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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #67458

    _ck_ wrote a Super Search plugin that’s much more advanced than the normal search:

    I haven’t tried it out yet but it looks pretty cool!


    I am having a serious problem, when a person registers on WP, they get no role on BBPress and vice versa.

    I have the role mapping set properly.

    What I have different is that BBPress has its own database but gets the user info from the WP database.

    Is this bad? If so, is there a way to move my bbpress database into the WP database?

    Or.. can I just solve this no roles being assigned problem?

    Thanks so much!


    In reply to: language files


    There was a recent discussion about how awful search is:

    There was also an unrelated discussion that became related to search (at and


    In reply to: Using Sticky Post


    Yea I have a similar problem. A sticky in a subforum (not sticky to front) makes the topic disappear from the subforum. It does still show up in the latest discussion on the frontpage. Can’t sticky posts in individual subforums though.


    I use several plugins, all activated:

    BBcode Buttons Toolbar 0.0.8

    BBcode Lite 1.0.3

    BBPress Private Messaging 0.80

    bbPress signatures 0.1.9

    bbPress Smilies 0.0.5

    bb Topic Views 1.6.3

    Bozo Users 1.0

    Google Analitycs 0.1

    Human Test for bbPress 0.8.2

    Instant Password 0.0.4

    New User Notification Email 0.0.2

    Post Count Plus – Dynamic.Titles & More! 1.1.6

    Quote 0.2

    Subscribe to Topic 0.0.1

    Unread Posts 0.9.3


    thanks for the reply Trent.

    Can you just confirm that the user database that I’ve built up in bbPress will crossover to the WPMU? I’m sure I read somewhere that the users needed to come from the WP user table.

    Trent Adams

    WPMU 2.6.5 will have not integrate with bbPress Anything past WP or WPMU 2.5 would need the 1.0 alpha series of bbPress to integrate properly. Of course, the risk is that they are not final versions of software packages. I actually use both WPMU 2.7 beta2 and bbPress 1.0 alpha 4 on a couple installs and works great, but there are always bugs.

    Long story short, it would be safest to just stay with WPMU 2.6.5 and create a “2nd” install of bbPress with another database, (keeping your original one completely intact) and upgrade the “2nd” install to bbPress 1.0 alpha 4. If you find it works and integrates nicely with 2.6.5 for you then great. When WPMU 2.7 comes out it will also need the 1.0 series as well.

    Jim Groom has a wonderful post that is also a good read on the integration side.

    Good luck!



    In reply to: Deactivate New Users

    Trent Adams

    Generally what I do is just edit your template to change the code on register.php to just have the registration page either redirect to your wordpress registration or have a link on it. If you use the default theme, just copy it into /my-templates/ and edit the register.php file of your theme. That seems to be the easiest as it then never shows the bbPress registration form.

    Trent Adams

    This site has the forums run on bbPress and the Blog run with WordPress. The navigation and “look and feel” really is just done through the template that you decide to go with. Best part about bbPress is the templates generally are created with CSS so you can do whatever you want to do. bbPress and WordPress do integrate logins and cookies which is nice, but the design really is not that bad as well.


    I can answer question 2 and say yes it does!


    Please pardon the stupid noob post. I am completely new to this area of technology. I am looking for a solution which will function as a corporate portal/intranet.

    I like the horizontal tabs as featured on this site. My site would have tabs with company news, policies and procedures, links, blog(s), and of course discussion forums. I am also expecting to have flexible layout capabilities…multiple columns, etc.

    With that in mind, I have two questions:

    1. Is the entire site strictly bbpress, or does it also utilize WordPress?

    2. Does bbPress allow for multiple moderators? Our discussion forums will be devoted to various topics, with subject matter experts within the company moderating.

    2. W


    I am going to talk to the regex gurus at work tomorrow and see if some sushi is motivation enough for them. There needs to be a complete conversion from path to normal get parameters.


    Is there a way to deactivate new users but still allow them to sign up through wordpress side? I found that If I create a user on bbpress it doesnt show in wordpress but it will show if a wordpress user is coming to the forums?


    Lighttpd “pro” – thanks but im not, hehe… Anyways it was me on irc the other day, I have bbPress running now, and have made a few changes to the the rewrite rules, I found exactly some errors regarding some urls needing more parameters…

    This is how it looks now:

    I havent been through it all but at least some it works :) (Note this also contains some of the custom rewriting im doing for this install)


    2.7 and

    I had a heck of a time getting the logins to work properly, the issue was that I would get a wordpress_logged_in_* cookie for /forums but never a wordpress_* for /forums

    In the bb-admin wordpress integration I set the forum URL to the wordpress URL and the same in the wp-admin for bbPress integration plugin and it worked.

    Some other changes, I fixed the bb_mail function to use a from envelope for sendmail as the fifth parameter to mail. It should certainly be an install option

    bbPress is light and simple but IMO still has a long way to go. Can’t wait to get my hands dirty with some patches. I will probably do a wp integration template and usernames in quoted text (from the QUOTE extension).

    I migrated from phpBB out of pure spite. Every upgrade on my stock install would break and the fact that it had to be manually patched was ludicrous. As a professional PHP programmer bbPress is much easier to work with and the coding practices are straightforward.


    The problem with these solutions is that none of them work with more than one _GET parameter. Particularly with the QUOTE extension. Also, it wasn’t over clear how a larger forum would handle duplicate subject topics.


    No, I did not want that functionality at all. My post was simply an easy way to integrate an existing wp theme.

    RE PHP4 post earlier, php4 is all but deprecated, its EOL has already passed, tell your host to upgrade!!!!


    I’ve got bbpress installed – and have 850 ish registered users.

    I’ve just installed WP MU 2.6.5

    Can I integrate the two? I’ve read/heard various things about that.

    If not (as I suspect on a purely luck basis), should I wait for WPMU 2.7 to be released (soon I hope), and then BBpress 1.0 final before any integration is attempted?

    And finally, can I do the integration with my users having registered from BBpress and not WPMU? Does the user database crossover work both ways?



    hi winmutt

    did you also implementes the cross posting ?

    I mean post an article in the blog and automatically doubbing it on the forum?



    To include the wordpress theme I simply included the header and footer files into the bbpress themes (deleting the rest of content in there) and then added the login to the header in the wordpress theme using <? if (function_exists(‘bb_login’)) ?>

    You can see this at The only problem I found was that you can’t login from the wp home page. In my case this is perfect as forum administrators are the only ones who can post in WP.


    There was a lighttpd “pro” on the irc channel last week named “rockerdan”

    There are also several threads around here about it:


    I started out with my bbpress database being different from the wordpress database, but sharing the same wp_users.

    But I seem to be having problems where new users on WordPress have no role in BBpress… and I get an error when trying to change their role: function.array-key-exists (same error as here.)

    Is there an easy way to merge the bbpress database with wordpress since they use the same user list anyway? That way I can have the same setup you suggest in this video?


    I have the same setup, running 2.7 and bbpress alpha 4. About half of my users got roles, half didn’t. And we’re talking about 15,000 plus users with no roles!

    When I create a user in WordPress, the user has no role in bbpress and I get the errors above when trying to edit the user with no role. Even after logging in, there is still no role.


    Is there a way I can add the updated files from the latest trunk that you are talking about? I am not technical enough to understand svn.



    The easiest way I found to integrate the themes is to include the header and footer in the respective files from the wordpress theme folder. This can be seen @

    The only real issue I have is that the bbPress login is not available on the front page without adding static HTML. I decided to leave it as is, in my case I only want registered users posting in the forum.


    In reply to: Subforums and Feedback


    Thank you guys so much for the feedback! Are any of you guys available (for hire) to upgrade our bbpress forums? Right now we’re running version — really hope that version 1.0 will be ready to go soon.

    Right now I’d just like to get it to work with version 0.9– thanks!

    Another issue I notice is that a lot of our users don’t scroll down the page to post entries, and usually wind up putting the top category by default.

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