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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • Sam Bauers

    Just remembered, if WordPress is loaded then bbPress relies on the setting of WPLANG in WordPress to determine which language to use.

    This will all probably require some more work.


    Immeldoy, can you upload your theme and send me the link please?

    I want to do the same thing and tried to do everything but I keep failing! I just want to have bbpress inside my word press theme! Is that a hard thing to accomplish?!!! :(


    This happens if you try to delete the only reply on a topic, right, instead of deleting the whole topic?

    Mentioned by someone using Alpha 2:


    I’ve been working with Brad to help resolve this. We’ve finally made some progress.

    1. We needed to use the iis_fix plugin from _ck_. Otherwise, any page other than the first page just gets stuck in a reloading loop. Installing this plugin, as an autoload plugin or manually activated plugin, takes care of that problem.

    2. When the index.php file is renamed to default.php, the site works fine. When it’s left named index.php, the forum comes up as a 404 error for the front page of the forum only. You can access other pages directly, by adding to the URL. But if you try to load or you get a 404 error. If you rename index.php to default.php, loads the front page of the forum just fine.

    GoDaddy serves the DirectoryIndex file in this order:

    So renaming index.php to default.php (or even leaving index.php there and just copying it to a file called default.php) works just fine.

    I also found, with the plugin installed, and this line commented out in index.php, that index.php works fine, and the forums will also load fine when accessed at .

    /* bb_repermalink(); */

    So long as that function is not called in the index.php, index.php works just fine on this server.

    So, here are the questions:

    1. will bbPress work OK without an index.php and just a default.php being the DirectoryIndex file? (it seems to be fine)

    2. can the bb_repermalink(); line be commented out in index.php if the site is not using permalinks? Would commenting it out affect anything else negatively?

    3. What does that function do that would cause the index.php file to come up as a 404 when it’s clearly there? It’s almost like it’s trying to load index.php, index.php says “rewrite the URL to {something else}” then it fails to find index.php.

    Any thoughts? Thanks.


    OK some more info. Background: I’m trying to install bbpress 1.oAlpha4 to integrate with WPMU and BuddyPress, following the instructions from here

    So. I’ve uploaded the bbpress files to I’ve gone there in my browser and started the installation process. Got the bb-config.php created, good. On to WP integration. I’ve clicked yes I want to integrate and yes on cookie integration and here’s where my problems are.

    WordPress “auth” cookie key

    – have that, found in wp-config.php, entered

    WordPress “auth” cookie salt

    -supposed to be the value of auth_salt found on the wp-admin/options.php page but I don’t see anything like it there. (Help?)

    WordPress “secure auth” cookie key

    -found at wp-config.php, entered

    WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt

    -supposed to be found at wp-admin/options.php but its not there. BUT I did find it at wp-config.php. What should I do?

    WordPress “logged in” cookie key

    -found at wp-config.php, entered

    WordPress “logged in” cookie salt

    -supposed to be found at wp-admin/options.php but its not there. BUT I did find it at wp-config.php. What should I do?

    Any and all help appreciated. This is quite frustrating.


    While testing bbPress 1.0 Alpha 4 I am not able to change the name of any topic —I do not know whether this is a known issue or not; the procedure just looks fine, though the title stays the same.

    I’ve just tested this and it’s the same for me.

    Go Daddy

    At Go Daddy, we do not outsource any of our support or customer service staffing. We are looking into the issue further and will be in touch.


    Alicia R.

    Go Daddy Hosting



    You know, I think about this everyday, but between you and me (and everyone else reading) I’m convinced more and more that no one really has any idea how to code XHTML, or what kind of object should rightfully be used to encapsulate content.

    For the first 20 years of the modern web, everything was done in tables. For the last 5 years of the modern web, everything is being done in lists, divs, and paragraphs. Half the time things are marked up as paragraphs even though they aren’t actually blocks of text. The other half things are marked up as lists even though they contain 1 link. (WordPress and bbPress both suffer from this type of issue, specifically in the pagination and previous/next functions.)

    One thing that the Smarty engine does promote, is keeping ALL of the XHTML out of the source code, allowing “template designers” to focus ONLY on the mark-up and then inserting the Smarty tags where the dynamic content belongs.

    I’ve noticed that Automattic products tend to really try to think ahead in terms of a typical layout and what their audiences want, and that’s not a bad idea usually… But when the audience changes their mind and wants to go from UL’s to DL’s, inserting a DT becomes impossible and the function is immediately flawed by design. A Smarty type of engine avoids this all together.

    Smarty is way too big and fat to include in either WP or BBP in my opinion. We’d be better off with a slimmed down version that’s used in CHBB, which I would LOVE to see implemented personally…



    I want to create a forum on my WordPress 2.7 website and I decide to try bbPress, but I don’t know what integration method will be the best and I wonder wheter it is possible at all. I want fully integrated bbPress and WordPress (common header, footer, user database, etc., saying simply bbPress included in a WordPress page). Could you help me? Or maybe should I use an other script like Simple:Press Forum, punBB or phpBB? Thanks in advance.




    In reply to: WordPress required??


    no, you can use only bbpress if you want. WordPress is not required :)



    Hello, I want to use bbPress but I am not using WordPress for my website at all. Do I need to have WordPress installed and setup on my domain for bbPress to work??

    – Cole


    1.0-alpha has the same issue, despite the heroic attempts made to scrub the mail headers. I would have done this sooner but I tend to avoid alphas, especially when I am new to a system.

    Let me try to summarize again, hopefully more clearly, for future readers. The PHP mail() function (in Windows, and without ‘sendmail_from’ being set in php.ini) overloads the meaning of the ‘From:’ header argument to include the SMTP ‘MAIL FROM:’ command value (the one sent over the socket to the SMTP server) in addition to the normal meaning of the header: the email message body ‘From:’ header (the one that most people think of — the one displayed in the headers of messages in your email client that frequently includes a textual name as well as an email address).

    Not only is the nature of this issue obscure (two meanings for seemingly the same header), but it is further muddied by the behaviour of PHP mail() on different platforms (Windows and non-Windows) and within Windows itself (with and without ‘sendmail_from’ being set in php.ini). The obscure and incomplete Note in the PHP mail() documentation does not help matters either.

    So, without either PHP mail() changing (seems unlikely as this issue has existed for years) or without specific knowledge of Windows being added to clients (cough), the solutions are: 1) if PHP is under your control, set the ‘sendmail_from’ variable (server-wide) in php.ini (and it will be used as the value for the SMTP ‘MAIL FROM:’ command), or 2) if the client supports SMTP directly (bbPress does so with a plugin), use it, specifying two values for the ‘From’ header (the SMTP value must be a simple email address such as “” while the other value may include a textual name and an email address, such as “Myself <>”.


    Everyone seems to have their own preference for template engines. I personally really like Smarty as long as the way the script is developed it makes it easy to make changes. It does have pluses and minuses just like everything. But for me the way bbpress is setup I really do not see the need for Smarty. It is already simple and easy to make changes to suit your needs.


    bbSync doesn’t work with the latest version of anything. What version bbPress did you install, and what version WordPress?


    I think for it comes in the form of a plugin. In the 1.0-alpha versions, it’s built in. Look here for a plugin for

    Looking at the compatibility with versions, maybe there is not one for 0.9.x.


    This theme has just been updated and you can get the latest version (v0.2) from here:

    Changes Include:

    1. Moved view list to right side. (idea from _ck_)

    2. Removed background image. Issue with Safari.


    Hi, so I’ve run into a bit of a problem on the installation process. I get through all the steps but then when I press complete the installation if gives me the following error:

    The database failed to install. You may need to replace bbPress with a fresh copy and start again.

    I deleted and then re-uploaded bbPress 3 times and each time I get this result. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong? I’m trying to install it on a subdomain,, and trying to integrate it with WPMU/BuddyPress. Any and all help very much appreciated.



    but it doesn’t take up the job


    You want your WordPress posts to show up as topics in your bbPress forums?

    This sounds like a job for BBSYNC!


    medyz, creo que el problema es como has llamado a la carpeta, no se si te equivocaste al poner este post, o también al nombrar la carpeta, pero es languages, con G, no languajes

    un saludo


    hi all, hi cookye/code Godness.

    I’m a small useless human with many needs,

    greatest one now it is NOT to have blog users sharing login,

    but it’s only and ‘simply’ to ‘automatically’ import IN BBpress

    Wp’s posted articles (even not the old ones)

    Would this new beta help in that,given my WP config (2.7) has not

    1 or more requested ash /salt/pepper/ things?


    If working solution will come up

    I’ll commit to start english class too.


    i am try tu use forums in buddypress

    i am suffering pb in wpmu 2.7 (trunk 1574) and bbpress (1.0 alpha 4) integration both in update or brand new installation.

    wpmu install in root

    bbpress in /forums

    user integration is ok

    log in integration not

    this seems ok :

    You will also have to manually ensure that the following constants are equivalent in WordPress’ and bbPress’ respective config files.

    WordPress (wp-config.php) bbPress (bb-config.php)




    the bb press integration plugin gives me this line to add in wp-config :

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    nothing about cookie domain : is this a pb ?

    i added the cookie salt information looking manually to wp-config because a have an issue somewhere :

    in bbpress/settings/integration it tells that we have to got to the page :


    to get the information about cookie salts

    on this page i have those errors (both on new and update install of wpmu 2.7)

    Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/$$$/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1044

    Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/$$$/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1044

    Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/$$$/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1044

    Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/$$$/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1044

    do not know if there is a link …but is there anyone with an idea about this error ?

    and about a solution for my wpmu+bbpress integration


    While testing bbPress 1.0 Alpha 4 I am not able to change the name of any topic —I do not know whether this is a known issue or not; the procedure just looks fine, though the title stays the same. If this extends beyond me I will go to track.


    Hi Sam! thanks for your answer;

    A my-languages directory would probably be the way to go.

    Well, then bb-config.php needs to have last lines changed :-) ;

    // Change this to localize bbPress.  A corresponding MO file for the
    // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.
    // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BB_LANG to 'de'
    // to enable German language support.
    define('BB_LANG', '');

    I tried a my-languages and a bb-languages folder but no way.

    Can you link to the language files you were trying to use?

    I had an old .mo file stored in my hard drive. I think it was for bbpress 0.7 or a previous version, not sure.


    lol i think im gonna give up on bbpress my admin worked yesterday now it wont lol and i havent even been on my site… LOL this is really annoying BAAAAAH

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