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  • #3944

    Do we really need the plugin for making sitemaps for search engines? Does it make bbPress forum more SEO friendly?

    The one available is not working with 1.0 Alpha


    I thought it might be helpful; I tried the following popular plugins with the latest release of bbPress and they seem to work perfectly:

    – bb-smilies

    – bbcode-buttons

    – mini-track

    – my-views

    – post-count-plus (with some minor changes)

    – support-forum

    – bb-reputation (to some extent)

    – bb-signatures

    – bb-topic-views

    – bbcode-lite

    – hidden-forums

    – report-post

    – unread-posts

    what is missing most is the working plugin for quotes…


    Nice list but I’ve always found function lists fairly useless, though I guess if you have zero experience with how bbPress or WordPress works, they can give you a starting point with something to browse through.

    What really helps is a trace of how functions flow when a page is loaded and what files they are located in.

    I have an experimental version of bb-benchmark that does something like this using a trace feature from WordPress 2.6 but it’s not available for public use yet.


    No, you cannot use bbPress 0.9 with WordPress 2.6


    Hi _CK_,

    I just installed 1.0 alpha.Can WordPress 2.6.1 integration bbPress 0.9? If can, I’ll uninstall 1.0 Alpha and install 0.9? Is good?


    In reply to: Server Overload


    Show me your mysql configuration by doing this in your shell (ssh)

    cat /etc/my.cnf

    and copy what it returns to a post here or into

    I suspect we can improve it. MySQL cache is very important to bbPress performance.


    In reply to: Server Overload


    Running bbPress on a server with 128mb of ram would be very difficult unless it’s a very light setup with low use.

    256mb should be doable if that is real, permanent memory and not burst memory. It’s also important if you don’t have alot of overhead like cpanel running.

    #1 problem on most small VPS is you either don’t have the mysql cache turned on or it’s too small of a cache

    #2 problem is you almost certainly don’t have a PHP opcode cache like eAccelerator installed

    #3 problem on almost all VPS is bad neighbors.

    On a shared host, you can easily tell when you have bad neighbors who are overloading the server (node). On a VPS they are hidden. If you have an inexperienced host, they may have a hard time tracking down the offender, or may not even care. If they tell you that your neighbors can’t affect you, that’s an outright lie or plain ignorance.

    If you are running bbPress 1.0 alpha it has several problems generating far too many mysql queries and that could be causing you some headaches. If you are using bbPress 0.9, definitely stick with that, but you need to fine tune your settings.

    WordPress has some nice caching plugins like wp-super-cache. No such creature exists yet for bbPress, so all pages must be rendered each time by the engine, making it use more overhead than WordPress.


    This is why it’s called an alpha.

    There are bugs, some serious.

    So far I’ve seen a forum query bug and a tag query bug but not a topic query bug, so that’s a new one.

    Make sure you update bb-topic-views which had a query bug too. In fact you should de-activate your plugins and see if the query problem persists before we blame it on bbPress.


    In reply to: Multiple-level forums


    I found the answer myself, 26 mins. later, LOL: you simply need to go to Manage -> Forums -> click on a forum and set its parent forum.

    That way you’ll have multiple subforums on any forum on your bbPress installation.

    Heh. Next time, I’ll get acquainted with the features of bbPress BEFORE asking for help ^_^


    Hello bbpress world!

    I would like to congratulate you all for developing such a steadfast, easy-to-use forum software known as bbPress. I love(s) it :)

    Secondly — yeap, it’s an issue — I would like to know if it is possible to have a forum-forum-topic structure instead of the current forum-topic one.

    For example, we currently have:

    Webmasters Forum – [all the topics go here]

    while we would want to have:

    Webmasters Forum – Italian Webmasters Forum / American Webmasters Forum – [all the topics from the Italian / American go here]

    Would such a structure be possible?

    Thank you for your time and for your replies.



    I installed bbpress yesterday. I followed the installation guide and the forum was successfully installed. I have a seperate database for my bbpress.

    I have not integrated our wordpress blog to the bbpress forum. I also did not changed our wordpress settings like “users must be registered to login or comment”.

    Today, I just noticed that the comments on our wordpress blog are gone. You can see them in the wordpress dashboard but when you visit the post for example here:

    It says it has “3 comments” but you can’t see the comments or comment box.

    I removed the bbpress, but it didnt bring my comments back. Can anyone help? Thanks


    It was happening earlier, but they fixed it.


    Hi. I’ve just moved into a Virtual Dedicated Server, i have 4 wordpress instalations with very few users and visits (like 200 per day) and 2 bbpress instalations with 200 users and 800 visits/day each one… They are in different accounts in the server, sharing DDBB.

    The server its supposed to have 126mb ram but they’ve double increased my memory so, 256…

    The server gets overloaded all the time, and I guess it’s BBpress… I don’t have any plugin or anything weird, just a smileys plugin. Does anybody knows what might be happening? I have ssh access and all that stuff…


    i think there is a serious bug in all pages of bbpress 1.0 trunk, because i have the same effect in a fresh install…

    i don’t understand the number of query, why when i’m not login, there is over 100 query?



    Is anyone else seeing this? When I go to I get the home page with no styles (just plain white bg and plain HTML). At first glance, I didn’t see if anyone had already mentioned this, and didn’t know another way to report it to the powers that be…


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    In reply to: bb benchmark question


    Detective, thanks a lot!!!

    It solved my problem ( wp 2.5.1, bbpress

    Bo Fiddlesticks, you should save code in set-default-role.php file, put it in bb-plugins and activate

    Plugin Name: bbpress wpmu default role
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Sets a default WPMU role for all new bbpress users.
    Author: Detective
    Author URI:

    function wpbb_add_user_role_rk($user_id) {
    $user = new WP_User($user_id);
    add_action( 'bb_new_user', 'wpbb_add_user_role_rk');


    Option 1 is valid. When bbPress comes out later though, WordPress might be higher than 2.6. There might always be a little bit of lag between versions for compatibility, but the idea is sane: upgrade now, then wait for a new version and upgrade again later.

    Option 2 is also valid.

    Question 1: yes, you can grab any old release from

    Also, you need only worry about compatibility if you are looking for integration. Other than that, the versions don’t need to be sync’d up.

    And finally, you need to be careful running old versions to be certain there were no security fixes. The move from 2.6 to 2.6.1 had nothing to do with security, but the move from 2.5 to 2.6 did. So I guess 2.5 had some security issues. [citation needed]


    I am currently running the following:

    WP 2.3x (using due to theme limitations)


    I am planning to upgrade the theme to be compatible with the latest version of WordPress. Once I do this I need to upgrade BBpress. Given the availabiltiy of the Alpha and the 2.5 restriction of BBpress 0.9 I was looking for suggestions on how to go about things.

    Option 1 – Is this a valid path?

    1. Upgrade to WP2.5 & BBpress 0.9

    2. Wait for stable 1.0 Beta of BBpress

    3. Upgrade to WP 2.6x and BBpress 1.0

    Option 2

    1. Upgrade to WP2.6 & BBpress Alpha


    1. Is a 2.5 version of WP still being distributed?

    I hope this was clear. Thanks.

    Jens Wedin

    Here is a function list for the v1.0 alpha one. As the developers do not add any documentation I found this on the net. You can you this by your own if you have an older or newer version of bbPress by doing this command in the terminal (linux or mac):

    grep -oe ^function.*) bb-includes/template-functions.php | sort > functions.txt

    This idea is Tims (, I used updated his idea.

    function _bb_list_tag_item( $tag, $args )
    function _bb_parse_time_function_args( $args )
    function _bb_time_function_return( $time, $args )
    function allowed_markup( $args = '' )
    function alt_class( $key, $others = '' )
    function bb_active_theme_uri()
    function bb_admin_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_current_user_info( $key = '' )
    function bb_feed_head()
    function bb_forum()
    function bb_forum_bread_crumb( $args = '' )
    function bb_forum_class( $args = null )
    function bb_forum_dropdown( $args = '' )
    function bb_forum_pad( $pad, $offset = 0 )
    function bb_forum_posts_rss_link( $forum_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_forum_topics_rss_link( $forum_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_get_active_theme_uri()
    function bb_get_admin_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_current_user_info( $key = '' )
    function bb_get_footer()
    function bb_get_forum_bread_crumb($args = '')
    function bb_get_forum_dropdown( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_forum_is_category( $forum_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_forum_posts_rss_link( $forum_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_get_forum_topics_rss_link( $forum_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_get_header()
    function bb_get_location()
    function bb_get_logout_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_post_delete_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_post_edit_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_post_ip_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_post_time( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_posts_rss_link($context = 0)
    function bb_get_profile_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_stylesheet_uri( $stylesheet = '' )
    function bb_get_tag_heat_map( $tags, $args = '' )
    function bb_get_tag_link( $tag_name = 0, $page = 1 )
    function bb_get_tag_link_base()
    function bb_get_tag_name( $id = 0 )
    function bb_get_tag_page_link()
    function bb_get_tag_remove_link( $args = null )
    function bb_get_tag_rss_link( $tag_id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_get_template( $file )
    function bb_get_theme_uri( $theme = false )
    function bb_get_title( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_topic_close_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_topic_delete_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_topic_pagecount( $topic_id = 0 )
    function bb_get_topic_sticky_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_get_topics_rss_link($context = 0)
    function bb_get_user_email( $id )
    function bb_get_user_id( $id = 0 )
    function bb_get_view_rss_link($context = 0)
    function bb_head()
    function bb_is_topic_lastpage( $topic_id = 0 )
    function bb_language_attributes( $xhtml = 0 )
    function bb_list_tags( $args = null )
    function bb_load_template( $file, $globals = false )
    function bb_location()
    function bb_logout_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_new_topic_forum_dropdown()
    function bb_post_admin()
    function bb_post_template()
    function bb_post_time( $args = '' )
    function bb_profile_admin_form( $id = 0 )
    function bb_profile_base_content()
    function bb_profile_data( $id = 0 )
    function bb_profile_data_form( $id = 0 )
    function bb_profile_link( $args = '' )
    function bb_profile_password_form( $id = 0 )
    function bb_related_tags_heat_map( $args = '' )
    function bb_sort_tag_heat_map( &$tag_counts )
    function bb_stylesheet_uri( $stylesheet = '' )
    function bb_tag_heat_map( $args = '' )
    function bb_tag_link( $id = 0, $page = 1 )
    function bb_tag_link_base()
    function bb_tag_name( $id = 0 )
    function bb_tag_page_link()
    function bb_tag_remove_link( $args = null )
    function bb_tag_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function bb_template_scripts()
    function bb_title( $args = '' )
    function bb_topic_admin( $args = '' )
    function bb_topic_labels()
    function bb_topic_pagecount( $topic_id = 0 )
    function bb_topic_search_form( $args = null, $query_obj = null )
    function edit_form()
    function favorites_link( $user_id = 0 )
    function favorites_pages()
    function favorites_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function forum_description( $args = null )
    function forum_id( $forum_id = 0 )
    function forum_link( $forum_id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function forum_name( $forum_id = 0 )
    function forum_pages( $forum_id = 0 )
    function forum_posts( $forum_id = 0 )
    function forum_topics( $forum_id = 0 )
    function full_user_link( $id = 0 )
    function get_allowed_markup( $args = '' )
    function get_alt_class( $key, $others = '' )
    function get_favorites_link( $user_id = 0 )
    function get_favorites_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function get_forum_description( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_id( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_link( $forum_id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function get_forum_name( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_parent( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_position( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_posts( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_forum_topics( $forum_id = 0 )
    function get_full_user_link( $id = 0 )
    function get_page_number_links($page, $total)
    function get_post_author( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_author_id( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_author_title( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_author_title_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_id( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_ip( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_post_text( $post_id = 0 )
    function get_profile_tab_link( $id = 0, $tab, $page = 1 )
    function get_topic_author( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_deleted_posts( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_id( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_last_post_link( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_last_poster( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_link( $id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function get_topic_posts( $id = 0 )
    function get_topic_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function get_topic_start_time( $args = '' )
    function get_topic_time( $args = '' )
    function get_topic_title( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_delete_button()
    function get_user_display_name( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_link( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_name( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_profile_link( $id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function get_user_title( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_type( $id = 0 )
    function get_user_type_label( $type )
    function get_view_link( $_view = false, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function get_view_name( $_view = '' )
    function is_bb_admin()
    function is_bb_favorites()
    function is_bb_feed()
    function is_bb_profile()
    function is_bb_search()
    function is_bb_stats()
    function is_bb_tag()
    function is_bb_tags()
    function is_forum()
    function is_front()
    function is_topic()
    function is_view()
    function login_form()
    function manage_tags_forms()
    function new_topic( $args = null )
    function post_anchor_link( $force_full = false )
    function post_author( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_avatar( $size = '48', $default = '', $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_avatar_link( $size = '48', $default = '', $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_id( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_title( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_title_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_author_type( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_del_class( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_delete_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_edit_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_form( $h2 = '' )
    function post_id( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_ip( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_ip_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_link( $post_id = 0 )
    function post_text( $post_id = 0 )
    function profile_menu()
    function profile_pages()
    function profile_tab_link( $id = 0, $tab, $page = 1 )
    function search_form( $q = '' )
    function tag_form( $args = null )
    function tag_pages()
    function topic_author( $id = 0 )
    function topic_class( $class = '', $key = 'topic', $id = 0 )
    function topic_close_link( $args = '' )
    function topic_delete_link( $args = '' )
    function topic_id( $id = 0 )
    function topic_last_post_link( $id = 0 )
    function topic_last_poster( $id = 0 )
    function topic_link( $id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function topic_move_dropdown( $id = 0 )
    function topic_noreply( $title )
    function topic_pages( $id = 0 )
    function topic_pages_add( $id = 0 )
    function topic_posts( $id = 0 )
    function topic_posts_link( $id = 0 )
    function topic_rss_link( $id = 0, $context = 0 )
    function topic_show_all_link( $id = 0 )
    function topic_start_time( $args = '' )
    function topic_sticky_link( $args = '' )
    function topic_tags()
    function topic_time( $args = '' )
    function topic_title( $id = 0 )
    function user_delete_button()
    function user_favorites_link($add = array(), $rem = array(), $user_id = 0)
    function user_link( $id = 0 )
    function user_profile_link( $id = 0 , $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function user_title( $id = 0 )
    function user_type( $id = 0 )
    function user_type_label( $type )
    function view_link( $_view = false, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF )
    function view_name( $view = '' ) { // Filtration should be done at bb_register_view()
    function view_pages()


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    @Thion – I think 2018-2019 ;)

    bbpress needs all (all current and all “release critical”;) bugs at least) bug fixes … and 3-4 relatively small enhancements.

    I think regular (every 4-5 weeks) alfa-s will be useful.


    Please don’t bump topics. If someone can offer help, they will.

    I don’t think that plugin author has been around for a while. Maybe try contacting them through their website.


    Hello Chris

    yes I noticed, but I use the free version revolution blog that is slightly different (I don’t like the classical forum look of the revolution BBpress theme, I love Kakumei discussion look) and I try to keep Kakumei look with just my blog specific header and footer

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