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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #64784

    Add some numbers? Oh you mean to show position #

    Well the problem is I tinker with it from time to time.

    If I find a new site that’s not in the top 100 I’ll usually just queue it until next time but if it’s a biggie I will rebuild the list right away.

    Plus the number of posts is subjective and no indication of quality. I don’t really want to make that part a contest or people will start faking results and I’ll have to delete their listing entirely.


    Just add new page with slug, as in the folder your bbPress installation.

    For example, “forums”.



    I just installed bbPress and have it sharing settings with my pre-existing WordPress installation. Everything is great, but I can’t figure out how to add a link form my WordPress to the forums. Is there some easy way that I am overlooking? How about a sidebar widget for WordPress that displays something?

    I’ve been looking around this site, but I am confused about the plugins because I am never sure if they are for bbPress only or WordPress and there is nothing on the WordPress extension site.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.




    Sweet, looks like I’ve moved up the list a bit, #19 now!

    You should add some numbers to the list.


    I’ve been running into cookies issues while trying to integrate bbPress into my existing WPMU site. My WPMU and bbPress installs are located in separate directories on my server (/blogs and /youngadults/forums).

    bbPress is currently setup so that when users log into the forums, they are automatically logged into WPMU as well. However, for some reason this is not working the other way around – if I log into WPMU first, I am not logged into bbPress.

    Does anyone know of a way to log into bbPress when going through the WPMU login?

    I am using the MD5 Insecurity and Mouldy Old Cookies plugins, along with this snippet of code in the bb-config.php file:

    $bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;

    $bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;


    Thanks chrishajer it worked!


    In reply to: No SECRET_KEY in WPMU


    In the database, the value is stored in the bb_topicmeta table. A record that has a meta_key of uri holds the value, I think. That is record #3 in my fresh installation. It might be different in yours. Just find the key of uri and the value is the one you want, I think.


    I installed the latest bbPress. Everything went well. Then I decided to be an idiot and changed the bbPress url in the options page to my main site because when I clicked on my site name I wanted it to redirect back to my main site (the site name beside the bbPress logo).

    I tried to re-install bbPress but it wont go past after installing bb-config.php

    My main site is :

    My forum is :

    Please tell me what file (or perhaps what line in my database)? to edit. I need to change my bbPress url back to

    Thanks in advance


    Which hosting account do you have from Doteasy? The free one does not have PHP and MySQL, I don’t think. Their Ultra and above accounts do. It appears you have a Linux hosting account with them, which is good.

    bbPress has fairly minimal requirements from a host:

    * PHP 4.3 or greater

    * MySQL 4.0 or greater

    I can’t imagine a Linux hosting account that doesn’t meet those requirements. So what exactly does Doteasy mean by “incompatible”? I think you need to talk to them more.

    Also, what happens if you just go and finish the installation? Does it work, or error out?

    One last thing: do you have access to webserver logs to see what that Internal Server Error is? That might be key.


    Are you talking about bbPress or megabb? For bbPress, the keymaster (admin) password is randomly generated and displayed in the last step of the installation. It is also emailed to the email address you entered when configuring the installation.

    In any case, if you have direct access to your database, you can insert a password hash for a known password value, then log in using that password for the admin account. I think that’s your best bet if you don’t know the admin password.

    For bbPress anyway. I had not heard of megabb until today.


    I have had bbpress working on my doteasy account, and I decided to reinstall it – probably shouldn’t have :( When I contacted them, they informed me that they would try running the script and installing it…and I got this message back

    “Hello Antonio,

    This script appears to be incompatible with our hosting servers. Please try using a different script.”

    “The database failed to install. You may need to replace bbPress with a fresh copy and start again.”

    Now here is what happens when I try to install the script.

    Your site settings have been saved and we are now ready to complete the installation. So what are you waiting for?

    Then when I proceed to the final step I get this error.

    “Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.”

    At this point, if I refresh the page it goes back to the installer and I get this message ” bbPress Installation

    Welcome to the bbPress installer

    Step 1 – Database configuration

    « completed

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    « skipped

    Step 3 – Site settings

    Installation complete!

    Show installation messages: “

    If I then go back to it wants to go back through the installation. What should I do?


    **update**: just found

    after looking for days, don’t know why it took so long to find. this did the trick!

    Also having a problem with pretty permalinks. i am on bluehost with the following:

    wordpress 2.5.1 installed at

    bbpress installed at

    i do have my wp akismet key applied in bbpress, but other than that no wp integration. bbpress works fine until i activate pretty permalinks. at that time, i can see all of my topics & stuff, but i just get 404 when i try to get to them.

    here’s an interesting thing i discovered: both installed to my site via SimpleScripts. WP works fine, but bb appears to have no .htaccess file at all. i do see one in attached to a theme, but that’s it, and apparently not useful there.

    since this seems to be the issue, sort of narrowed down, i created an .htaccess file using the code shown by jethro, but i know there’s something missing. it didn’t break my site, but i couldn’t even get to admin area to see if i could make the permalinks work.

    i’m not a programmer, but if anyone can tell me what code i need to have in the .htaccess file, i can make the file and upload it.



    Before logging in:

    1.10.33 of �de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum� (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, �Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..�, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

    After logging in:

    1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

    Weird. Any guesses on this?



    I’m totally with you on this but maybe for different reasons.

    People are impatient and on the internet, they want it NOW. I’ve got hundreds of never logged on sign ups plus I paid good money on AdWords to acquire them.

    With emailed passwords, there’s 2 weak points. Your mail server, and the new members mail server. If the email doesn’t arrive within their expectations of time, they register a new username. If either mail server experiences an outage, there are 2 registrations on the memberlist that ‘Never’ logged on and aren’t likely because “that site sucks”.

    A registration form, customizable fields user chooses their own password and a captcha in the form. Now that makes sense to me.


    no members at my forum yet but its


    This stuff is frustrating as all hell. It seems so simple until it doesn’t work out of the box and you spend hours trying to figure it out. Fix these kinds of problems and you’re golden!

    Anyhow, just downloaded and installed the latest wordpress mu and bbpress today.

    wordpress in DocumentRoot, and bbpress in DocumentRoot/forums/

    Both in mysql 5.x database named wordpress.

    When installing bbpress, I did not enable wordpress integration.

    I followed this checklist:

    1. You are running latest versions of WordPress (2.5.1) and bbPress (

    2. You have matched SECRET_KEY in wp-config.php with BB_SECRET_KEY in bb-config.php

    3. You have matched WordPress “secret” database option with bbPress “secret” database setting

    4. You have setup compatible cookie domains and paths in config files (see instructions in bbPress admin)

    5. You are successfully sharing user tables from WordPress with bbPress

    Everything seems to be right.

    BIG FIRST PROBLEM is I setup the roles on the wordpress integration page so “admin” is “key master.” As soon as I turn on integration, my old key master is gone and admin can login but is NOT key master. Google is my friend, most of the time, and I found a query to do by hand to fix it. This should be automatic in the install process of bbpress or turn on of integration, no?

    So I’m able to login to wordpress. I login to bbpress. My user’s password is wiped out in wordpress. I can do lost password thingy in wordpress and restore the password. When I navigate to /forums/ and login as my user, the password in wordpress is wiped out again. Oddly, I can login as my user at bbpress over and over again, no problem.


    1) my user is a user I created on wordpress, and he has admin privs and thus key master privs in bbpress. I see the admin link in bbpress when I login. But when I do login, wordpress won’t accept this user’s password anymore. I either have to keep loging into wordpress as admin and resetting the user’s password or go through the forgot password by email process. Changing the user’s password in bbpress has no effect on wordpress.

    2) The integration forum in admin is confusing as all hell. Or maybe the installation process is not well documented. Maybe a page on your site about how to install the two together and get the integration working would be good. For example, should bbpress and wordpress share the same database? Not clear. The integration page asks for both a site url and a blog url, what’s the difference?

    3) Did anyone try doing a fresh install of both as part of your Q/A before releasing a latest version of bbpress?

    4) If I can’t get the password problem resolved, bbpress is the one to go, not wordpress.

    5) I probably should post some of this in multiple threads, but I doubt there’s any notification feature that would e-mail me if/should anyone reply to my posts :)

    6) I want to give bbpress every opportunity to replace my existing 20K+ member / 1.6M post message board site.


    With the 0.9 release, and now six months after the first roundup, I figured it was time to take another look at the (completely unofficial) bbPress Top 100 list:

    While about 200 sites have gone missing from the previous list, I managed to find about 600 more to make up for it, so the list is now at just under 1500 (a 50% growth).

    If you register/login you can also see the sites that may have just missed the top 100, or see the whole deal via the top 1000:

    Some really nice looking sites among the bunch. I enabled “snapshots” so you can mouse-over the their little logo and get a general preview. I hope to improve the list someday with the ability to vote on the design of any site to raise it higher in the list (or a separate list for top design).

    If I missed your site, be sure to let me know for the next update…


    How do I use bb_query to fetch all topics that were started within a given date range?

    Here’s an example found an example of a bb_query code on the bbPress blog:

    $topic_query = new BB_Query( ‘topic’,


    ‘topic_author’ => ‘mdawaffe’,

    ‘started’ => ‘2007-06’,

    ‘tag’ => ‘bbpress’,

    ‘order_by’ => ‘topic_start_time’



    $topic_query->results; // Here’s the array of topics the query returned.

    This shows how to get topics that where started on June 2007. But what if I wanted to get all topics that were started between June 2, 2007 10:30:49 PM and February 12, 2008 9:02:32 am?

    I think I may be missing something totally obvious. Any suggestions? I


    Did you replace the sample php file?


    I know its more secure but I find my attach rate is MUCH higher if the user enters their own password rather than has a forum generate one for them.

    Does anyone know an easy way to do this, I mean I can just go in and hack it myself but I wasn’t sure if there was a mod or anything to allow this.


    The config.php referred to is probably actually bb-config.php. That threw me at first.


    Thanks for the feedback edwinfoo. The history behind this suggestion is that I am a very active contributor on “” forum (they use bbpress).

    The forum mob tends to end up in flamewars due to the moderators not being able recognize even simple “ad hominem” flame baits and step in in time. Threads gets hijacked and flamewars breaks loose across several threads and all the moderate contributors suffer as a consequence.

    There are some clever trollers creating sock-puppets and repeatedly throwing small baits on certain targeted users. When the targeted user eventually snaps, he is the one that unfairly gets blocked.

    I neither think a thread creator should be able to “edit” other contributors posts, only “flag” them as either “irrelevant” or “flamebait” and by that”hide” the text of the offensive/irrelevant post, not the fact that there is a post. Basically like putting a big fat stamp over it. The offender would then have to dispute the matter via PM with the thread owner or forum moderator.

    Further there could be a “3 flagged posts in 1 thread blocks offender automatically from further posts to that specific thread”


    I try to install bbpress but no success..can someone help me to solve this problem?

    Here is the url :



    Is there a way to show a paginated list of front page stickies? In the default bbPress template file “front-page.php”, I found this code:

    <?php if ( $super_stickies ) : foreach ( $super_stickies as $topic ) : ?>

    <tr<?php topic_class(); ?>>

    <td><?php bb_topic_labels(); ?> <big>“><?php topic_title(); ?></big></td>

    <td class=”num”><?php topic_posts(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”>“><?php topic_time(); ?></td>


    <?php endforeach; endif; // $super_stickies ?>

    It display a list of front page stickies, but it doesn’t have any pagination if you have a lot of stickies. I tried adding this:

    <?php forum_pages(); ?>

    But it doens’t work.

    Any suggestions on getting this to paginate?

Viewing 25 results - 57,026 through 57,050 (of 64,063 total)
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