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  • #65541

    ok, let me describe it much more detailedly.

    wordpress is stored on d:/member/wp

    bbpress is stored on d:/member/bbpress

    I move bbpress file from d:/member/bbpress to d:/member/wp/bbpress , when I browse the new url of bbpress , I get redirected to the orginal


    bbSync would be fine however I want to import RSS feeds from blogs other than mine. Importing from my WordPress blog just won’t do it.

    I thought about possibly using feedwordpress plugin to pull the topics into wordpress then use bbSync to pull the topics into bbPress but…… that’s getting pretty ugly and I really don’t want to pull external feeds into my blog……

    Would prefer to find a plugin which I can just point at a feed and it will create new topics into a forum of my choice (per rss feed).


    Also, probably as part of the same problem, administrators for bbpress can’t get to the presentation or site management tabs – they’re not there, so I can’t disable any of the plugins!


    I’ve recently upgraded my WP to 2.5.1, and the integration with BBpress 0.8.2 (via bbPress Integration 0.74 by Michael Adams) has broken the login on the BBpress side for the admin/keymaster account. It doesn’t help that my server won’t send emails, so I can’t set the password because I never get the registration email (weirdly it never change the WordPress admin login. Should it?).

    Anyway, my question is this – how can I manually reset the password for the admin account, or re-create the link between admin (WP) and keymaster (bb)? Is it possible, without going through the link that auto-generates a password?

    Also, if I de-activate the integration plugin (on WP and bb) and upgrade bbPress to, can I force a new password for the bb keymaster account? There doesn’t seem to be a table for bb_users, and I don’t want to mess with the WP admin account.

    Without a keymaster account, can I even upgrade?



    I’m integrateing bbpress with WP, I use require_once(path/to/wp-blog-header.php) in bb-config.php file

    the path I use is physical path, such as d:hostingmemberid….

    does it make sense? but when I run bbpress, there is nothing happen or nothing changed


    The errors I saw were:

    “bbPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘user_nicename’]

    ALTER TABLE wp_users ADD UNIQUE KEY user_nicename (user_nicename)

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 600 seconds exceeded in /var/www/html/forum/bb-admin/upgrade-functions.php on line 499″

    After seeing that I had a look at the WP user table to examine user_nicename. I renamed the field and reran the upgrade. This time I got the error:

    “Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 600 seconds exceeded in /var/www/html/forum/bb-includes/functions.php on line 2644”.

    WordPress is version 2.5.1. MySQL is “4.1.22-standard”.


    I integrate bbpress with WP successfully, but after I move the bbpress subfodler into WP subfolder, when I browse the new url of bbpress, it redirects me to the original.

    I think it’s related to config file, but not sure how to fix it


    In reply to: Bbpress themes


    yes, that link, but there’s no download page, is it ?


    In reply to: Bbpress themes


    yes, that link, but there’s no download page, is it ?


    Yes, yes, newbie, here. Sorry about that before anyone bumps me or deletes me for duping or just raises their eyebrows and walks swiftly on. I have used google and other searches frequently. But I still can’t work out this database name, database user and password issue. I have copied the unzipped files into where NetworkSolutions put WordPress for me. So now BBpress sits at the same level as WordPress. Is that right?

    Now I have copied the values from the WP_config file (did it make those up on install?) but I still get “There was a problem connecting to the database you specified. Please check the settings, then try again.” I’m surprised these bear no relation to my actual WordPress password and user name.

    I haven’t changed any settings from WordPress since I installed it. Is there a permissions issue?

    Thanks (please)



    In reply to: where is my bb-admin ?

    I re-installed a free bbpress and it is working fine, thanks for your suggestion though


    Well, I have already the Latest Discussions in the WordPress’s sidebar (with a plugin).

    But now that you say that, my next objective is to put the latest posts from WordPress in the BBpress’s sidebar. RSS is a good option I can use to do it. I’m going to find how after this.

    Thanks for your opinion chrishajer.


    Well, I did test bbpress before I used the plugins and everything appeared to work. But I’m not sure if I tested that specific function?

    Would it be a good idea to remove the plugins and retest, then set up the plugins again?

    I’m trying to decide how big an issue this is?


    So the new version of bbpress fixed the issue?


    I have never been hacked while using it but after reading about the recent security issues with WordPress 2.3 and script kiddies hacking those sites, I have to make sure that its completely safe. Were you ever hacked while using bbpress on your website. Thanks for your opinion and views.


    If I comment out the following line in default_filters.php:

    // add_action(‘bb_head’, ‘bb_template_scripts’);

    The warning goes away. But I am not sure what this affects.


    Further information:

    After looking at the source, it seems the Signature plugin’s style information is not being loaded in the site with the error. But even if I disable the BB-Signature plugin, I still have the error.


    For what it’s worth, the error seems to be occurring within the bb_head(); call.


    I have been experiencing the following issue after moving my install from a staging server:

    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘bb_template_scripts’ was given in /home/tdsegvth/public_html/thepoolparties/bb-includes/wp-functions.php on line 586

    I have tried disabling all plug-ins, combing through the code to figure out what it could possibly be, and doing everything I can imaging to the database. The entire setup seems to be working perfectly aside from that error.

    Obviously the site can’t go live until this is fixed, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

    You can see the site here:

    The version that isn’t experiencing the error is here:

    Thanks for any help!


    Hi Chris, I’ve got access to access logs, if that would help.

    It appears to be .htaccess related. If I remove the .htaccess file from the WP directory my forum is accessible.

    I’ve forgotten the timeline of what I was working on now (can’t multitask very well!) but it’s possibly related to this plugin that I’ve installed to get rid of a 404 problem:

    Although when I deactivate this plugin it doesn’t make any difference. Here’s the htaccess file:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^forum/topic /forum/topic.php [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^forum/forum /forum/forum.php [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^forum/tags /forum/tags.php [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^forum /forum/index.php [QSA,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress


    In reply to: Bbpress themes



    First of all, thanks a ton for all the hard work that you guys have done making our live easier. I apologies if there is other discussion about this issue (I did a search and didn’t find an answer).

    I’m integrating my WordPress blog with BBpress forums and I would like to have the Latest Discussions list in the sidebar for all pages. I already put it in the blog with a WP pluging, now I’m trying to put it in the forum.

    I tried copy and paste the code from front-page.php to sidebar.php. It works fine when I’m in the front page, but disappears when I enter in a topic or other page.

    So, could you give me a clue, a code or a pluging I can use to have this done???

    Any help is appreciate. Thanks.

    Krystian at


    I have heard of WordPress widgets being used to show the latest bbPress entries in a blog, but nothing I know of that will create a new entry in bbPress from an RSS feed.

    Could you use bbSync to follow the RSS items that are imported into WordPress to create the new bbPress topics?

    Or, would RSS2HTML help at all (it wouldn’t make new topics in bbPress)?


    In reply to: Bbpress themes


    Refresh, I need this ..

    already looking around in author site, but can’t find any about that theme

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