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  • #4084

    I’m using WordPress 2.6 and I was trying to install bbPress and integrate it and it came up with this error at the end of the installation:

    “Duplicate key name ‘user_nicename’

    >>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.”

    My forum got installed, however when I try to click on the topics or the forums or tag, it doesn’t open anything, I can’t get to read any of those. It just stays on the same page.

    The only function I am able to use is the add topic, but I can’t get to read anything I click.

    What should I do? Any advice is greatly appreciated :)


    I’m working on a site for creatives (photographers, models, make up artists, film makers) to develop their craft and offer advice to those considering entrting an educational route, setting up a business or freelancing.

    Its still under heavy development and most of the content is yet to be uploaded, but I’d love to hear any feedback or suggestions to make the site better… Particularly the wordpress & bbpress funtions as I’m hoping the community aspect to be rather strong.


    Sounds like you have the mobile browser agent stuff figured out with the Tera-WURFL library. So, when you detect a mobile browser, you want to display your forum using the1col_fixed theme? Looks like it checks for a match to a mobile browser like this:

    $matched = $wurflObj->getDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);

    // see if this client is on a wireless device (or if they can't be identified)
    if(!$matched || !$wurflObj->getDeviceCapability("is_wireless_device")){
    echo "<h2>You should not be here</h2>";


    So, instead of the <h2> message they are displaying, you could use a theme switcher plugin to set the theme and direct someone to that URL. How about something like this:

    That plugin says it uses cookies to persist the theme choice.


    In reply to: Reply by Email


    As far as I know, there is no plugin like that for bbPress. WordPress allows you to post by email, and even if updates were sent out via an RSS to Email solution, the person receiving that wouldn’t be able to reply and have that posted to the blog.

    Sounds like a better application for a mailing list, not a forum.

    Or, does Basecamp do all that already?


    I’m using Tera-WURFL to detect whether my bbpress forum is being accessed by a mobile browser.

    I also have a specific theme (1col_fixed, I think it’s called) that works very nicely in mobile browsers.

    Now, what I want to do is to have bbpress use the 1col_fixed theme when a mobile browser is detected, and use my default theme otherwise. What function(s) do I call to set the currently activated theme to a different theme? And how do I make it ‘stick’ just for the mobile user — cookies? sessions?

    Thanks so much if anyone can help me.


    Topic: Reply by Email

    in forum Plugins

    I’m trying to find out if anyone has tried to build a plugin that allows reply by email for a bbPress forum. This would be similar to what basecamp does.

    1. Someone posts to the forum

    2. Everyone subscribed to the forum receives an email

    3. When you get the email, you can hit reply and it posts to the forum and email everyone.





    Something I could not find in this or any other thread concerning integration of with wp 2.5. Problem is that a login to either bbPress or WordPress will log a user OUT of the other, can not be logged into both at same time. Common problem but different question. Several people have suggested adding the following to the bb-config.php:

    $bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;

    $bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;

    Questions: are these really needed, should the full hash number (wordpressuser_full.hash.number) also be included and if so, where do I find the hash code? Using Firefox, the I see two cookies when logged into either bb or wp:



    The Secret keys are identical for both bb and wp config files. Also I have:

    In bb-config file:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_name = ‘xxxxxxxxxx’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_user = ‘xxxxxxxxxx’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_password = ‘xxxxxxx’;

    $bb->user_bbdb_host = ‘xxxxxxxxxxx’;

    $bb->custom_user_table = ‘wp_users’;

    $bb->custom_user_meta_table = ‘wp_usermeta’;

    $bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_cabxxxxxxx’; //identical to what is shown in Firefox cookie

    $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ‘/’;

    In wp-config:

    $table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $wp->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    $wp->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    $wp->sitecookiepath = ‘/’;

    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    A registered user is shown in both bb and wp.

    Thanks for any help.


    What versions did you try to integrate?

    If you scan the tag for integration you will see lots of people who have the same exact problem as you.


    Another option which I have had success with is to use bbPress 0.9 with WPMU 2.6.2 but only integrate the users, not the cookies. Users will need to login separately to the forums but their same login/password combination will work on WPMU and bbPress.

    Hope that helps.


    I’m attempting to upgrade a website I run for a group to both WordPress and BBPress. I have integrated the two and the user accounts are in sync. Everything is working fine, except…

    When a user logs in from the WordPress index page, it doesn’t log them in for BBPress. This is a problem, because I want to have administration links for accounts on the homepage of my website. I want a user to login and be able to click on ‘Settings’ and go to their BBPress settings page. Also, I want them to be able to click on “Messages” and go to their BBPress messages.

    So, my question is – when a user logs in to the WordPress homepage, how can I make sure they are logged into the BBPress forums as well, without requiring them to log in a second time when they go to the forums?

    Thanks for your help!


    There have been some relevant discussions here:

    Looking at the front page of your forum, I see a total of 3074 threads and 22,121 posts. Is there more than meets the eye here to come up with 2.5 million rows of data? Or maybe there’s not 2.5 millions rows in bb_topics, it’s just because of the subquery that it looks at that many records (like it’s something I don’t understand about the way MySQL displays the number or rows searched)?

    Did the amount of data grow exponentially after the conversion from xdforums? Maybe there were 20K rows in xdforums, but something with the conversion didn’t go well and it duplicated a bunch of data? How many rows were there in comparable tables before and after conversion?

    Something doesn’t add up.

    Also, are all those queries the same, and if so, is that query just trying to determine the last poster, from the “Forum Last Poster” plugin? If so, have you tried just turning that plugin off? If that works, then maybe just optimizing the query for your installation would work and you could turn it back on after modifying the plugin.

    Of all the plugins, the only other one I could see affecting the queries like that would be the Post Count Plus. That would be the second one I turn off and check for a performance difference.


    I think you could do something like this:

    There are two different solutions there.

    To redirect the member back where they came from after they’re done, you could do this:



    I’ve successfully integrated WordPress 2.5.1 with bbPress 0.9.2, but I’ve encountered some issues with registering (display_name, multiple sign-ups with same email, etc.).

    What I’m trying to do now is redirect all registration to the WordPress register page. My main questions are:

    (1) how/where do I change the bbPress code to point to the WordPress register page.

    (2) is there a way for the system to know where a user came from (forums or blog) and redirect the user appropriately after sign-up?




    I’ve recently set up a BBPress forum for non-profit Bike Pittsburgh and their host, Pair Networks, shut down their database because of the load BBPress was putting on the server. Pair has since reinstated the db, but I was wondering if anyone could offer any insight as to how I might trim down the size of the queries that BBPress is putting through. A little background:

    1. I used this method to convert a WordPress XDForum into BBPress. I know the author of that post mentions that the method he uses might not be the most efficient, however at this point (after the conversion), I wouldn’t think that BBPress is using any of this info any more, correct?
    2. We’re running BBPress v.
    3. We’re using the following plugins: Akismet, Use Display Name, BBPress Private Messaging, Post Count Plus, Forum Last Poster, and Images Allowed

    The information from the host was this:

    With that said, we wanted to provide a follow up in terms of the nature of the problem itself. The problem is that the database is running some very inefficient queries, trying to sort through 2.5 million rows and are returning very few to no results. These queries take a long time to run and are called “slow queries”. As you gain in traffic, the more of these slow queries that are run, the higher the load on the server, and therefore the more affect you have on other customers.

    I’ve included some examples of these queries below for your review:

    # Time: 080930 20:55:01

    # User@Host: bikepgh[bikepgh] @ []

    # Query_time: 54 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 2469001

    SELECT forum_id, topic_id FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_last_post_id IN


    (topic_last_post_id) FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status=0 GROUP BY


    # Time: 080930 20:56:05

    # User@Host: bikepgh[bikepgh] @ []

    # Query_time: 71 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 2469001

    SELECT forum_id, topic_id FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_last_post_id IN


    (topic_last_post_id) FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status=0 GROUP BY


    # Time: 080930 20:56:43

    # User@Host: bikepgh[bikepgh] @ []

    # Query_time: 67 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 2469001

    SELECT forum_id, topic_id FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_last_post_id IN


    (topic_last_post_id) FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status=0 GROUP BY


    # Time: 080930 20:57:38

    # User@Host: bikepgh[bikepgh] @ []

    # Query_time: 52 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 2469001

    SELECT forum_id, topic_id FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_last_post_id IN


    (topic_last_post_id) FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status=0 GROUP BY


    # Time: 080930 21:20:46

    # User@Host: bikepgh[bikepgh] @ []

    # Query_time: 263 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 10 Rows_examined: 2469001

    SELECT forum_id, topic_id FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_last_post_id IN


    (topic_last_post_id) FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status=0 GROUP BY


    # Time: 080930 21:22:35

    # User@Host: bikepgh[bikepgh] @ []

    # Query_time: 281 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 1952752

    SELECT forum_id, topic_id FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_last_post_id IN


    (topic_last_post_id) FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status=0 GROUP BY


    As you can see, these queries are taking almost 300 seconds to complete

    (query_time). This is an extremely high time, as a query on a shared server

    should take under 10 seconds to complete.

    I hope this helps provide some needed details for you. If we can be of any

    further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.

    Any help as to what I might do in PHPMyAdmin or otherwise to help lower the load on the db would be VERY MUCH appreciated!


    In reply to: Private forums and RSS


    You might want to post this on the plugin page:

    Or contact the plugin author.


    In reply to: En español


    Regarding being unable to activate plugins, are you on a Windows host? What is your bbPress version, and what is your hosting platform?

    Is this related?

    I don’t understand your second question, sorry. My Spanish is not that good.


    Topic: bb_forums loop twice

    in forum Themes

    I’m editing current Theme for the bbPress Alpha 1.0 Release… I have created a Side bar that appears on almost all the pages with forums listed. Just like WP category. (site: Now, I’m facing some problem with Looping through the Forums (bb_forums()).

    My side bar is executed before main contents. so when main contents require to loop the forums again, like Category listing page / Forum on posting (selecting dropdown box). its returning NULL / empty.

    I wanted to find-out is there any way that i can Reset the bb_forums( ) loop and make it available again for next time?

    many thanks!


    In reply to: Plugin suggestions


    WP-Syntax should take all of 10 minutes to port to bbPress:

    I have a “Syntax-Lite” plugin in development that is less than 1k and uses PHP’s built-in (high speed) highlighter but only works with PHP code of course. It also won’t be available for quite awhile as I don’t have time for bbPress projects these days.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    Ok, fair enough. I will delete the alpha off of my local and play around with the older version instead. Is the upgradability from release to release as seamless as WP?


    In reply to: Plugin suggestions

    Olaf Lederer

    A syntax highlighter in wordpress/bbpress is always a hard to do.

    Geshi and tinyMCE = forget it

    I have finally a parser in WP but need to work in code view only.

    Olaf Lederer

    maybe because your list is empty? which bbpress version are you using?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    There have been so many new features added in the past few weeks in the trunk that there’s no way it’s ever going to be stable this month (October).

    Even if they release another alpha (or beta but that would be crazy), that doesn’t mean it’s stable, it means it needs to be tested and debugged, thoroughly. Sam only has a limited environment to test things. Problems with PHP4 or Windows come up constantly and other things he can’t easily test. There’s also a good chance plugins will become broken (again/still).

    Do NOT use the alpha on a live, active site. Period. Seriously. Not kidding. It’s not a trick. Alphas are for testing purposes only. Objects may be closer than they appear.

    If you ignore this warning, you are on your own.


    The rewritten links have zero to do with cookies. The rewrite rules are not working for you on GoDaddy (ed: was Dreamhost here). Have you browsed other people’s experience by following that godaddy tag?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    My completely uninformed guess is … no. I wouldn’t wait. Install something and see how it goes.

    If you log in here, you can see the number of open tickets by milestone: . There are quite a few open for 1.0. Also, there hasn’t been a 1.0 beta or release candidate either. So, just my guess, no.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    any chance this becomes stable this week?

    i’m antsy to add a forum to my blog but dont know if i should wait for the stable version?

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