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  • #67065

    the url of the forum:

    the url of the blog:


    Hello everybody,

    I tried to install bbpress on my webspace, but ran into a few problems and seem to struggle getting it running.

    First of all: I’m using the alpha 1.0, because i want to integrate it into WP 2.61 installation. The directories are structured like this:


    root/blog (my WP installation)

    root/blog/bbpress (desired bbpress installation)

    I have downloaded the files yesterday, have modified my bb-config.php (double checked the keys, so they match my WP-keys, even tried out with keys that contain no special characters). After uploading i went through the installation process (where i had to reenter the keys) and filled the two cookie salts, which I found in my WP-Installation.

    Everything went well, up to the point, where the log is printed out, which states: “Forum cannot be created.” (Any other .log entries point out no problem)

    If I now try to load the page, I get a redirecting loop (hope it’s a good translation).

    I even tried to clear all database tables, and installed again, but the same problem occurs.

    I hope that someone maybe has a hint, what I am doing wrong.




    To use WordPress functions inside bbPress, you need to do this: (the Functions section at the bottom of that page). Be sure that include line is at the top of bb-config.php: right after the <?php is a good place for it.

    That will allow you to use WordPress functions in a bbPress page (like <?php get_sidebar(); ?>)

    Then, you need to include that function call in a bbPress template file (or files) where you want it to appear. You are responsible for making sure there’s room in the template for your sidebar.


    Hidden Forums could be modified to require a password but it’s not something I’ll be doing anytime soon myself. Others are welcome to hack it of course.


    Well – you can have specific forums restricted to certain users right now with a plugin. It’s easier than using .htaccess.

    That’s not what you asked initially though.

    require a password before someone can register and see the forum

    Both are possible, the first request just doesn’t make any sense unless there will be a company wide memo with the username and password on it. If it’s truly for internal use only, just put it on an intranet rather than the Internet, or use .htaccess to restrict by IP address rather than passwords. If you have a fixed range of IP addresses, you could allow only those to access the bbPress forum.

    You can do both.


    Yeah – good point. They’re now talking about having a section of the forum password-protected. Think I’ll just tell them it can’t be done. Thing is, I have seen password-protected sections on vBulletin forums. Maybe an idea for a future bbPress plug-in?


    Adding a link back to you blog home page was discussed here recently:

    For editing your theme, it’s not like WordPress. You can’t edit the stylesheet online. You would need to edit it locally then upload the changes.


    In reply to: Redirecting Login


    yea, I have same problem as jbbrwcky. If I log in to bbpress, then no longer can I access admin of wordpress. If I logout of bbpress, then I can log into wordpress.


    I do have php myadmin, and I will try this and let you know! Thank You!


    It’s not difficult on a Linux server. It looks more complicated than it is.

    I am wondering how you are going to get the authorized user the password to the forum area, so they can create their accounts?


    This may be related to this bug…

    Basically if you have any template functions that depend on bb_get_forums_hierarchical() then you can’t have more than one of them on a page… so for example, any pages that show the hierarchical forums list and then also show bb_new_topic_forum_dropdown() will fail.

    Diff to fix included in the ticket.


    erkk – sounds complicated! Thanks for your response, anyway, Chris. Always appreciative.


    Good point. If I could clarify the instructions, I would. We’ll leave the information here 1) for others to see and 2) so the chiefs can see the difficulty some are having and clarify the instructions for all.



    Chris wrote: “Using the same database is how the bbPress directions are written now; I think it’s assumed. “

    I thought the installation instructions were vague on this point. It wasn’t at all apparent to me which way I should go, and how o safely proceed with installing it into the wordpress database. A little editing could be very helpful to others in the future.


    This is what it is supposed to mean:

    *one users table in the DB and one login (you write

    name and password once, and you are logged in the places)

    Seems lots of people lately are having trouble with that. They idea behind integration is that you can log into either bbPress or WordPress, and you’ll be logged in on the other side. The two installations appear “integrated”, at least from a user login perspective.


    What exactly means “WordPress + bbPress Integration”?

    * one users table in the DB

    *one users table in the DB and one login (you write user name and password once, and you are logged in the places)

    * or something else?


    Sounds like the user you are logging in as doesn’t have admin or keymaster privileges. If the admin link is not there once you are logged in, then you don’t have permission to do that.

    Try this:


    To install in the same database, you just specify that database’s connection details in bb-config.php. The important thing is to be sure you use a different table prefix for the bbPress installation. By default, it’s bb_ for bbPress and for wp_ for WordPress. Use different table prefixes and you can install as many applications into one database as you want. Just keep the table prefixes unique.

    To uninstall, yes, just delete the directory with bbPress in it, then drop the bbPress tables from the database. DO NOT delete the database since you have WordPress in that database as well, right?

    You’re probably overthinking it. Using the same database is how the bbPress directions are written now; I think it’s assumed. The key is to just keep the table prefixes unique and you can put as much stuff in one database as you want.


    I installed bbPress at At first, was working, but just recently it doesn’t work anymore. I get redirected to the front office.

    I think I deleted my admin account or something like that. You do I tackle this situation?


    thank you!

    using peacemaker theme on bbpress

    ideally i’d like to be able to access the functions so that I can integrate the pages better.


    _ck_ said: “I recommend against separate databases unless you have some kind of weird configuration that demands it.”

    Could you, or someone else, please outline any special instructions on how to go about installing bbpress to the same database that wordpress is already living on? Or is it just that simple as designating the wp database in the installation? What can go wrong? I have visions of destroying our wp installation and losing all our posts and pages.

    Also, to uninstall bbpress, do I just delete its folder and database?

    I would suggest adding a paragraph in the installation instructions recommending the single database installation and whatever instructions are necessary on how to properly do this.


    Looks like you have not set up permalinks. Please try “none” in the permalinks setting, and see if the forum works. Then, if it does, go ahead and configure your .htaccess to allow permalinks.


    Please post a link to your site. And the version of WordPress and bbPress.

    Sounds like something built into the theme. Can you try the default theme and see what happens?


    Hello, I’m fairly new to bbpress, but I’m an avid web developer and wordpress user.

    My problem:

    When I go to the settings page, I cannot disable avatars.

    I can uncheck it, but when I hit “update settings” I scroll down, and it’s just checked again!

    Do I have a ghost? Am I doing something wrong?

    I’m using:

    BBPress V.


    Hidden Forums

    Allow Images

    BBCode Buttons

    BBCode Lite

    Avatar Upload (currently disabled, it won’t work because gravatars keep overwriting it or something)

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