Anyone? Simple “if page” stuff. Yet, I don’t know what the variables are.
It’s very easy to do this via a plugin.
You have to attach to the ‘bb_head’ action.
In fact if there’s a plugin for WordPress that does it, it would take under a minute to change it for bbPress.
Here’s a mini-plugin I wrote to do noarchive and nofollow:
function no_archive() {
echo "n".'<meta NAME="robots" CONTENT="noarchive,nofollow">'."n";
} add_action('bb_head', 'no_archive');
It would just have to be wrapped in an IF statement with a URI check to add it when you want it. To get the current location, either check bb_get_location
or steal it’s code and modify as desired.
Something like this (untested)
function no_index() {
if (in_array(bb_get_location(),array("login-page","register-page","profile-page")) {
echo "n".'<meta NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,nofollow">'."n";
} add_action('bb_head', 'no_archive');
Thanks, though I’m a little confused. I put that in as a plugin file (with the plugin info up top) and I got a fatal error when I tried activating it. Sorry, but I’m totally new to bbPres, and WordPress alike.
Edit: Never mind, I noticed a slight typo (you wrote the wrong function name and forgot a parenthesis) but it works like a charm now. Thanks for that. :]