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  • #65094

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    Well, I for one think is a totally awesome work of art!

    If the lookbook is actually bbPress then I’m just plain speechless. I can’t even begin to imagine what “lots of hardwork and many late nights” actually means. Something extreme, I’m sure.

    I think you have something to be totally proud of here. And having said that, it sounds absolutely understated.

    I am just embarking on a journey to rebuild Girls Rock Radio – into a WordPress/bbPress site. Currently it is neither – it is hand coded html/php and a SimpleMachines Forum.

    On this journey, I only wish I could pick your brain along the way. If I can create something only half as beautiful as, I’ll be very happy!


    When I login as admin I am not able to see the ‘design’, ‘settings’ and ‘plugins’ menus. I am able to see only ‘Dashboard’, ‘Users’, ‘Manage’ in the site admin. I recently integrated the bbPress with wp. Some one Please help. thanks.

    Earlier I had problem with the admin user name in the wp (all post of the admin started to get posted on some other user registered user ). I was suggested to delete the user name (which also is the username of the admin in the bbpress) and recreate the same user name.

    Trent Adams

    @wilcosky, this is a sticky thread, so why not just start a new topic for you problem.



    Ok, again, sorry for all the posts, but a moderate can delete them if they would like… I just want to say that for the code challenged, a new “upgrade instructions” should be made.

    First, there can’t be any config.php files ANYWHERE on your site.

    Second, if you want to keep your old posts and forums, make sure you click on the advanced settings box when going through the installation. It is very important that your database have the same prefix as before… you need something like phpmyadmin to check this.

    Other than that, follow the instructions.


    looks like I figured it out, there was a config.php file in my parent directory for something else on my site… i think that should be fixed so that if there is a config file somewhere other than the forum folder it doesn’t detect it.

    Now I just have to figure out how to get all my posts and forums back….


    sorry for all the posts, but I just put back my original 0.9 bbpress forum version… because I could not get this to install. It just kept saying that there was an old config.php file somewhere so it wouldn’t install. But I even deleted everything, and just uploaded all the new files like I was installing bbpress for the first time, and still it said that there was an old config.php file.

    First I followed the directions, re-naming my config file, and keeping my plugins folder and template folder, and deleted everything else. Then, I uploaded the new files. Went to my site, and error, old config.php detected.

    you know what would be cool? If someone could just make a plug-in that people could use that would upgrade their forum to the new version somehow without having to upload new files….

    I used to use a simple machines forum, and they would do that, when there was a new version, you could just install the new version as a plug-in. worked great.


    I get this error when I upgrade…

    But I renamed the config file to bb-config-old.php… I even tried totally removing it, and it still says there is an old config file detected, but I’ve looked everywhere and there is not!

    An old config.php file has been detected in your installation. You should remove it and run the installer again. You can use the same database connection details if you do.


    I’m scared. I want to keep my bbpress forum updated, so I want to upgrade it, but I’ve upgraded other forums in the past and lost all the posts, or lost the way my current theme works, or lost all my plug-ins.

    What is the easiest way to upgrade without losing anything?


    I have some very neat users who like to edit their posts when they make spelling/grammar errors. But bbPress will only allow them to edit until a specified time is up. Is there a way that I can set the time limit to none or something like that? If not, is there anything bad about setting the limit to something like 999999?


    In reply to: 1and1 Hosting Problem


    It’s funny. I have a bbPress forum at 1&1, in a subdirectory of WordPress installation, and I never did get permalinks working (I last tried 18 months or so ago.) Now that you have shown it can be done, I will take my own advice, which was provided here first by hmcnally, and see if I can get them working again.

    Glad it worked for you.


    In reply to: 1and1 Hosting Problem


    OMG ! It worked ! Thanks so much chrishajer. But I must add that I moved bbpress to a upper level above my WP install and used a sub domain for the forums. Because following 1and1 instructions stated above in their email response, it did not solve the problem until I placed

    Options -MultiViews

    At the top of the htaccess file.

    Now permalinks work just fine.

    Thanks again !


    In reply to: 1and1 Hosting Problem


    Does this help:

    Your setup is just fine with the directory structure you have setup (WordPress as the root for the domain, bbPress in a subfolder.)


    Anyone else have this problem with 1and1 ?

    I cannot get pretty permalinks to run, even after following directions.

    I wrote to them

    I am running wordpress and bbpress in the same root directory is wordpress install and is bbpress install each install has

    it’s own .htaccess for using permalinks. WordPress permalinks work fine

    but I cannot get bbpress pretty permalinks to work at all. I have tried

    different variations of htaccess codes for both files without any

    success. It seems to me that the main root htaccess is overriding the

    /bbpress/ htaccess.

    Any suggestions ?

    This was their reply to me.

    “Dear Cliffmaster, (Customer ID: 6XXXXXXXX)

    Thank you for contacting us.

    With regards to your query,

    we would highly suggest that you install BBpress on a different folder

    and not on folder where you have installed a different CMS (WordPress).

    Please separate the two CMS’s by installing them on different folders

    under the root directory (/.)

    If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


    Technical Support

    1&1 Internet “


    Thanks Detective, good luck with your lap top – looking forward to the release.




    I will release everything: the template (though it needs customization because it’s pretty ugly without it), all the plugins i use (except the specific settings for Ryuuko), including the User Photo modification.

    I would have released all of them this weekend, but my laptop died :( Fortunately, i didn’t lost any data :)


    Hi Detective,

    I have tried sending you a message using your website but I think I might have submitted a comment instead of an email in error :(

    I really like your website/forum ( It’s definitely one of the best bbpress/wordpress integrations I’ve seen, looks very professional – great job :)

    Would you be able to give us some more information on how you used the wordpress User Photo plug-in inside bbpress? I’ve tried for a while to work out how to do it with no success. If you could help it would be very much appreciated, or if anyone knows how to do this?

    I’ve done a few Google searches but there isn’t any information on how to integrate the User Photo plug-in into bbpress.




    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    Maybe we should chip in some money for _ck_ to make a really nice emoticon plugin. Some of my forum users would probably chip in as well.


    lol, sorry, just read about how to submit in the forum. My bad.



    How do we make a bbpress forum submission? I am going live in less than a week & have made quite a lot of interface tweaks to suit the style of my site. I’d love to submit mine for inclusion on the showcase.

    Let me know.

    Fanx :)


    Put all the bbPress files that are in the archive you downloaded into a folder in your webspace. If your website is at and the files on the server are at /var/www/vhosts/yourname/ and you want your forums at, just create a directory called /var/www/vhosts/yourname/forums in your webspace and upload the files there.

    Put all the bbpress files into one folder though, exactly how they came out of the archive. By default, when you unzip the files, they are in a folder called bbpress. You can use that or rename that to forums, then just upload the whole thing to your webspace.


    In reply to: Importing Database


    This is an old post about converting from PHPBB2:

    The Google Summer of Code project for bbPress is going to focus on importers for bbPress, so if you are not using PHPBB2, you might want to wait until the GSOC project is over. There will probably be an announcement if they complete the tools.


    Is it possible to convert PHPBB posts/user db to bbpress?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    If you look at the plugin, it’s pretty simple. Line 12:

    if (bb_current_user_can('administrate')

    If you want to allow other users to do everything that this plugin allows, you would need to change ‘administrate’ to whatever permission your users have. I am not going to post exactly how to do it, since I think it could be a potential security hole, but that line right there is the key. Take a look at the plugin and see what I mean.


    I think you need to include WordPress in your bbPress so you have access to WordPress functions like get_header:

    Then, in your template, you need to do something like this:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    That will include the WordPress header. If you do the second part without the first, it will fail because get_header is a WordPress function.

    I think… :-)

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