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  • #70229

    In reply to: ETA of bbPress 1.0 ?


    Exactly how many more “when will 1.0 be final” posts are there going to be?

    There are at least a dozen topics on this. When it’s done, it’s done.

    If you rush it, then we have to deal with the “when will 1.0 be fixed” questions.

    There is no schedule, no timetable, and you should not use the alpha on a live site.

    If you can’t live without a date, assume it will be done a year from now.

    Please see the dozen other topics on this:

    Sam Bauers


    Well, that’s different… :)

    But I just realised you are using bbPress 0.9 – the bb_mail() function has been replaced in 1.0-alpha with one more like wp_mail() in WordPress.

    It was replaced in part because people had problems sending from Windows environments. You have probably just pinpointed the cause of that. Just a few months too late unfortunately!

    For now I would just hack the core of 0.9 if I were you – it is unlikely to see any more updates. The replacement function in 1.0 should take care of this, although I would appreciate it if you could test 1.0-alpha for the same problem if you have some time.


    In reply to: ETA of bbPress 1.0 ?

    Sam Bauers

    Well, basically I’m not sure how much more time it’s going to take to get things right for the final 1.0 release.

    I could set a date, but then if it wasn’t met there’d be a whole new set of expectations and complaints to manage.

    bbPress 1.0 will be released after the “1.0-rc” (release candidate) versions, which will come after the “1.0-beta” versions which will come after the current “1.0-alpha” versions.

    Basically there is still very new or experimental stuff in the 1.0-alpha releases. Once that newer functionality is tied down we’ll be able to move to 1.0-beta which should only contain cosmetic changes and optimisations. Then once those are complete we’ll move to 1.0-rc, during which we will generally only do bug fixes. Once the bugs are ironed out, we’ll go to a final 1.0 release. Hopefully the minor point releases can be kept to a minimum after that.

    How long is that piece of string? Maybe one maybe two months. It actually depends on people testing more than anyone coding, although if we can get more people contributing patches to core it would be great too.


    In reply to: ETA of bbPress 1.0 ?

    They’re no where near the point where they want to pimp a finalized product. Personally, I’ve seen far too many projects like this fail because they promoted themselves before they were ready. Right now, even though there is a stable version, the whole site is pretty much a big public test. There’s too much going on to be able to guess a date, and based on the past, if you held a gun to my head, I’d make things up. Which is what developers do when our bosses want to know how long it will take to build the next toy for our companies. We don’t know, sometimes. Creativity (and yes, coding is just that) is hard to measure.

    So. It’ll be done when it’s done. Not by years end. Hopefully us posters can help hammer out the big issues to get them to a live 1.0 version sooner, but it’ll take time :)

    Sam Bauers

    So in summary…

    No, bbPress is not slow like GoDaddy says.


    Sam Bauers

    Someone brought this up on the IRC channel the other day. Seems like it’s Windows specific. Please add a ticket in Trac.

    Sam Bauers


    I suspect that user just never visited the bbPress portion of your site.

    There are four ways a user will get their role set in bbPress once the role map is setup:

    1. If they register through bbPress (will also give them a role in WordPress)
    2. If they register through WordPress, then visit bbPress whilst logged in
    3. If they register through WordPress, then logout, then log back in through bbPress at some stage
    4. If they register through WordPress, then an admin re-saves the role mapping in bbPress

    Sam Bauers


    I’ve tracked your “.” prefix issue down. There should be a new version of the plugin available soon to correct this problem.


    In reply to: ETA of bbPress 1.0 ?


    Why not say: “We don’t know, but we’re working hard to develop an EST by next month. But based on the past, we can guess that it will be ready by this date, but who knows, we might run into unexpected delays along the way.”

    Is there politics involved in setting a project finalization date? My suggestion is that if you want to see more people adopting bbpress, you’ll want to be as transparent with your project dates. Am I wrong here?


    GoDaddy is massive and would have thousands of support staff, probably outsourced.

    There is far too much competition in the hosting world to stay with such a provider, find yourself someone better and smaller that actually cares about losing a customer and doesn’t put 1000’s of clients per box.

    My best advise would be to get someone with cpanel because it far easier for the host and far easier for you and makes the account extremely portable between other cpanel hosts. I can literally move an entire account between servers in 1 or 2 minutes flat, all settings, mysql, email, dns, structure, etc. preserved exactly (and you don’t even need to know linux).

    Avoid the really big hosts, avoid the really little hosts.

    If you can afford it, get a VPS so you have much more control but don’t get a small, underpowered VPS which can be worse than shared hosting.

    Do not get a host that uses NFS (networked file storage) like Dreamhost because that makes file intensive programs like WordPress/bbPress slow. GoDaddy probably uses NFS too but I am not positive about that.

    Quick summary:

    1. get a host with cpanel
    2. make sure the host does not use NFS
    3. make sure the host does not run PHP in safemode
    4. only get a VPS if it’s reasonable size/performance,

        as small VPS are worse than quality shared hosting

    added: one more tip for choosing a hosting provider – if they use the word “unlimited” in any of their advertising, find another provider.


    This would be good as a bug report at


    Hey Sam, when registering through WordPress, did you mention that your WP Integration plug-in would adjust the role in bbPress somehow also? I have a new user that registered through WP and while I’m not sure if they’ve ever logged in or not, they do not have a role set in the BBP side. I could manually map them…

    What would help you in this situation? Would you like me to dump the meta data for that user along with their respective user table entry?


    Isn’t this what the role mapping in the bbPress Admin panel WordPress Integration page is for? It should map the existing users as you specify according to their preexisting WordPress roles.


    In reply to: ETA of bbPress 1.0 ?

    It seems like 1.0 has really come along nicely the past month or so, with many frequent bug fixes and trac updates.

    I know I’m new to the bbPress game, but I really do hope and plan to stick around as a beta tester and plug-in developer once I’m totally comfortable with what I figure out from poking around.


    DB Error in bb_insert_topic: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'topic_id' at row 1

    INSERT INTO bb_topics (topic_id,topic_title,topic_slug,topic_poster,topic_poster_name,topic_last_poster,topic_last_poster_name,topic_start_time,topic_time,topic_open,forum_id) VALUES (”,’Your first topic’,’your-first-topic’,’1′,’admin’,’1′,’admin’,’2008-12-16 05:10:50′,’2008-12-16 05:10:50′,’1′,’1′)

    This problem has been around since the previous 1.0 alpha releases. The installation would say that it was successful but it would not create a topic as that error in the last stage would indicate.

    The first forum is created and it says there is 1 post but upon clicking said forum it presents you with a “New Topic in this Forum” form. When you post a new topic, it gives you an error: “This topic has been closed.”

    Apache 2.2.10

    MySQL 5.1.0

    PHP 5.2.6

    Windows Server 2003

    Database Collation: utf8_general_ci


    Yes here is the solution that godaddy gave to me

    After reviewing your inquiry it appears that you were able to connect to our servers in a timely manor. Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns by replying to this email. Our service departments and telephone lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to accommodate your needs anytime.

    To me i don’t see the solution, but only waste my time sending email to the support team. and one more point, how many support stuff godaddy has? 100 stuffs? because anytime i send email to godaddy support i always get reply from different people even the same problem.


    Go Daddy


    I wanted to let everyone know that I work in the Hosting Development department at We are always looking for ways to reach out to our customers and help provide a resolution.


    Alicia R.

    Go Daddy Hosting


    In reply to: ETA of bbPress 1.0 ?


    I wouldn’t count on it soon, but someone else might be able to chime in with a better estimate than “later”.


    You’ve stumbled onto one of the great mysteries of bbPress and WordPress working together: integration. It’s a work in progress.


    _ck_: it is like what u said “Godaddy sucks”. my site is slow not because of hosting but because of ISP. This means all ISP in Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia have problem. anyway, goodbye Godaddy!!!



    SuperCache can easily be used for non-logged in users. I would imagine that most of the traffic to a site is for non-logged in users.

    Just caching that portion of the traffic should SIGNIFICANTLY help performance


    You are unaware of very important concepts like hidden forums that require carefully constructed mysql filters. SuperCache would have to maintain several versions of the same page for different users. By the time it’s all said and done it’s almost easier to regenerate the page.

    Portions of the page that maintain for all or most users can be cached and that will cause a significant speedup. A complex forum will never be able to cache the entire pages for all users.

    I should add that bbpress has a sophisticated object cache that can almost eliminate going back to the mysql database for some sessions.


    This thing about forum is that people have a common misconception that a forum is dynamic … and cannot be cached.

    That’s not the case.

    Entire pages (topics) should be able to be cached and then regenarated when some “adds a comment”.

    So SuperCache, in theory, should work


    That’s news to me – Super Cache will require a little work to behave with bbpress (not too much but some) and then it will only help users who aren’t logged in.

    There may be a way to cache parts of pages though to accelerate things – I already use this to cache the tag clouds and a couple other things.

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