as the comment system on a website so people can comment on our short films through the forum or directly on the website. Each comic/film/whatever will be tied to a separate topic ID and pull related comments. Hopefully it works because I like the way it looks in my head.


    OK, solved for the moment but I had to reset the forum’s permalinks to default, which I had originally set to “Name-based”.

    Unless there’s a fix for this, I don’t mind using the standard “ugly” permalinks.




    Just installed bbPress into my WP 2.5 blog (sub-folder) and using the same database.

    For some strange reason, when I click on a forum link, it takes me to my blog with a “page not found error”.



    WordPress is thinking this forum page does not exist., so WordPress throws the 404 but the page is still properly served. It happens only because you’ve included blog-header.php (a normal integrated installation wouldn’t do this).

    I think this post covers it (basically, install a WordPress plugin to overcome the problem):


    Spend a while reading current posts in this forum; it’s your best bet for being prepared. Other than that, it’s pretty straightforward. With integration, be sure you have the same secret key from wp-config.php in your bb-config.php. It’s pretty straightforward.



    I uploaded bbPress to a WP sub-folder and will use the same database (backed everything up), before I proceed in installing the forum, any tips so I don’t run into problems?




    to better illustrate my issue, my current code for the profile page is:

    if ( avatarupload_get_avatar(ID) ) {


    } else {

    echo bb_get_avatar( $user->ID );


    which means if uploaded avatar exists then display it, else get gravatar.

    but what i really want is:

    if uploaded avatar exists then display it, else if gravatar exists then display that, but if neither exists then display the avatar upload default avatar.

    Right now it displays gravatar default instead. which isn’t my first choice since avatar upload would give me control over the default image which is better for obvious reasons.


    I saw something about a PHP function checkdnsrr being disabled in the latest build. That function is used in the bbPress function bb_verify_email.

    I think the problem is that checkdnsrr is not available on Windows, and I’m not sure if it’s available on XAMPP. Here is how they fixed it in the latest trunk build:

    Here is the original bug report:


    1. Use the same database if you want to integrate registrations.

    2. Yes. Call the folder whatever you want.

    3. Not sure. There was a post here at one point that mentioned directing all the registrations through WordPress since the registration plugins were more robust, but I can’t find it now.


    I’m calling the blog-header.php file from WordPress, which from what I’ve read is part of the problem. I’m doing so because I’m using the same sidebars, header, and footer in my forum as the blog. If there’s another, relatively easy, way to do that then I’m all ears.

    When using permalinks for the bbPress pages a 404 header is being returned. The page displays ok in Firefox & IE7, but the 404 is going to cause issues with search engines.

    Any suggestions on how to fix the problem?


    OK, so it looks like the plugin version 0.8.3 still works in bbPress 0.9.1 – though I have not yet put it through heavy testing. I found the install directions left a little to be desired so I added more detailed directions below.

    However… I still have a question. Some of my users have adopted Gravatars since WP 2.5 was released. The plugin currently does not seem to check for gravatar existence, let alone provide some sort of control over precedence of different sourced avatars.

    The installation instructions DO provide you with the function to call to see if a plug-in uploaded/created avatar exists. However, in order to get the precedence working the way I’d like, I need to know how to test for a Gravatar existence as well. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    Any ideas?

    Install instructions:

    1. Download Plugin here:

    Version 0.8.3 is current at time of this writing.

    2. Create the following two folders in your bbpress install:



    3. follow instructions (specifically, step 5) in the readme file which tells you where to copy files. Some files in the zip aren’t mentioned (such as indenticon.php). I put those into my-plugins and so far, so good.

    4. Activate plugin.


    You can get a Norwegian translation of here.

    Norsk oversettelse av bbPress kan du finne her.



    I’m trying to install bbPress on a local Intranet Server (Its on a local network for my employees to use for collaboration.) And I’m getting caught on Step 3. When i put in any email address it says that the Email Address “Appears to be invalid” and doesn’t let me continue, My main email ends in which i thought might have been the problem but even .com and .info addresses dont work. Any ideas? (Using the latest version with XAMPP / Apache)


    I used the same data base for both as using separate ones locked me out of bbpress for some unknown reason so redid it with one db. the other questions I.m not sure on


    I had that problem except I couldn’t log into bbpress after intergrating but my 17 yr old daughter(smarty pants!) re did the whole thing using the same data base for both and now it works


    Same problem here. As far as I know, I followed the instructions to the t in integrating these two DBs – I have the blog running on one db, and the bb running on a second, but the users being “pulled” from the blog db. Once I did that, I lost all rights to access the backend. Have changed everything I can find on the backend to make this work, made edits in phpmyadmin to the user settings in the server, and even tried the plugin that was made available, Fix Admin Access – no avail.

    Would love some other pointers if people have gotten buried on this. I’m not sure what else to pull together here.


    Topic: Set Topic ID

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Hi, I’m experimenting with embedding some of the bbPress commenting features into an existing website and I was wondering how to set a topic ID.

    If I do something like this it will return the topic title just fine:

    $topic = get_topic( 162 );

    $topic_id = $topic->topic_id;

    echo $topic->topic_title;

    But as soon as I try something like this I realize that I don’t have an active topic because it no longer returns the information:

    $topic = get_topic( 162 );

    $topic_id = $topic->topic_id;

    if (is_topic()) echo $topic->topic_title;

    Hope that was clear,




    I have upgraded my WP blog to version 2.5 and would like to integrate a bbPress forum. Before I do so, I would like to hear from people who have done this and could give me a few tips on how to go about it.

    A few things on my mind:

    1- Is it better to use a separate database for the forum (which I would prefer if possible)?

    2- Should bbPress be installed in a WP sub-folder?

    3- Is there a plugin or setting which would prevent users to register via the forum (disable forum registration) and would redirect the user to the WP registration panel?

    Any advice (and good plugins) would be well appreciated.




    There is an answer here,


    Put in the full path from the server root instead of the relative path.

    But I don’t know how to code it and what line to place it


    I followed this

    bbPress will not have access to WordPress’ functions unless you manually tell bbPress to load WordPress first. In order to do that, you need to put require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); in bbPress’ bb-config.php (wp-blog-header is in the same directory as WordPress’ wp-config.php file).

    and it looks like this

    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-config.php’);

    this is located in

    my bbpress is on and I am using Cpanel


    I used to run a blog using blogger called that had various contributors. I wanted a forum, so I used bbpress and set up I liked the interface and having more control etc, so I switched from blogger to wordpress.

    Then, I tried to integrate wp and bbpress. It worked okay, but what I think happened was that user numbers from WP were used to assign posts and info to users on BBpress. If you see from this thread:

    There is a post (2nd post on page) from a girl named Phoebe, but the post is attributed to Jake. Can I reassign posts, or should I just erase all the posts and start over?


    I am having troubles with integrating WPMU in with BBpress in a subdomain. Whenever I integrate the BBpress portion. It always says that password incorrect on WPMU. Imust have missed something or it isn’t possible to install it on a subdomain with WPMU wilcarded

    Hope you could help me. Thanks


    this order: WP 2.3, bbpress 0.8 (no integration with plugins at that time!), WP 2.5, bbpress 0.9

    I patently waited with integration until 0.9 was out since I did not understand the whole thing before. And everything seems to work fine. Just as soon as I add the WP_ prefix setting to my bbpress config, it seems as if bbpress can only access the WP users anymore (with the correct role mapping i set up etc.).

    maybe I should just ask all registered users to reregister after integration, since the forum is pretty new anyway ;-)


    I love the simplicity of bbpress, but my needs require file attachment. If I had the knowledge, I would write a plug-in, but I don’t, so I can’t.

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