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  • #69539

    In reply to: Plugin Approval


    Michael should be finishing up from the WP 2.7 release and hopefully will be able to comb through his emails and bbpress stuff soon.


    I call that full or complex integration and it’s mentioned in Integration 101 and many others do it I believe, despite my advise not to (until WordPress uses BackPress like bbPress 1.0)


    I got to thinking, maybe we’re doing it all wrong.

    Rather than try to work WordPress into bbPress, why not just include the bb-config.php file inside the wp-config.php file instead.

    Viola, from what I can tell, everything works like a charm. CK, your bbCode plug-in breaks some of the WordPress tags/shortcodes though, [caption] etc…

    This way, bbpress can be directly referenced inside the entire website, and WordPress can use it’s functions AND the ones from bbPress to micromanage the login situation.

    I really need to investigate this more, but I think that I might be on to something with this whole integration issue.

    A simple plug-in could be made to include the core WordPress queries inside bbPress for pages, categories, etc… Without having to duplicate load everything inside the header, etc…

    Okay, so I just did this like 20 minutes ago and I’m a little giddy about the idea, and I’m sure there’s a myriad of reasons why this won’t work, but I think it’s a neat idea…


    In reply to: Using Sticky Post


    There are two types of stickies: you can stick a post to the top of its particular forum, and you can stick a post to the top of all the forums.

    For example, say you have a bbPress install with one forum: Forum A.

    * If you sticky a post in Forum A, the sticky post will appear at the top of (but not at the top of

    * If you “stick to front” that same post, it will appear at the top of (but not at

    From what you described, I’m guess the post has been stuck to the frontpage and not to the forum. Unstick it and then re-stick it but this time not to front.

    Hope that helps!


    I’m new to using bbpress and installed version Version 1.0-alpha-2

    In one of the forums, I did a post and made it sticky… I other forums the sticky is always the first post(s) with all the other post underneath.

    The main forums is showing 1 topic and 1 post. When I click on the forum, it isn’t there…. The only place the post sticky shows is in the latest discussions and not in forum area.

    Is there some way to make the sticky topic show up in its forum?




    Do you know how to make a phpinfo file?

    Make one in the same directory as bbPress and access it so we can see if there are errors or what the native settings are.


    You also have the iNove theme.

    I use them both on one of my blogs/forums.

    You’ll find the WordPress theme here – and the bbPress theme here.

    You can see theme live on my blog and my forum.



    Hi! I have problems with bbpress and PHP 5.

    On my hosting PHP 4 is “by default”. I am using .htaccess with

    AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php

    in my top directory.

    With this .htaccess file bbpress does not working at all – I can’t install it and can’t use it after install.

    Installation process is “windows like” – I

    1 delete .htaccess

    2 create manually bb-config.php

    3 open the start page

    4 click “Next” and fill just minimum set of fields. I don’t integrate bbpress with my blog

    5 Everything is fine.

    Without my .htaccess file bbpres works after install. After upload .htaccess – don’t. I cant open anything, can’t login and don’t have any access. The error message is the same “500 Internal Server Error”.

    I don’t use permalinks or any plugins. Just default state …

    I reported this here:


    In reply to: Limit front-page.php


    Does this do anything like what you want?


    bbPress and WordPress are not cross aware of role changes.

    So, if you change a WordPress role, the bbPress role is not changed;

    If you change the bbPress role, the WordPress role is not changed.

    I believe that this is is probably the way that most people would want it to be, although it would make sense eventually (once these can be more tightly integrated) to have the option of syncing them up.


    Ok, so I have wordpress 2.51 fully integrated with bbpress I had a friend who I wanted to show the backend so I had him register and I figured I would then change his membership level to admin. So he registered via WordPress (which is using the register plus plugin) and it worked fine. He had subscriber status on WP and member status on BB. However, when I upgraded him via WP and it gave him admin status in WP but it didn’t change his status in BB, he is still just a member.

    Do I have to manually change this or is there a way to have it automatically change?


    In reply to: Using iframe tags?


    How about the Admin can Post Anything plugin?

    Is this for admin use only?



    I use instant teleseminar for recordings and they generate a code that you embed in your site etc. to display the player and download links.

    This is a sample of there code

    <iframe width=”452px” height=”130px” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” src=””></iframe&gt;

    It won’t display the player… how do I get this to work?

    Is there an audio player plug in for bbpress like there is for wordpress?




    In reply to: Change Post Author?

    It isn’t about it being a regular basis, it’s about it being possible.

    In my testing and installing of bbPress, I usually bounce back and forth between a KeyMaster, an Admin, and a Member test account, and sometimes I am logged in and make a post under the wrong one. :)

    It’s more for convenience and possibility sake than it is for daily use or practicality.

    Forums with many users would just have a million entries in the drop down. Heck I dunno man I just thought of this idea! :)



    I have BBPress 1.0-alpha-2 integrated with WordPress MU 2.6.3.

    Users register and login with WordPress MU and are automatically logged in to BBPress. This all works fine.

    The problem I have is that the users have no “role on these forums” despite the fact that I have set the User Role Map correctly.

    I can update user’s roles manually, but obviously this is not ideal.

    I’m stumped!! Has anyone had a similar problem or know what might be wrong?




    Hmm this is an interesting scenario, one that I never made it around to checking since I always do my work as an Admin or KeyMaster.

    I did just check my install of 2.7rc1 and bbPress Alpha-2 and I do not experience this type of issue.

    I am assuming that you’ve checked the obvious stuff from all of the other integration topics here? Making sure your SECRET_KEY’s match and cookie domains are copied over, etc?


    @elwagar: Conversely, once they are registered you can assign them a role by going to the bbPress admin, WordPress Integration, and remapping. I feel like a plug-in could help this registration laziness along, but I also think this should just work correctly right away.

    I actually had a similar issue years ago integrating phpBB 2.x and osCommerce together, trying to get one to work inside the other with cookies and what-not was a really big problem, one that I never really did get working 100% correctly.

    I have no experience with bbPress Live, but it might be worth looking into. CK posted a really nice SQL example on how to grab information without a plug-in, so if you can’t get that to work, you could always put in a little manual labor. ;)


    I am still kind of fighting with it…what i found was that initially new members added to bbpress via WP don´t get a role assigned…but on publishing their first post they will be assigned the proper role…

    As you mentioned bbpress live above: On install it says “not implemented” on the settings screen for the post to WP section. And I can´t get it work either. Is there any secret?



    Wordpress 2.51 installed in the root directory

    bbPress installed in /forums

    I am using the same computer and logging in and out but I have been clearing all session, domain and path cookies each time.


    Which versions of bbPress and WordPress are you using?

    Are you doing all of this logging in and out on the same computer?

    Have you tried manually deleting cookies and logging in again?

    What folders are WordPress and bbPress located in, relative to each other?


    I know, but I consider that to be a small issue. I have now integration on the user account level (cookies) and I can access the admin panel on both. I can log in on one and I am automatically logged in on both but I just have to log out of both separately to be really logged off.

    Full integration messes up my bbpress completely, so I left that out. I am satisfied (for now) with what I’ve got working. I hope that integration will be working better when we get official releases on both.


    Have you tried logging in and out of both your WordPress and bbPress installations and accessing both admin panels? I mean each combination each way.

    1. Log into WordPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of WordPress
    2. Log into bbPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of bbPress
    3. Log into WordPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of bbPress
    4. Log into bbPress; Check admin panel access and cookies; Log out of WordPress

    That is where the problem lies, and I have been running the most updated trunks of both bbPress and WordPress the entire time. :/


    Hi, I just upgraded WordPress to RC1 and used the newest trunk pf bbpress yesterday, and everything worked out fine…just as described during installation.


    I got it working, I will describe what I did for other users:

    First I deleted the bb_meta table from my DB, and also the bb_config.php file. After this I could re-install bbpress fine, including steps 2 and 3. I followed the steps from but I left out the include part for the wp file. I also did the cookie settings for both wp and bb.

    Now I can use bb and wp just fine. One minor issue, I cannot log out from bb without also logging out from wp.

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