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  • #68866

    I have a similar query: I can install into “/bbpress” on my web root, but the installation just won’t complete if install to deeper folders, eg: /network/members/bbpress where there is .ht access security.

    Also, I’d rather it was all in /forum rather than /bbpress. Unless all hrefs, includes etc. are purely relative, that would require trawling all bbpress files for this reference to change it (?)

    No – you can’t just rename the root after installation and return to reconfigure the install root setting: it all gets lost in itself.


    bbPress uses the same concept as WordPress with add_filter and add_action so there are many guides out there as to how it works.

    Essentially it’s a “hook” that allows you to intercept the process or results. The first part of the add_action/add_filter is the process name or trigger, the second part the the name of the function you want to process at that moment.

    If there are existing filters/actions in place you can unhook them with remove_action or remove_filter.


    Ran into a little trouble installing it… I’ll upgrade my bbpress version this weekend!

    It’s a little tricky since we’ve integrated our bbPress with a WordPress and a MediaWiki installation… plus dozens of bbPRess plugins. But we’ll get it working soon, and I’ll send that donation off!


    i’m also getting this warning message:

    Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/public_html/bbs08/phpbb2bbpress.php on line 922


    can anyone answer the question regarding the “39816” error? i get up to step 8 and then that string of numbers shows up. i checked the new database and nothing has been pushed into it.


    Ok so I’m not sure if this is the best way, but I turned on WordPress integration but without sharing database tables. Now I can access the cookies on any page that I include bb-load!


    What version are you using? For older version, the bbPress plugin bbSync does what you want. For the newer alpha versions, there is bbPress live, a WordPress plugin.


    I’m integrating a bbpress forum into a website and I need access to the bbpress user info and functions.

    at the top of my php page i’ve done


    This works great so far, I can load the forum, display topics etc. The only problem is that I can not maintain a user log in when I go from the forum to my new page. I’ve dumped the $_COOKIE var from my new page and the bbpress cookie is not present. If I dump $_COOKIE from a bbpress page its present.

    Any idea?

    Is there any way I can make the bbpress cookie available in my new page?


    I’m wondering if this is possible-

    We have our wordpress blog Feast of Fools tied together with bbPress forums, and I was wondering if there was a way for bbPress to treat the comments on a blog entry as a topic in the forums.

    This way, popular blog entries would “float” to the top in the same way that bbpress forum entries do.

    Any ideas? It this already a function we don’t know about?


    I believe 1.0 specifically has some abilities to address such a desire but I am unfamiliar with them. Sam might know.


    I started a thread of several issues I’m having with Alpha-2. I hope they’ll be fixed in Alpha-3.


    In reply to: Customizing gravatars

    Okay, having tested it a bunch of different ways, I can’t get it to work.

    I want to make my own image the ‘default’ for the non-gravatard people (which works fine on WordPress).

    In WordPress it’s this:

    <?php echo get_avatar(get_comment_author_email(),50,'');?>

    For bbpress we have this post_author_avatar(); on post.php. Passing the URL into that, either on it’s own or as $default doesn’t work.

    Using echo bb_get_avatar( bb_get_user_email(post_author()), 48, '' ); didn’t work.

    I’m gonna keep tossing stuff up against the wall for now.


    @sc0ttbeard: Hey Scott, take a look at a previous post of mine to hopefully jump-start your audit. I wonder if it’s a simple server config issue wrt cookie domain path… I’m going to RTFM.


    @complex I think you’re mistaken. WP2.6.2 – WP2.6.3 did not have cookie-related modifications.

    WP2.6.3 did not fix ‘cookie-related issues’. The edict still stands for bbPress 0.9x.

    As I understand it, it is the move to bbPress 1.0 that uses the ‘new’ WP2.6x cookies.

    If you find ‘old’ options they’re probably there to permit backwards-compatibility with plugins etc that have not been upgraded yet.


    Okay this one is testing working.

    For anyone else that wants to use this, you have to replace the domain name by hand. It’s hardcoded for speed, sorry.

    All other target=”_blank” plugins should be uninstalled. Any existing links with target=”_blank” will be left in place for performance since target is not added by bbPress by default.

    Plugin Name: Target Nofollow External Only
    Description: append target="_blank" and rel="nofollow" only on external links
    Plugin URI:
    Author: _ck_
    Version: 0.0.1

    add_filter('post_text', 'target_nofollow_external_only',999); // unfortunately we have to do this on every page load and not in pre_post

    function target_nofollow_external_only( $text ) {
    $domain=""; // domain to exclude from target and nofollow
    $text = preg_replace('|<a (.*)rel=['"]nofollow['"](.+)?>|iU','<a $1$2>', $text); // strip ALL nofollow
    $text = preg_replace('|<a (?=([^>]+http://))(?!([^>]+'.$domain.'))(.+)>|iU', '<a $3 rel="nofollow" target="_blank">', $text); // add back in when needed
    return $text;

    I’m not happy about the performance of this technique because it has to be done in post_text for every time a page is displayed, but there’s no other easy way around bbPress/WordPress’s unfortunate use of make_clickable with hardcoded “nofollow” in post_text.


    Okay I’ll play with it some more and see what I can do.

    update: the problem lies within make_clickable which has nofollow hard coded and impossible to “unfilter” at that level

    I’ll have to come up with a way to do it at display time and cleanup the mess bbpress (actually wordpress functions) create


    In reply to: Moving posts


    Moving topics is of course built in.

    Moving posts should not be done even though there is an old plugin to do so.

    The reason for this is because bbPress has no internal hooks to “announce” a post is being moved and it will break plugins that track data and count on posts remaining in their original topics. It can eventually cause some corruption.

    If you don’t use plugins or don’t care about corruption, the old move-it plugin may do what you want, but strongly consider the warning.


    I read a thread about moving posts dated about a year ago ( ). Any news on a plugin for moving wrongly placed posts to another forum? This is an issue that comes up quite often with many forums posters not payimg attention to forum names.


    You don’t normally need to set anything there. The installation will continue fine without it.

    Every MySQL database uses character collation, but it’s normally hidden from sight. For my bbPress installation, the collation is utf8_general_ci. But I didn’t have to set it, it’s already there. In a unique situation you might need to set it, but I’ve never messed with it.


    Hmmm…..okay well I did add this code to bb_tweaks……I replaced the function bb_target_blank section with what you have here, and I removed the add_filter('pre-post','bb_rel_nofollow'); and added the remove_filter actions above…….but it did not seem to have any effect – bbPress still strips out any “target” reference and still adds the rel=”nofollow” to all links…..

    I haven’t made any other tweaks to this….


    I’m grafting a lot of existing functionality from my site onto bbPress.

    In forum.php I load a bunch of data from my own database and sit it in variable. Lets call one of these variables $blah.

    I’m trying to access $blah in the template file “post-form.php” so that I can include the value of $blah in a hidden field that gets posted.

    My issue is that $blah is empty when I try and output its content in post-form.php. I’m positive this had nothing to do with naming of the variable. I don’t see any reason why it should be empty. I’ve tried making it global but no luck. The post-form.php file is displayed on the same page as forum.php so I’m really lost.

    Is there a better way to add persistent data that you can access across bbPress?


    My first thought on just copying index.php over and changing require('./bb-load.php'); to require('./forums/bb-load.php'); didn’t work (which is how it works for wordpress), though it may work if you do that and then changed the location in settings.

    See for ideas?


    bb-attachments lets you upload an image and it inserts a simple bbcode for you automatically


    Step 3:

    Do you need to install a language other than English? If so, you can find a list of language files here:

    If you need to use a language other than English, you need to navigate to the folder bb-includes and create a folder inside that folder, called languages, then put the language files in there.

    Step 4:

    If your website is, and you put your forum in a directory called forum, you would open a browser and go to and the installer will start for you.


    This is the installation procedure right?

    Quick Instructions

    1. Download bbPress from the download page

    2. Upload the uncompressed files your server

    3. Optionally upload language files to bb-includes/languages/ – You will have to create this directory

    4. Visit the intended URL of the bbPress site

    5. You will be greeted with the bbPress installer

    6. Follow the instructions in the installer

    7. Visit “Settings” in the admin area to customise your installation

    8. If you have any questions, ask in the forums

    In procedure number 3, i cant understand this step. I don’t know where i would got to, to initialize this step. And where is the language files? And where I can find the URL you talking about in Step no. 4? Sorry for too many questions, I’m a newbie here in wordpress. Waiting for a immediate reply.

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